
It’s three o’clock in the afternoon . . . do you know what you’re having for dinner tonight? If that question sends a wave of panic through your already-harried mind, then this cookbook is for you!

For most of us, the June Cleaver era has ended. No longer do we have time to stay at home all day, keeping our houses spotless and preparing wonderful meals. As a result of the new, hectic lifestyles we face, people are hiring more household help and eating an increasing number of take-out items, fast food, and prefrozen meals.

But take heart! We have developed an easy, economical, and enjoyable alternative to traditional meal preparation. After speaking to hundreds of women and receiving feedback from many of the people presently using our cookbook, we can assure you that this book will help you—whoever you are!

The Don’t Panic method of cooking is being used by

Once you try this method, you will have a hard time returning to the way you used to cook. So grab this book, grab a friend, and embark on a whole new cooking experience! Then next Tuesday at five o’clock, when you’re peering into your refrigerator and there’s nothing for dinner . . . Don’t Panic—Dinner’s in the Freezer!