Chapter Twelve

Jett was gone. Thad sank to the ground in disbelief. A split second and she was gone.

I’ll be back. The words whispered through his mind, but gave little comfort. He worried for her when she wasn’t at his side. Airyon’s display of power showed exactly how much danger she was in. She might be strong, but if Wrath took her by surprise, she might not be able to fight him.

Airyon wouldn’t kill her as he had Zora. He didn’t want Jett dead. Thad wasn’t sure if it was even possible for Airyon, a lesser god, to kill her. But could he keep her captive? That was essentially what he wanted, wasn’t it? To hold Jett against her will and bend her to his bidding. Airyon wanted her power only to double his. He didn’t care for the woman at all.

He was the exact opposite of Thad. Thad cared for Jett’s power only to the extent it protected her. She was the center of all his cares. Not the universe. Not some power struggle. Not death.

To him she was only Jett. A woman. His woman. And he wanted her back.

He glanced at Zora’s lifeless body, understanding fully why Jett had departed. She had something more important to see to. Truth be told, he’d never have tried to dissuade her from it—he would merely have tried to convince her to take him with her. Who knew what she’d face wherever she’d gone? He didn’t want her to face it alone.

Returning Zora’s soul was the top priority right now. He smoothed his hand over her eyelids to close them. Gingerly, he gathered her into his arms to move her somewhere more comfortable—though how much comfort did she truly need? She was dead.

Moving her was something to do, and in the midst of mourning, he needed to activity.

“No!” Bram bellowed. “Give her to me.”

“I was only taking her to the couch.”

“I’ll take her.”

Thad acknowledged he’d be the same way if it were Jett instead of Zora on the floor. Ice plowed through his limbs with unimaginable pain. He wouldn’t survive Jett’s death.

That wasn’t happening. He’d be the one to face Airyon first.

With great care, he transferred Zora into her husband’s arms. Bram sank onto the couch, his wife hugged to his chest. Undisguised despair ravaged his features. Slowly, he took deep breaths as he attempted to control the emotion overtaking him.

He’s stronger than I would be, Thad mused.

“Where did she go?” Bram asked, stroking his thumb over Zora’s chalky-white cheek. Instinctively, Thad knew his friend referred to Jett, not his wife’s soul. He sank into the wing chair opposite Bram, ready to pour out the entire story to distract the man. Wearily, he leaned forward, his arms resting on his legs while his hands dangled between his knees. He looked at them blindly before he met Bram’s tormented eyes.

“I suspect she’s gone to plead for Zora’s return. There’s no other reason she’d leave.” Except to fight Airyon. He prayed that had not been her purpose.

“How can she?” Bram asked.

“She’s a goddess. The one who gave me my powers.”

“And you want to marry her.”

Thad stared at him for a long moment. “It’s that obvious?”

Bram pressed his lips to Zora’s hair, absently smoothing it from her face, before he pierced Thad with a look he’d thought never to see again. “How long have we been friends?”

Thad didn’t answer. His happiness at the silent declaration of reconciliation was dampened by the tragedy between them. He nodded at Zora. “She’ll be okay. Jett will fix this.”

“She has to.”

Thad wasn’t sure if Bram meant Zora had to be all right, or that Jett had to fix the situation. Either way, both statements were true. And the same.

He prayed Airyon didn’t find Jett before she’d completed her task and returned to his side. While he was at it, he added his hope that the god of wrath would implode into cosmic dust.

* * * *

“Nara!” Jett bellowed as she appeared before the veil separating life from death. Before her rose an endless wall of black while equally endless plains of nothingness stretched behind and beside her. A short distance away, Nara, keeper of the veil, rested, surrounded by attendants. She lay on a chaise, one acolyte fanning her while another fed her grapes, and still another massaged her outstretched leg. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of Jett’s anger, and she waved away her men.

“Yes, dear sister? What brings you to my humble domain?” she greeted. “Are you lost?”

“Do not feign ignorance.” Nara’s casual attitude toward her responsibilities and the rules of their positions irked Jett. She would not play games to placate her sister’s childish nature.

Sitting, Nara gave Jett a smug, knowing smile. “Why sister, I do believe you’ve changed.” She tapped her nose. “What could it be? Your hair? No, just as long and uninspired as usual. Your clothes?” She eyed the toga that Jett had automatically donned when she’d transported. “Still as gauche as always.”

