
Green Bubble Gum

Ms. Marzipan had recess duty. We kept our distance.

Boris sat over on the slide by himself eating chips. I wasn’t going to say anything bad about him; I wasn’t, I wasn’t, I wasn’t, I wasn’t.

Then I heard my own voice say, “Have you ever noticed how Boris smells like a submarine sandwich?”

“That’s a good smell, isn’t it?” asked Yoshi.

I couldn’t stop. “Have you ever noticed how Boris always has crumbs on his shirt?”

“Oh, Mimi!” said Tonya. “I meant to tell you yesterday. You have a big wad of green bubble gum on the back of your sombrero.”

That did it. I knew exactly whose gum it was. I marched over to Boris. He looked up and smiled.

“Boris, did you stick your gum on my sombrero?”


“Yes. When Mr. Dayberry came back to help me with my math yesterday. He thinks gum should be outlawed. I was going to pull it back off and finish chewing it, but you got up and left.”

I yanked the bubble gum off my sombrero and stomped on it. When I tried to walk away, my shoe stuck to the sidewalk.