I had no idea what to give Yoshi for his birthday. He’s the boy who has everything, especially since his uncle Albert sends him great presents all the time, even when it’s not his birthday.
The next day after breakfast I went shopping. I searched high and low.
Then I saw it: THE WESTERN BEAD BELT SALE. I hit the brakes.
Almost everyone from Pueblo del Mar had lined up around the block. They all wanted western bead belts.
By the time my hat and I had squeezed through the door, the belts were all gone! The cashier apologized. “They’ve been selling like hotcakes.”
I was heartbroken. A western bead belt would have been the perfect gift.
Just then an angry man stormed into the store.
“This belt doesn’t fit me!”
He held up the most beautiful western bead belt I had ever seen.
Size small.
After the cashier promised to special-order a different size for him, the man calmed down. He left the beautiful belt by the register.
It was just Yoshi’s size.