“Nara, I do not have time for your amusements—”

“Oh, I know!” She clapped her hands. “You’ve finally given it up.”


“Who’s the lucky guy?”

“You need to return the woman.”

Nara examined her crimson-lacquered nails. “What woman? I have a lot of women come though here.”

“You know the one I mean. You stole her away before I could return her to her body,” Jett grated.

All pretense of playfulness left her sister’s demeanor. She crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed. “Stole? Stole! She was dead, which means; She. Belongs. To. Me. Just like the man belonged to me before you stole him.”

“Neither of them was supposed to die. You know that as well as I do.”

Nara materialized a mirror and examined her intricately braided hair. “Dead is dead. The dead belong to me.”

“Not those who should not be dead.” Jett snatched a scroll from the air. “Zora Wingate. Age twenty-eight. Destined…destined…age at death, ninety-three. She still has sixty-five years left on earth. Give her back.”

“No. You know I am allowed to keep those who come to me by accidental death.”

“This was not an accident. Airyon killed her on purpose. None of those he kills are intended for the veil.”

Nara laughed, setting her mirror aside in mid-air where it disappeared. She reclined back on her chaise while Jett fought the temptation to strangle away her sister’s smug look.

The goddess of the veil pulled another scroll from the air and unrolled it. She tapped a fingernail against her lips while she read the document she rested on her upraised knees, one gold-sandaled foot tapping.

“This could be messy,” she finally commented. “Airyon’s been smiting left and right. By your standards, you could have a host of not-supposed-to-be-dead people returning to their bodies. Who’s going to sort out that mess? I frankly don’t have time.”

“And you are so busy,” Jett interrupted sarcastically.

“Do you think it’s easy to keep souls from trying to return to their loved ones? To keep said loved ones from breaching the veil to contact the ones who’ve passed on. To keep track of everyone who dies…or as you’re trying to convince me, haven’t died.”

“Just give her back. The longer you delay, the harder it will be to reinstate her to her body.”

Nara lifted a shoulder. “I care.”

Jett glared at her. “I will take it before the Higher Power.”

“When? The Festival doesn’t end for over a day. It will be too late by then.”

Jett closed her eyes and took a deep breath before pinning her sister with a glare. Nara had always been self-centered and difficult and this ordeal was no exception. Jett would have to bargain with her sister. A nearly impossible task.

“What do you want?” she asked.

Her sister rose and paced to the wall where a shimmering orb had appeared. Quickly, she pulled it from the air and turned it over in her hands examining it. Satisfied with the spirit’s condition, she opened a rift in the wall with her fingernail, shoved the soul through and magically closed the tear. Turning she regarded Jett, her eyes twinkling while she smirked.

“I could use a new acolyte.”

Nara wanted Thad.

“No,” Jett answered firmly. “He’s mine.”

The Goddess of the Veil laughed. “It’s good to hear you fierce about something. I thought it might never happen.” She spun in a circle. Slowing, she pierced Jett with her sharp perusal. “I want Wrath. Airyon. Right here under my thumb. He’s caused quite enough problems for me, and I’d like to revisit a few on him.”

“Done,” Jett agreed, her promise etched in gold across a scroll that appeared in Nara’s hand. She’d kill him at the first chance, anyway. Why not send him to Nara instead of to Torment? “Give me back the woman.”

“Fine, but I keep the child.”

“What child?”

“The child the woman carried.”

Airyon had taken not one but two lives. Rage built in her core. He would not get away with this. “You must give back the child, too,” she insisted.

Her sister’s eyes softened in understanding. Still she shook her head. “You know I cannot return an unborn infant.”

“I will fully form the child. Give back the soul. I will take care of the rest.”

Nara gave a long-suffering sigh. “Very well. If you do not follow through and give me Airyon, know that I will never cooperate with you again.”

“Airyon is yours.”

“By my trust,” Nara murmured. She flicked her hand and the veil parted. Two golden balls of light emerged, the veil snapping closed behind them. She pointed to the slower shimmering essence. “You. Back to your body.”

Envisioning, Zora and Bram’s vibrations, Jett held out her hands to form the infant. A moment later, a beautiful but completely still child rested in her palms, the perfect dark-haired combination of his mother and father.

