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Frustrations and regrets
April 1899
The following month, much to Gwenna’s surprise, Elias decided to accompany Hugh on his rounds to the Franklin area. They had stock to deliver to regular buyers, as well as seek out new customers. Most times Elias serviced the local shops, leaving Hugh to do the travelling further afield. Nevertheless, every month Elias ended up in a state of indecision. Was Hugh doing the job well enough? Should he go instead and leave Hugh behind to replenish the stock? But he didn’t trust Hugh enough to leave him on his own. Round and round, Bethan and Gwenna had heard these arguments, but they did not dare express an opinion.
“Whatever you decide is best, Elias,” said his mother.
“Yeah, I’ll go this time. We’ll get it done in half the time and I might get a few new clients. We could do with some. The local market’s gettin’ too crowded.”
Elias had a number of fixed ideas on why he was having problems. First, there was that vulgar American company, the Chicago Sugar Boilers, with shops at either end of Karangahape Road.
“ ‘ ... due to unprecedented success’, it said in their advertisement,” Elias spluttered. “I’d like a bit of that ‘unprecedented success’ to come my way.” He got to his feet and paced the floor, rubbing his hands through his hair. “Even Smeeton’s boasts a confectionery section in his grocery store these days, never mind that the Chicago crowd is right next door to them. They’ve started demonstrating how to make sweets in the shop window too, giving away all the trade secrets. It’s not right, I tell ya. Not right at all.”
And second, according to Elias, their slump was all to do with the long-lasting after-effects of the 1886 stock market crash.
Gwenna had little knowledge of the crash or the Shop Hours Bill passed in 1894, except it had forced a half-day closing for all shops except pharmacists, confectioners and eating houses.
“Surely that must be better for us?” said Bethan. “If confectioners are one of the few shops open, won’t they sell more goods and need more supplies? We sell medicinal lozenges and sweets for those who just want lollies for their own sake. Won’t we benefit both ways?”
Elias grunted. Although many shops had begun selling confectionery to get around the law, his order base had not increased to match. Competition was fierce among the nearly six hundred sugar boilers and retail outlets in the city.
“Stick to what you’re told, old woman, and leave me to manage the trade,” said Elias, dismissing his mother with a wave of his hand.
Gwenna wished he would manage the business – and properly. Of late, she’d often thought to remind him of all the plans her father once had. If only Elias would listen.
Pa had built up a healthy manufacturing and distribution trade in the six years between their arrival in Auckland in 1891 and his death two years ago. In that time, her father’s ideas had grown larger, and he’d developed plans to expand and open a retail shop.
In readiness, he had leased their large, two-storey house with its courtyard and stable for the horse and wagon, and he’d enclosed the lean-to at the back. There, he built a working kitchen where they could process larger batches of sugar, and where a young Tillie and an even younger Gwenna had refined their skills.
But Pa’s plans never came to fruition. Too many drenchings while making the deliveries and too many long, hard hours with a recalcitrant Elias and an inexperienced Samuel had drained his strength. A cold, wet winter took its toll and Pa’s dreams died with him.
Since then, Elias had chased Samuel away, irritated enough customers that they were losing sales, and split the family. Gwenna hoped he wouldn’t lose the roof over their heads as well.
“Now, listen to me Gwenna. I want no nonsense while I’m away. No gadding off to the stores, ya hear? She can do all that.” He pointed at Bethan. “You’re to double the stock levels by the time I get back so I can do the local shops.”
He pulled a list from his pocket: peppermint drops, Irish moss, barley sugar, aniseed balls, butterscotch, gumballs, humbugs and bullseyes, as well as toffees, jellies and caramels, and so it went on. Gwenna nodded and took the piece of paper – she was going to be busy if she was to fill those quantities – but resisted the urge to say anything.
A small tingle of anticipation flared. With Elias away, Gwenna could see more of Johnno, and she and Tillie could get together. Maybe she could also arrange for Louisa and Janetta to visit their mother.
Bethan prepared a basket of food while Gwenna helped with the loading and soon after, the wagon was ready to leave. They watched Hugh ease the horse and wagon around the turn at the end of the street until he was out of sight.
Gwenna whipped off her apron and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders.
“Are you going to see Tillie so soon? Don’t go yet, Gwenna bach. He might turn around to check on you.”
“Not with Hugh driving, he won’t. Stop worrying, Mam. I’ll be all right, you’ll see. And I might have good news when I get back.” Gwenna stooped to kiss the work-weary cheek. Within minutes she was knocking at Tillie’s door.
Tillie’s husband Tom worked in the men’s department at the impressive new store of Smith & Caughey near the corner of Queen and Wellesley streets. The pair were a perfect match. Tom was a bright, cheery person who could sell coal to a coal miner if he wanted to, while Tillie was good-natured and a skilled needlewoman. She did piecework for Smith & Caughey, making handkerchiefs, cravats and shirts, and any other items they needed. The tailors, of course, made the suits. Tillie was happy with her lot, even if sometimes she wished she could make pretty things for the ladies, but those tasks went to the professional dressmakers.
“Gwenna, how wonderful!” exclaimed Tillie as she opened the door and hugged her sister. “But what are you doing here?”
“Elias is out of town for a few days. We need a family chat, Till. Bethan is in a poor way. Elias makes her life miserable and I fear for Charlie. Elias could turn on him any day.”
Hand in hand, Tillie led the way through to the kitchen at the back. The sweet, warm smell of baking stirred Gwenna’s taste buds – one of Tillie’s other skills was making fudge.
“And what about your life? He’s harder on you.”
“But I’m strong enough to take it. She isn’t,” insisted Gwenna.
“Hmm. Maybe. But I’m not so convinced after his last attack. Your face is getting better and the bruise is fading at last, but you were lucky he didn’t break your nose.”
“I’m all right,” said Gwenna, chewing the side of her fingernail, dismissing her sister’s concern. “It’s Mam and Charlie we have to worry about.”
“But what can we do?”
“I’m wondering if Louisa or Janie could consider taking Mam and Charlie to live with them ...”
The kettle whistled, Tillie made tea and laid slices of fudge on a plate, and for a few minutes the two sisters chatted about the latest news and gossip as if there were no problems in the whole world.
Before long, they began to talk about the family.
Charlie was now attending the Beresford Street School. He had proved to be a quick learner when he was well enough to go, but he couldn’t even raise his head when the coughing fits took him, and winter was yet to come. On those days, Bethan fretted over him, which only served to annoy Elias and make his temper worse. Neither was Tillie surprised to learn trade was not going as well as Elias wanted, since he was always so disagreeable.
“Janie couldn’t take Mam. She’s pregnant again,” said Tillie. “I don’t know how they’re going to manage when the baby comes. Let’s hope Mr Lewis gets a promotion or an increase in his pay and they can find a house of their own instead of living in lodgings.”
“Of course. Silly me, always wishing too hard for a way out.”
Gwenna bit into her second piece of fudge and closed her eyes as she let it melt on her tongue. “This is gorgeous. How do you get it so smooth?”
“Practice. As you well know. We both have the knack.” Tillie sipped her tea. “Louisa might consider taking her, but not yet. They can’t while they’re living with his parents; however, she says they plan moving to a house of their own sometime in the New Year.”
She agreed to talk with Louisa and get both her and Janie to visit their mother before Elias and Hugh got back.
“It would be wonderful if we could all be together again just for a little while,” said Gwenna, fiddling with the empty plate, turning it round and round. “Pa had such dreams. We have to do something to save his dreams, Tillie. We have to.”