

We had Thanksgiving at Tonya’s.

There were only six of us—but it seemed like thirty-six with all the mirrors in the room.

“Let’s eat!” said Boris.

“First we’ll go around the table, and each of us will say one thing we’re thankful for,” said Tonya.

Everyone slouched. But it was Thanksgiving, and we knew that’s what we were supposed to do.

Tonya looked at Yoshi. “I’m thankful for my books,” he said.

“Oh, can you read now?” asked Tonya.

Yoshi’s face turned red. “Not yet.”

“I’m thankful for baseball!” said Hunter, tossing a ball up in the air. It ricocheted off Tonya’s mirror ball and landed in the cranberry sauce.

“Not at the table!” Tonya screamed. Then she clapped her hands. “Sofie, wake up!”


Sofie blinked. “I’m sorry. I had my ballet recital last night and—”

“But what are you thankful for?”

“I’m thankful for my horse. And my unicorn.”

“There isn’t any such thing as a unicorn,” said Tonya.

“I’m thankful for Marvin,” I said.

Tonya sneezed.

“I’m thankful for mashed potatoes,” said Boris. “Can we eat now?”

“May I first mention something I’m thankful for?” asked Tonya.

We all sat up straight. Who knew what would come out of Tonya’s mouth next?

“I’m thankful to be surrounded by my friends,” she said.

No one said anything.

“That’s you all,” Tonya explained.

We relaxed.

“Let’s eat!” repeated Boris.