“Are you ready?” Nara asked her.


“You know he will have great healing abilities. Powers greater than most mortals can dream.”

Jett nodded. “Such is the way with children who have crossed the veil. I will be his guide.”

“You,” Nara said, pointing at the remaining orb. “Into your body. Live well so that your days might end in Paradise, not Torment.”

The soul leapt into the child, who immediately started squirming, arms and legs flailing. Jett raised him to her shoulder, patting his back.

“Be well, child,” she murmured her own blessing. Holding him tightly, she turned them to vapor and returned to Thad and Bram.

She stood to the side of the room as Bram hugged Zora. His shoulders shook as he pressed his face to her neck. Tears streamed down Zora’s face as she murmured platitudes and endearments.

Thad saw Jett immediately. He leapt to his feet and rushed to her. “You did it,” he breathed. He hugged her, careful of the fragile gift she held in her arms.

“Yes.” It was all she could say as she stared at the joyous couple. The baby squirmed for attention.

“Who’s this little guy?” Thad asked.

“Theirs. You can’t return an unborn child.” Leaving his embrace, she crossed to the couple. “You should go to your home before Airyon returns. It will be safer.”

“Thank you,” Bram said. “Thank you. How can I thank you enough?”

She placed the baby in Zora’s arms. “Raise him well,” she answered. “And name Thad his godfather. The child will have great power. He will need someone to train him.”

They looked down at the baby. “How?” Zora asked.

“You were with child,” Jett replied. “But an unborn child cannot return to the womb. He is yours as he would be had the pregnancy gone full duration.”

Bram stroked his thumb along the baby’s cheek. “Ours,” he murmured. “Oh, Zora.”

Thad pulled Jett toward him so that her back pressed to his chest. “I can’t wait to make our child with you,” he whispered in her ear. “Children, actually. I’d like several.”

She crossed her arms over his, loving the weight of his embrace around her middle. She could imagine her body rounded with his child. The thought made something jump in her middle. Yes, she’d like to have his child.

It saddened her that they’d likely never have the opportunity. Too great a battle lay between now and happiness. Too much responsibility rested on her shoulders.

His tongued swirled along the shell of her ear. “Want to practice tonight?” he asked, his hand dragging along her hip, unnoticed by their guests who were enthralled with their child.

“Always.” she replied. She could forget her earlier irritation, though they would still discuss his role and method in the curse breaking.

She wiggled her bottom against his erection. It was good that it took so little to arouse him. He’d be like granite before she finished with him tonight. Her hand insinuated between their bodies to mold the substantial ridge straining against his trousers. With a content sigh, she scraped her nails over him, before she traced the shape of the head with her thumb.

“Dangerous territory, Jett,” he warned.

She smiled. “I like this kind of danger.” Still, she removed her hand and stepped slightly from him, staying in front of him to mask his evident arousal.

“Please,” she said to Zora and Bram. “You must go. I do not want anything to happen to you. In another day, this will all be over and you will be safe here.”

Bram glanced at Thad while he cradled the child to his shoulder. He seemed completely at ease with fatherhood, though less than five minutes into it.

“Thanks for inviting us into danger,” he said tone full of both amusement and ire. His emotions ran so strong, they flooded through Jett. Joy to have his wife and son. Love. Relief to be reunited with his friend. Anger at the danger, yet excitement, too.

She understood. She’d been overwhelmed with strains of the same emotions since she’d united with Thad.

“He didn’t know. We thought we were safe here,” she continued quickly.

Bram handed the baby to Zora and rose. “What’s the danger?” He looked back to Thad. “How can I help you?”

“You can’t. You saw what he did to Zora.” Thad clasped his comrade’s arm in friendship. “Take your family home. I will visit soon. I have missed you, friend.”

Bram gave a single nod. “And I you.” He made a face. “And I never thought I would.”

Jett crouched beside Zora while the men spoke. “You should nurse him soon,” she said, nodding toward the babe. “Your milk will come quickly, and he will be hungry.”

“I don’t understand how this is possible.” Zora smoothed her child’s downy hair. “After what I went through with Bram, though, anything seems possible. I don’t question much anymore, I just go with it.”

“You mean with the curse?”

