
My time devoted to this project was in part enabled by support from the American Philosophical Society, the Bush Leadership Fellows Program, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation.

Thank you to Michael Meuers for suggesting the title for this book and the lecture series that inspired it and for his leadership in promoting bilingual signage in Bemidji along with Rachelle Houle and Noemi Ayelsworth. Thanks also to Rose Jones, whose advocacy helped make the development of free online Ojibwe resource material a reality. Thank you to those who shared the podium with me for some of the “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know” events, including Donald Day, Benjamin Burgess, Renee Gurneau, Michael Gonzales, and Minnie Oakgrove. I am also deeply indebted to Rose Tainter, Thelma Nayquonabe, Monique Paulson, Lisa LaRonge, Lisa Clemens, Alex Decoteau, Cathy Begay, and Michelle Haskins for assistance with cultural information included in this work. Thank you to Andrew Wickert for fact-checking the section on Clovis. Thanks to Jill Doerfler and David Treuer for feedback on enrollment. Miigwech to Gerald Auginash and Michael Meuers for help with pictures. The text for this book was graced by the fine editorial scrutiny of Cary Miller, Ann Regan, and Shannon Pennefeather, all of whom made it better.

I received lots of support while writing this book and traveling on the lecture series that inspired it. Special thanks to Alfred Bush, Thomas Stillday, Anna Gibbs, Eugene Stillday, Archie Mosay, Dora Ammann, Brooke Ammann, Sean Fahrlander, Keller Paap, Lisa LaRonge, Rick and Penny Kagigebi, Isadore Toulouse, Daniel and Gail Jones, Dennis Jones, Dustin Burnette, Charles Grolla, James Hardy, Adrian Liberty, Henry Flocken, Diane Amour, Donna Beckstrom, David Thorstad, Donovan Sather, Jordyn Flaada, Paul and Betty Day, Donald and Priscilla Day, Benjamin and Tahnee Burgess, Collette Dahlke, Stephanie Hendricks, Thomas Goldtooth, Ted Waukey, Leon Valliere, Linda Wade, Irene Benjamin, Skip and Babette Sandman, Leonard and Mary Moose, Michael and Krysten Sullivan, Michael, Midge, Frank, and Mark Montano, Joan Poor, Dick Hanson, and Nancy Erickson.

I have a large and incredible family that has been my greatest strength in all that I do. I am especially indebted to my parents Robert and Margaret Treuer, my siblings Smith, Paul, Derek, Megan, Micah, and David Treuer, and their spouses. My children have been forced to share me with the rest of the world because of my ceremonial obligations and academic work. Their generosity always amazes me. Thank you to Jordan, Robert, Madeline, Caleb, Isaac, Elias, Evan, Mia, and Luella. My wife, Blair Treuer, really deserves to have her name on the cover of every book I write because she gives so much to the effort. I could never say thank you enough to show my real appreciation.