Having an army of homemade pantry items can really take your cooking to another level with minimal effort. Infused oils take little time to make, will easily last up to a month or more, and can add uplifting fragrance and flavor notes to a meal just before serving.

Fat is an excellent carrier of flavor. When herbs and spices are soaked or heated in oil or cream or combined with butter, their essential oils combine with the fats, making for heady aromatic condiments to add nuance and complexity to just about any dish. Infused (compound) butters keep amazingly well in the freezer, and add a dramatic touch to any dish from steamed vegetables to all manner of seafood to seared beef. A sprinkle of truffle salt—which also keeps for many months in the freezer, so the aroma of truffles can be enjoyed all year round—can elevate Sunday brunch eggs from ordinary to spectacular.