“Yes, and breaking the curse. Thad had me naked beneath him, fully believing I was sacrificing myself by having sex with him, all for the benefit of releasing Bram from the curse.”

Jett raised an eyebrow, jealous anger making her words precisely even. All of the ire she’d suppressed came flooding back. “Exactly what was he doing?”

“Besides pressing his cock to my vagina? Bram goes a little crazy whenever he remembers Thad touching me.”

Jett glanced up at where the men still talked, unaware of the female conversation. “That hardly seems like it was necessary.”

“According to Thad, it was completely necessary. I had to prove my love for Bram. Show how far I’d go to save him.”

Thad had a lot of explaining to do.

“But he didn’t actually…” she trailed off and Zora shook her head.

“No, I don’t know how…but, in the end it was all Bram.” She patted Jett’s knee. “He may have pushed the limits, but I don’t believe it was ever his intention to actually have sex with me. It was all a test.”

“Ready to go?” Bram asked. He held out his hand to his wife.

Jett looked up to see both men standing over them. From the look on Thad’s face, she knew he’d heard part of the conversation. If was he was smart, he’d also know he was about three seconds from a smiting. She could see him shuffling explanations in his head while Bram and Zora prepared to leave.

As if she’d believe any of them. How would he feel in Bram’s situation? Did he have any concept of the torment he’d caused?

Anya entered, interrupting her thoughts to announce dinner.

“Please see that the meal is delivered to the Wingate’s home,” Thad told her.

“That’s not necessary,” Zora protested.

“It is. We invited you to dinner and now you must leave. And you have a new baby to care for. It’s the least I can do for you,” Thad assured her.

“Anya,” Jett said, drawing the handmaiden’s attention.

“Yes, goddess?”

“After you’ve seen to the meal, please come to my chamber. I desire your assistance.”

The woman smiled, fully understanding Jett’s meaning from the explanation the goddess had sent to her telepathically. Thankfully, handmaidens were well versed in what the goddess required.

Thad was in for a surprise. Hopefully, he’d learn something from it. She couldn’t allow him to abuse his abilities.

“Shall we go upstairs?” Jett asked as soon as the couple had departed.

Thad nodded warily. Perhaps, she’d been a little too cheerful.

“We need to discuss your curse-breaking methods,” she added.

“What Zora said is true. I never intended to fuck her. I told you before, you’re the only one I’ve wanted.”

“What you want and what you do can be two completely different matters,” she argued. What she was about to do, would prove that without a shadow of a doubt.

As they entered the room, Thad began to unfasten the green gown that she’d donned again when she’d returned from her confrontation with Nara. His hands slipped inside to cup her high, firm breasts.

A knock on the door came almost immediately and he groaned. “Servants…”

“This one is following my order, remember?” she said as she disengaged from him, but not before he gave her nipples a pinch that sent arousal flooding her cleft and regret flooding through the rest of her. She did not like disciplining those pledged to her. She preferred the role she’d taken with Thad the past few days. Unfortunately, submitting to a mortal was problematic for a goddess.

She crossed to let Anya inside.

“What do you need her for?” Thad asked, obviously grumpy from the interruption. Jett smiled serenely. She didn’t answer. Instead, she opened the door.

The handmaiden had changed into a flowing blue robe that tied at the waist. She loosened the tie as she entered.

“What’s this about?” Thad demanded.

“Exactly how far are you willing to go to prove you want me?” She indicated to Anya who let her robe drop. It fell to the floor along with Thad’s jaw.

“She’s here so you can fuck her,” Jett told him. She drew her fingers along Anya’s breast and the handmaiden’s eyes closed slightly. She breathed unevenly as Jett raised her vibration slightly and began to thumb a pert, pink nipple.

She led Anya to the sitting room couch and urged her to sit, reclining slightly against the armrest. Jett disrobed and knelt next to the equally naked woman. Leaning forward, she took a peak into her mouth while she molded the corresponding supple flesh with her other hand. A thrill marched through her at the feel of Anya’s soft flesh pressing against her. It was so different from the feel of Thad’s solid chest. The handmaiden’s soft abdomen cushioned where his hard stomach did not.

Thad sputtered a few feet away. “What is this about, Jett?” he demanded.

She eyed him over the breast she licked, the scent of vanilla filling her senses. Anya moaned, her head dropping back.

