In this chapter, we looked at the key concepts related to images. Images constitute rich information that's necessary to build your computer vision projects. OpenCV uses the BGR color format instead of RGB, but some Python packages (for example, Matplotlib) use the latter format. Therefore, we have covered how to convert the image from one color format into the other.
Additionally, we have summarized the main functions and options to work with images:
- To access image properties
- Some OpenCV functions, such as cv2.imread(), cv2.split(), cv2.merge(), cv2.imshow(), cv2.waitKey(), and cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- How to get and set image pixels in both BGR and grayscale images
Finally, we included two notebooks, which let you play with all these concepts. Remember that once you have loaded the notebook, you can run it step by step by pressing Shift + Enter or run the notebook in a single step by clicking on the Cell | Run All menu.
In the next chapter, you will learn how to cope with files and images, which are necessary for building your computer vision applications.