Let's quickly review how you can install the required packages:
- Flask: You can install Flask (http://flask.pocoo.org/) with the following command:
$ pip install flask
To check if the installation has been performed correctly, just open a Python shell and try to import the Flask library:
import Flask
- TensorFlow: You can install TensorFlow (https://www.tensorflow.org/install/) with the following command:
$ pip install tensorflow
To check if the installation has been performed correctly, just open a Python shell and try to import the TensorFlow library:
import tensorflow
- Keras: You can install Keras (https://keras.io/) with the following command:
$ pip install keras
To check if the installation has been performed correctly, just open a Python shell and try to import the Keras library:
import keras
- Requests: You can install Requests (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) with the following command:
$ pip install requests
To check if the installation has been performed correctly, just open a Python shell and try to import the requests library:
import requests
- Pillow: In order to install Pillow (https://pypi.org/project/Pillow/), use the following command:
pip install Pillow
To check if the installation has been performed correctly, just open a Python shell and try to import the Pillow library:
import PIL
I would like to mention that the recommended approach is to install packages in virtual environments. See Chapter 1, Setting Up OpenCV, to learn more about creating and managing virtual environments.