“What do you think it’s about?” Jett asked. She moved so that she sat behind Anya, cradling the girl between her legs. The handmaiden’s thighs parted to give Thad an enticing view. It was impossible to miss her arousal, particularly when Jett skimmed her fingertips through the girl’s raven nether curls and parted the creamy flesh there. She made small circles over the maid’s clit while Anya cried out her pleasure. “She’s wants you to touch her, Thad.”

His hands thrust into his pockets as he obviously held himself in check. He backed against the wall. “She doesn’t want me. She never really has.”

“This shouldn’t be so hard, Thad. You’ve fucked her before.”

“That was before you.”

Jett shrugged even though his words burned through her. She wanted to cry for the emotion he roused in her.

Goddesses do not cry, she reminded herself.

“The acolytes and handmaidens exist to fulfill the god’s and goddess’ needs. I required this of her, and she’s ready to fulfill my desire. She wants to fulfill my desire. And she wants you.” Anya’s thoughts opened to her. “She always has, on some level.”

The handmaiden was a highly sexual creature. Excitement reeled through her at the prospect of participating in this activity. It was good. Jett would never force her servant to fuck anyone if she did not desire it.

Thad licked his bottom lip, swallowing hard as he watched her fingers play over Anya’s cleft. His cock pulsed against the fabric straining to contain it.

“Just tell her what you want of her. You have my permission. For this. I won’t smite you,” she continued, hoping her words were true. “I’m giving her to you. What do you want?”

His head tilted as he regarded her. He obviously didn’t quite believe her assurance.

“What are you up to?”

She smiled. “What do you want?”

“I want you to kneel before me and take me into your mouth.”

“No. This is between you and Anya. What do you want from her?”

He stared at the handmaiden, his eyes slightly glazed. A flash of disappointment shook Jett, but didn’t sidetrack her resolve. He was a mortal male after all. What did she expect? That he wouldn’t be aroused by a naked woman writhing with pleasure? She’d chosen her course of action. She had to go through with the punishment.

Why did she feel more punished?

“Jett, don’t…” he pleaded.

At Jett’s silent command, Anya was off the couch before Thad finished speaking. Kneeling naked at his feet, she worked the button at the mouth of his jeans, slowly lowering the zipper. His cock burst out of his slightly lowered pants. Anya quickly caught him in her small hand. Her fingers didn’t meet as she pulled them up from root to head of his staff.

Jett’s thighs quivered and dropped farther apart as she remembered how well he filled and stretched her. How she wished she could send Anya away and let him possess her again. Pain built in her middle, as her over-aroused body demanded him.

She couldn’t. Hoping to relieve some of the tension screaming within her, she skimmed her fingers over her belly to splay them over her weeping cleft. Her breath wobbled from her. She needed to fuck him. She wasn’t cut out to administer this sort of punishment. She could barely withstand seeing the other woman touch him.

Through half-lidded eyes, she watched Anya take him deep in her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she milked him with her lips. She bobbed, working forward and back on his member. A strangled groan wrenched from Thad. His eyes closed at the pleasure he experienced, his hand cupping the back of Anya’s head. His other palm flattened on the wall. Jett lashed it there with an energy band much like he had captured her earlier. With her mind, she gently moved his other hand to a similar position. A band circled it and his middle, holding him securely to the wall.

Thad’s eyes flew open. “What are you doing?” he demanded.

She slipped a finger inside her folds, arching, a sigh parting her lips. “What does it look like?” she asked.

“Let me go so I can touch you.”

She shook her head though she wanted to do as he wished. “Enjoy Anya.”

The maid ran her hands over his legs and torso. She temporarily abandoned his cock to push away his pants then pulled his shirt from him, aided by Jett’s magic. Her nails dragged over his small nipples, raking down to the thin trail of hair that led to his manhood. He grunted when she sucked him into her mouth again, his hips thrusting forward.

His lips parted slightly, his hips working his shaft in and out of Anya’s mouth. Jett waited until he was fully engrossed before she continued his punishment.

“Come for her,” she whispered to Thad. “Prove how devoted you are to me by coming. Do you want to fuck her?” she asked. “Do you want to bury yourself deep inside her?”

Thad’s head rocked back and forth against the wall as he was torn between his pleasure and her words. “Only you,” he rasped. “Release me and I’ll prove it.”

