Home-Cooked Chickpeas
Scant 3 cups (500 g) dried chickpeas, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, peeled, halved lengthwise, and sliced into thin half-moons
8 plump, fresh garlic cloves, halved, green germ removed if present, and crushed
Fine sea salt
Bouquet garni: several fresh parsley sprigs and bay leaves encased in a wire tea infuser or bound in a piece of cheesecloth
1. Place the chickpeas in a large bowl and cover with cold water. Set aside at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. This will help speed up the cooking time.
2. In a large saucepan, combine the oil, onion, garlic, and 1 teaspoon of salt and stir to coat with the oil. Sweat—cook, covered, over low heat—without coloring until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Drain and rinse the soaked chickpeas and add them to the saucepan. Stir to coat them with oil and cook for 1 minute more. Add 1 quart (1 l) cold water and the bouquet garni. Simmer, covered, until the chickpeas are tender, 30 minutes to 2 hours. The cooking time will vary depending upon the freshness of the beans; younger beans will cook more quickly and beans more than a year old will take longer. Taste for seasoning. The beans can be used immediately or frozen, with their cooking liquid, for up to 3 months.