Oranges and cloves make this a winner
Original recipe yields
4 servings
Cooking day instructions
Combine flour, seasoning salt, paprika, and pepper. Reserve 1 t. of mixture, and coat pork chops with remaining mixture. Heat oil in skillet, then brown the chops. Add the orange juice and cloves to skillet. Cover and simmer for 45–60 minutes or until tender, turning occasionally.
When tender, add the orange slices and cook 5 minutes longer. Remove the chops and orange slices from skillet. Remove cloves and discard them. Blend reserved flour mixture into 2 T. of cold water and pour it slowly into skillet, stirring constantly. Cook until sauce slightly thickens. Put the pork chops and oranges, along with the cooled sauce, into freezer bag. Freeze, using freezer bag method.
Serving day instructions
Thaw completely. Place pork chops in baking dish and pour sauce over them, placing orange slices around dish. Cover baking dish and place it in a 250-degree oven for approximately 40 minutes or until the sauce is bubbly and the chops are warmed through.