“But that’s not what I asked you to prove. You must prove your devotion to me to break the bands holding you.” Now, he knew what Zora must have felt.

Holding his gaze, she spread her arousal along her folds, then brought her fingers to her lips, licking them off. Desire burned in Thad’s eyes. Desire that had nothing to do with the handmaiden sucking him. His fingers flexed. He wanted her.

Good. She watched him as the door opened and the other nude servant she’d beckoned entered the room. Gregor didn’t pause as he crossed directly to Jett.

“No,” Thad bellowed. And now, he understood Bram’s pain. It was untenable what Thad had done to Bram to break the curse. It was her duty as his goddess to show him exactly why.

Gregor knelt between her thighs spreading them farther apart. His fingers dug into her legs as he held her captive. He pulled her forward so that she rested at the very edge of the cushions, her legs draped over his arms as he clasped her ass.

“No! Get away from her!” Thad bellowed.

Ignoring his command, the acolyte pressed his mouth to her mound, lapping her arousal. His lips wrapped her clit, nipping at it, dragging her close to climax. The sweetest agony rocked through Jett, her hips lifting from the couch as he stabbed his tongue into her.

“Jett, no,” Thad begged. Through a haze of pleasure, she watched his face contort. He barely seemed to notice Anya still licking his member as his hips moved unconsciously against her. Anya gripped his thighs as she pressed in. The energy of her aching desire threaded around Jett, lifting the goddess to new heights of pleasure.

“She wants you to take her,” Jett moaned as Gregor worked her closer to orgasm. Her inner muscles pawed at his tongue and fingers, wanting more. Anxiously, she slid her hands over her torso, lifting her breasts in her palms. Her nipples were like small marbles rolled beneath her fingers.

“Do you desire me enough to fuck her?” she gasped around the tremors raking her cleft.

“Make him leave,” he demanded.

Gregor rose over her, replacing her hands on her breasts with his. He nuzzled her neck, while his body wedged between her legs. The weight of his substantial cock pressed over her pussy.

“He seems quite agitated, goddess.”

“Shut up,” she whispered, taking his mouth. She thrust her tongue against his as she writhed beneath his hands, wishing he could be Thad. Wishing it was her warlock who held her pinned to the couch. Despite the carnal pleasure Gregor roused in her, she never wanted to do this again.

In her mind’s eye, she saw Anya rise and try to kiss Thad, but he turned his face away, staring at Jett. He had a stronger hold over himself than she’d imagined. His chest heaved with the battle he fought.

Before her was not a man humbled by his punishment and brought to his knees by the knowledge of the wrong he’d done. Anger turned his features to stone as his determined stare pinned her full of fury and possession.

“Anya, come to us,” Jett commanded. “You may join us if he will not show you proper attention.”

The handmaiden rushed to Jett’s side. While Gregor kissed a fiery path between Jett’s breasts, she pulled Anya toward her mouth.

“You’ve done well,” she said quietly. “You’ll have fun with Gregor later.”

The girl gave her an impish grin. Jett trailed her fingers over the maid’s stomach to work them into the woman’s drenched folds. Anya thrust against her hand.

“Yes, goddess,” she moaned, then pressed her lips to Jett’s. Jett sucked her sweet tongue into her mouth, arching into the four hands that stroked over her, caressing, pinching, delving, molding. This was the life on which Nara regularly expounded. Empty pleasure filled her only to gouge away a section of her soul. She could take all the two offered, yet not be whole without the one who truly filled her.

Jett pressed on to remember her main purpose as sensations washed over her pushing her toward a heart-fracturing climax. Oh. Yes…Thad…His punishment.

She released the energy bands that held him to the wall. He stumbled for a moment before darting toward them. Immediately, he crashed into the invisible wall she’d erected. She almost felt guilty as he was shoved backward by the energy. Almost. Anger at what he’d done to Zora and Bram still licked at her. Carefully, she sorted jealousy from punishment. Jealousy could only shred them both.

Gregor dipped his tongue into her navel and nipped her belly. Anya’s small passage convulsed around her fingers as she cried climax into Jett’s mouth. Jett continued thrusting into the damp heat, willing the orgasm to continue. Anya bowed under the magical enhancement.

