AT CORK HARBOUR BOATYARD the next morning, I found that the hull of the yacht had come along nicely during my absence and was ready to accept the new stainless steel fittings I had brought back from London, but nothing else had changed. Finbar still worried over each minute operation; his son, Harry, still did fine work while watching his father’s every move; and Donal O’Donnell was cheerful and friendly, while his twin, Denny, hardly spoke.

“Morning, Willie,” Donal chirped as we gathered our tools and approached the hull. “How was merrie old London?”

“Not bad,” I grinned back at him, “Not bad at all.” And I turned to see what Finbar had in mind for me for the day. Then I stopped in my tracks and willed myself not to turn and stare, instead, remembering what I had seen. A few moments later I allowed myself a quick look and confirmed my memory. The O’Donnell who had spoken so pleasantly to me was wearing a half-buttoned work shirt which exposed an untattooed chest; he was Denny, not Donal.

Denny’s astonishing good cheer persisted through the morning and at lunch. Donal, who often brought his lunch over and sat with me, kept away, lunching with his twin on the quay of the boatyard. I could see Denny jabbering away as they ate, and Donal looking depressed, even angry. I could think of nothing that would make Denny O’Donnell this happy except trouble for me; he seemed a prime suspect for the events of the previous evening.

When I had finished my sandwich I got up and strolled around to the side of the shed nearest the road, where all the cars were parked. There was no Volks among them. Denny and Donal, I knew, drove a newish Ford Escort. I spent the afternoon’s work trying to think of some way I might associate the O’Donnell twins with the ransacking of the cottage. I got nowhere. All I had to go on was the sight of the light green Volkswagen at some distance, containing four men who had been nothing more than shapes in the dusk. I had not seen the number plates.

At the day’s end I left Mark conferring with Finbar, as usual, and got into the Mini-Cooper. I had a grocery list to fill for Annie, and I turned in the opposite direction from my usual route, toward the Cork suburb of Douglas and its supermarket. I had been on the road for less than a minute when I glanced into the rearview mirror and did a double take. A light green Volkswagen was driving forty or fifty yards behind me, keeping pace. Another glance revealed four passengers. The Volks seemed suddenly to speed up, closing the distance between us.

I kept looking into the mirror, my heart pounding, trying to get a look at the occupants of the front seats, then I realized that I didn’t really want to be that close to them. I accelerated. The car kept pace. There were some miles of country road before the village, fairly deserted road. The car began to close on me again, and I pressed the accelerator further. I was doing seventy by now, with images running through my mind of the car overtaking me and a shotgun protruding from the window; then I saw a sight that would ordinarily have given me a jolt at this speed, but that now looked very inviting indeed. A car marked Gardai, Irish for police, was parked alongside the road. I quickly slowed and pulled over a few yards from the two policemen. My impulse was to run to them, pour out my story, and shout something like, “Follow that car!” But Mark didn’t want the police in this. Instead, I got out a roadmap and pored over it for a few seconds, while the Volks drove past, cutting its speed because of the police. I caught a glimpse of the front-seat passenger, a large man with red hair and a beard. He seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place him.

After a moment I pulled back onto the road and continued at a moderate speed until the Gardai were out of sight behind me, then jammed the accelerator to the floor. We were on the outskirts of Douglas, now, and I wanted to find out where the Volks and its passengers were heading. Soon, the car appeared ahead of me, slowing for a four-way stop sign. I pulled up behind it but could see little of the passengers through the small rear window. Then something happened that made me feel very foolish. As I stopped, two other cars drove up to the intersection from other directions. Both were light green Volkswagens.

Mark had been right. The country was full of them, and here I was, overreacting to the sight of just one. The odds against three nearly identical cars approaching the intersection at the same time were probably high, but certainly lower than for any other sort of car. The Volks ahead of me turned right toward Cork. I glanced at the number plate, and after a moment I turned left, toward the supermarket. Part of the plate’s number stuck in my mind; the letters OOP. The three following numbers I forgot.

I was relieved to see lights in the cottage on my return. The place looked warm and inviting. Mark was not home yet, and Annie gave me a hand with the bags and boxes. We stood in the kitchen, unpacking and stowing my purchases.

“Annie, I’m a little worried about Mark.”

“How so?”

“I can’t get the picture out of my mind of him standing there last night, firing that machinegun. He looked … well, a little crazy. Do you think there’s a chance that he might really use that thing on somebody?”

She laughed. “Well, you’re right about one thing; Mark is a little crazy. Anybody who’d live the life he has, who’d be doing what he’s doing now would have to be a little crazy. It’s one of the things I love about him.”

“What about the machinegun, the Ingram?”

“I’m not worried about that because I agree with Mark’s assessment of the situation. I think what we have here is the Irish equivalent of a few of your American rednecks, just like the ones you see at the cinema. People like that are cowards. They’d never even have come to the cottage if they’d thought anybody was here. That’s why they didn’t search the place and find me, cowering in the bathroom. They were in a big hurry to leave their little mark and get out.”

“So you don’t think we’ll have to shoot it out with them.”

She laughed again. I loved the way she laughed. “Oh, no. But there’s something else you have to remember about Mark. He’s had a lot of training in how to deal with violence. Part of an officer’s responsibility is to choose the appropriate degree of response to violence. If Mark ever decided to use that machinegun, you can be sure the circumstances would warrant it. He’s too proud of his competence to let himself go off half-cocked or to overreact to a situation.”

That made sense, and I felt comforted. “Buy you a drink?”

“A small scotch would be lovely.”

We took our drinks into the sitting room, and I lit a fire. We sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa, and gazed into the flames as they grew and spread through the kindling to the oak logs. “Where’d you go?” I asked.

“Oh, out and about. I popped in on Mummy for a bit.”

“Pity I didn’t know you were in London; you could have met my folks. Still, I must have been among the last people you would have wanted to see. I knew you were feeling down, and I’m afraid I wasn’t much help.”

She put a hand on my knee and squeezed it. “Oh, no, no, Willie; there was nothing for you to do. It’s just ….” She hesitated for a long time; I had the impression she was deciding whether to tell me the truth. “I was just a bit fed up, stuck out here all the time. I’m not accustomed to having so little to do. The yacht is Mark’s project—yours and his. I had nothing of my own, and I was feeling a bit useless and cooped up.”

“Useless? You? Don’t you believe it. I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you.”

She looked at me, surprised. “Why, Willie, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” She reached over to kiss me on the cheek as I turned toward her, and the kiss landed on the corner of my mouth. It was a fuller, wetter kiss than a peck on the cheek might have been. “I’m going to have to watch myself around you.”

“You’d better,” I said back, smiling at her, “or I’ll get you.”

“Promises, promises,” she said. We both jumped at the sound of a car door slamming outside. “There’s Mark,” she said, getting up. “He’ll want a drink.” She paused. “Willie?” “Yes?”

“How long has it been since you’ve seen Connie?”

“A week or so. Not since before London.”

She leaned over and scratched the back of my neck with her long nails. “Maybe you’d better give her a call.”