I skipped down the stairs to Yoshi’s party, watching out for the torn carpet. Marvin had been invited too, and he ran ahead of me.
Marvin saw Tonya and headed straight for her lap. Tonya jumped up. “I’m allergic to cats.”
Yoshi thanked me for the bucketcake. “I like your new belt!” he added.
Then Tonya said, “But it looks like a boys’ belt.”
I was so late that Yoshi had already opened all his presents. Hunter was throwing the baseball he’d given Yoshi up and down. “Think fast, Mimi!” He threw the ball at me, and it knocked my sombrero off.
“I’m still not used to your new haircut, Mimi,” said Tonya.
She handed me a party hat, but I decided to stick with my sombrero.
Yoshi’s uncle Albert had sent takeout containers of candy sushi for everyone. And after we ate the candy, we could each take home a pair of the colored chopsticks.
As I looked around for my candy sushi, I saw a boy I didn’t know.
He had a pair of yellow chopsticks in his right hand and a pair of purple chopsticks in his left hand. There were two takeout containers in front of him.
The boy was eating candy from both containers.