First, on bended knees, I would like to thank the Universe – God. It took many lifetimes orbiting around many planets, in order for our friendship to evolve. Thank you, for being my I AM.

Next, I would like to dedicate this book to every soul, on every planet, surrounding every star.

Thank you, for being my audience.

And I can’t let the moment of this acknowledgment pass without putting on the full armor of God. My greatest desire in life is to bring an end to these senseless wars. I love God completely – mind, body, and soul freely. God is not a convenience. I’m certain that Jesus never passed the collection plate, and if Christ were here today, you would not find Him on television asking you to send money to His ministry. Say “NO” to money for miracles. God’s healing is free of charge.

It is the devil that requires payment.

That is why I pledge my allegiance to God, so, let no “religion” stand between you and God. This is an amazing time to be alive, but because of poor leadership, selfishness, and egos – the whole world has fallen into a recession. One must do his or her due-diligence before voting to elect a political leader. By making an informed decision – you keep the devil at bay. Though some of our religious leaders have good intentions, but as they say – the road to hell was paved with good intentions.

Beware of those who claim to be “the called” of God.

And finally, I want to acknowledge the key people who had hands on involvement on this project. My work would not have been possible without you. I wish to thank, Lori Ann Picou, Juan Smith, Melanie Smith, Jay Coulbourne, and Ivey Robertson whose clarity of vision, spiritual understanding, wisdom, and encouragement is the reason Hunting Christ made its way to bookshelves, when it did, and how it did. You all are Godsend!

Then, I wish to acknowledge our Co-Executive Producer, Mr. Mike Conley. Mike, you’ve been on this project, from the alpha to the omega. You’re a great mentor that is why I run all of my ideas by you first! If there’s a’ll find it, and together we’ll fix it. Thanks for always having the remedy.

To my producing partners, thank you for your unwavering dedication, you guys are the pulse of life that runs through HC’s veins. Thank you for hanging in there. Our stars are now perfectly aligned; our success will come forth from our Divine Inheritance!

To Michael Toppin, you were the first to sign a contract with us, although we never received the funding. I believe that you had good intentions, was looking forward to having you as part of the team.

To all aspiring authors and producers – trust in God! All others, proof of funds, and the verification there of is a must! For this profession – you need an attorney for your attorney, a manager for your manager, and an accountant for your accountant – the literary world, and film industry can be brutal!

To Sue Bray and Tim Snider, you two are the reason why we came back to Bookmasters! Thank you, for having our best interest at heart.

Hunting Christ is now being translated into 14 languages – French, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Bengali, Romanian, and Haitian Creol. Special thank you to all the translators! Hunting Christ is officially going international!

To my wife Betsie, and to Teresa Ramos, and Ivey Robertson, you ladies have been my life-support. Thank you for hanging in there! And to my children, Tiffani, Kenny, Destiny, and Jamie, thank you for being my inspiration. You guys are the reason that I write. Always love God more than you love me. This acknowledgment would be incomplete, without me thanking Sean Robertson, Michael Brown, Bianca Sylvia Smith, Edward Joseph Smith, and Justin Anthony Smith for being a blessing in our lives.

I love you all – “ALL THE WAY TO GOD!”