“Oh goddess, oh goddess!” she cried as Jett pulled her mouth away. Gregor moved up Jett’s body pressing his cock into her mouth. She sucked eagerly, glad he was a bit smaller than Thad as he thrust enthusiastically into her mouth. He captured Anya’s breast in his mouth, transforming them into a writhing three-headed beast.

Thad clawed at the wall. Jett feigned ignoring him as she milked Gregor’s wide cock, using a little more magic to enhance the man’s pleasure and make it possible for him to become hard again as soon as he came. And he would come.

Her tongue pressed the vein on the underside of his arousal as she worked up and down him, alternately molding him with her tongue and raking him lightly with her teeth. His fingers speared into her hair, fisting as he drove deep to her throat.

“Jett, no!” Thad begged, his hands pummeling the invisible wall. “I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

At the moment, she believed he’d say whatever was necessary to get her to stop. Anya screamed as she sank into another orgasm, her nails scrapping Jett’s belly as she flew out of control. Jett added extra pressure to Gregor’s cock to send him to flight with Anya. Immediately, he cried out, exploding down her throat in gelatinous pulsing spurts.

She swallowed convulsively, trying to take it all. He pulled from her lips, softened for a moment before he swelled once again.

* * * *

“No,” Thad moaned.

He pressed to the wall, watching Jett give and receive pleasure, dreading the moment Gregor would leave her mouth and shove into her cunt. Thad swore. His. She was his. The servant would take what belonged to Thad, piercing his soul for all eternity.

Despair filled him as desperation clawed down his spine. Jett was his and he couldn’t breach the wall she’d erected. He had to get to her. He had to make her stop. This is what he’d done to Bram. He was sorry, oh gods, he was sorry. He hadn’t realized what it was like to have the woman he loved ready to take another man into her supple, welcoming body.

Just three feet from him, Gregor pulled from Jett’s mouth and moved between her thighs, completely hard, though he’d just come. His arousal prodded at her opening, seeking to entrance.

“No!” Thad thundered, panic slamming him as he threw his body against the wall. The acolyte and handmaiden disappeared as he shoved through, coming down on Jett like a man possessed. He didn’t give her time to react as he dragged up her hips and plowed into her drenched channel, pistoning hard without giving her time to adjust.

“Mine!” he bellowed out of control.

He’d lost any finesse, any façade of gentleness, as he raged over her, storming her fortresses, a man gone mad. His stronghold had been threatened and now he reassured himself it remained his.

Her inner muscles clawed at him as he drove forward, and she shattered in his arms. He bent over her, sheltering her body, claiming her mouth as glass exploded around them and climax after climax racked her body, bowing her beneath him. She trembled out of control while she sobbed his name.

“Mine!” he cried, a mantra of possession as he kept moving, too far gone to slow now. His release tore across his body, seeming to rip his groin in two with its violence as he came.

He continued to pump forward, his life draining into Jett as he finally slowed. He buried his face in her throat as they both calmed.

“Don’t ever do that again,” he grated as his soft member pulled from her slack body. She hugged him close. Softly, she stroked his damp hair and made light trails down his back with her fingertips.

“I never wanted it to be anyone but you,” she replied.

He raised up on his elbows, and his emotions still far from controlled.

“Promise me, Jett. Don’t let another touch you. Man or woman.”

“Unless you’re there to control their minds? Or it suits your purpose?” she asked her brow raising. He wanted to throttle her or fuck her until she couldn’t think. She had no right to punish him. She had even less right to let another touch her. She belonged to him. Didn’t she get that?

The anger seething through him wouldn’t easily recede. Scowling, he climbed to his feet, shoving back a groan at her flushed, sweat-covered body sprawled on the couch. Faint bruises showed on her hips where he’d held her too tightly. He closed his eyes to shut out the vision. He had to get away and clear his head before he surrendered to his emotions and pounded into her again.

On resistant legs, he turned away. He might as well shunt his aggression toward Airyon. The way he felt right now, he’d incinerate the god.

Behind him, he heard Jett sit as he yanked on his pants, but he refused to look at her.

“Where are you going?” she called after him.

“My office. I have work to do,” he bit out.


“Get some sleep. I’ll be back soon.” He opened the door, turning for a moment when an afterthought shot through him. “And stay the hell away from the servants.”