Cbow: TF?
Totallyfkd: Here. What up?
Cbow: It’s Friday. Duh.
Totallyfkd: Shit!
Cbow: I know.
Totallyfkd: What’s the plan?
Cbow: He’s meeting me at the end of the service driveway at eight. That’s less than three hours from now.
Totallyfkd: Service driveway? How rich are you?
Cbow: You don’t want to know. As if it mattered anyway.
Totallyfkd: True. So three hours! Are you freaking?
Cbow: Totally.
Totallyfkd: Where will you go?
Cbow: His house.
Totallyfkd: Parents out?
Cbow: Yep. Mine, too.
Totallyfkd: Weren’t you supposed to do something with them?
Cbow: I’m just not going to go. I’ll use the accident if I have to, make a scene. Whatever. I’m just not going and they can’t make me. My dad will back me up.
Totallyfkd: Good old pop.
Cbow: Yeah.
Totallyfkd: So . . . can I be a bitch again and ask if you’re sure?
Cbow: No. I’m going. I know you want to help, but my guy isn’t your guy. Does that sound harsh? I’m sorry if it does, but my guy’s been really sweet.
Totallyfkd: OK.
Cbow: OK? That’s it? No lecture?
Totallyfkd: Nope. The thing is, I knew in my gut that it wasn’t right. I just knew. DH might be different. Sounds like he’s into you.
Cbow: Fuck you, now I am confused!
Totallyfkd: Why?
Cbow: What is a boyfriend anyway? I think I had one last year, but it was so lame. It never made me feel like this. Not once, even when we were doing shit. I don’t want to lie and say my new guy is like sending me flowers and calling every day, and sometimes he still walks past me. He did it today, but then he turned and smiled.
Totallyfkd: God, cbow, I know what you’re feeling. You’re describing me a few months ago. And now he’s chasing after some girl for some social climbing bullshit. He has no soul, and I swear to you, if he knocked on my door, I’d probably let him in.
Cbow: Don’t say that! After what he did! I don’t believe you. You’re going to college. Get over this prick! I command you . . .
Totallyfkd: Easy to say, harder to do. It’s unbelievable. His parents want to get into some fucking country club to save their reputation. Everyone thinks they’re secretly broke so this prick is all over their daughter.
Cbow: You think his parents told him to do it?
Totallyfkd: No. I think he just knows. Like some slimy little scavenger.
Cbow: A slimy scavenger you would open your door for?
Totallyfkd: Pathetic. I suck. So do you need any advice? Are you “prepared”?
Cbow: He said he would be, or at least he hinted. How could he not? Duh.
Totallyfkd: Well, believe me—it happens. Make sure. Write first thing when you get home. Please. I’ll be waiting.
Cbow: I’ll try. Hey, it just started to snow. Are you freezing your ass off like me?
Totallyfkd: Gotta go—late! Promise you’ll write first thing.
Cbow: Promise.
Totallyfkd: OK. Good luck. XO.
Cbow: Thanks. Good bye. XO.