
In this chapter, we have performed an introduction to deep learning using some popular libraries, including OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Keras. In the first part of the chapter, we looked at an overview of the state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for both image classification and object detection. In the second part, we looked at deep learning modules in OpenCV that provide a DNN library implementing forward pass (inferencing) with deep networks that have been pre-trained by using some popular deep learning frameworks. Therefore, since OpenCV 3.3, pre-trained networks can be used to make a prediction within our application. Later on in this chapter, we had an introduction to TensorFlow, and, finally, we had an introduction to Keras.

In the next chapter, we will have an introduction to both mobile and web computer vision. More specifically, we will see how to create web computer vision as well as web deep learning applications, using OpenCV, Keras, and Flask and learned how to ingrate it with them to provide the web applications machine learning and deep learning capabilities.