Agapē, agapaō, 82–82
Anathema, 34–36
Antilēmpseis, 50
Apokalypsis, 212
Apostles, 62, 113–17, 120, 122, 124–26, 204, 215
Atonement and healing, 230–31
In the Spirit, 54–60, 78, 182, 184, 207, 209, 222, 223–24
Body of Christ (the church), 53–54, 62–63
and edification of the church, 130–31, 153–54
explanation of the term, 22–24
salvation as a, 51
See also Gifts
Diairesis, diaire, 39
Diakonia, 40–42
Diakrisis, 50
Didaskalos, 117
Discerning of spirits, 50, 156–57
Dispensational interpretation about tongues-speaking, 142–43
Divisions within the church, 20–22, 84–85, 224, 243–45
Ecstasy, 28, 30–33, 36–37, 100–101, 103–6
Edification, 131–34
Elitist attitude, 59–61
Energēma, 40–41
Entolē, 171
Ephesian disciples, 194–96
Eros, 83
Eschatology, 18–19, 72, 92–97, 105, 202, 231
Evangelicals, 221, 223, 238–40
Filling with the Spirit, 182, 186, 209–10
“Full” gospel, 59
explanation of terms, 22–26
historical evidence about gift of tongues, 216–22
New Testament lists of gifts, 44
prophecy and tongues, 129–37
See also Charisma
Gnōrizō, 31
Gnosticism, 36
Grace, 23
Hermēneuō, 104
Holy Spirit, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208–9
Hope, 93–97
Illness, 229–32
Imperfection, 87–92
Inspiration of Scripture, 210–11
Instruction, 176
Intelligibility of tongues, 177, 184
Knowledge, 47, 48, 76–77, 86, 90, 176
Krinō, 123
Lalein, 100
Language, known, 101–6, 131, 141, 148–49, 180
Legō, 106
Logos, 47
Loipos, 156
Love, 130
characteristics of, 78–84
indispensability of, 74–78
permanence of, 84–98
Mainoumai, 150
Manifestations, spiritual, 33–35
Martyrdom, 77
Megaleios, 86
Meizōn, 94
Meros, 87
Miracles, 49–50
Modern charismatic movement, 222, 243
and baptism, 55–56
and contemporary prophecy, 157, 215
and second-blessing theology, 60, 63, 188, 198–99
reflections on, 222–40
and tongues,
Monos, 165
Noncharismatics, 236–40
Order in worship, 152–70
Parousia, 89–92
Pauō, 85
Pentecost, 104, 107, 108, 117, 127, 129, 141, 143–44, 161, 180–83, 193, 195, 196, 197, 201–3
Perfection, 87–92
Potizō, 57
Prayer, 134–35, 159, 221, 244–46
Preaching, 119–20
Prophecy, 28–29, 47, 77, 97, 184
as a sign to unbelievers, 140–52
authoritativeness of, 201–2, 210–16, 218–19
definitions of, 118–29
and perfection, 87–92
and restrictions on women, 158–70
and tongues, 129–37
Prophets, 38, 62, 117, 118–29, 172, 218, 227, 243–45
Psychological analysis of tongues-speaking, 240–42
Receiving the Spirit, 188–97
Reformation tradition about tongues, 207–8
Reformers, 224–25
Revelations, 43, 184, 210–16, 217
Salvation history, 183, 197–206
Samaritan converts, 188–91
Second-blessing theology, 78, 188, 198, 207–10, 233–34
Sēmeion, 149
Signs, tongues as, 148–51, 204
“Signs and wonders” movement, 233–35
Silence of women in church, 159–69
Soma, 56
Symbibazō, 215
Support, gift of, 50–51
Synagogue, 34–35
Teaching of men, 168–69
Teleios, 91
Tongues: of angels, 75–76
cessation of, 85–86, 97, 198, 216
intelligibility of, 131–32, 149
interpretation of, 112–13, 133–34
private use of, 43, 134–36, 187, 206, 221–22
and prophecy, 129–37, 152–58, 158–70
speaking in, 21, 44, 74–78, 90, 99, 100–113, 174–75, 180–82, 205–10, 216–18, 222–23
See also Language, known
See also Revelations
Worship: pagan, 30,
order in Christian, 152–70
Zēloō, 68–74