Homemade Vanilla Extract

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration laws require that vanilla extract contain 35 percent alcohol and just under 3 ounces (100g) of vanilla beans per quart (liter). Double- and triple-strength vanilla extracts are also available. Here is my homemade version. You can begin either with untouched vanilla beans or with “leftover” vanilla bean pods from which you have scraped the seeds.

MAKES 1 CUP (250 ML)

       EQUIPMENT: A tall bottle (tall enough to hold the vanilla beans upright) with a lid.

        5 plump, fresh vanilla beans or 5 pods with seeds previously removed

        1 cup (250 ml) vodka

Split the vanilla beans in half lengthwise, to expose the fragrant and flavorful seeds. Place the beans and seeds (or scraped bean pods from which you have previously extracted the seeds) in the bottle. Cover with the vodka to make sure the beans are completely submerged. Secure the lid on the bottle and give it a good shake. Store in a cool, dark place for at least 1 month. Taste the extract: If you want a stronger flavor, allow it to infuse a bit longer. As I use up the extract, I top it off with new vodka or periodically add fresh beans or leftover pods from which I have scraped out the seeds for baking.