

When all the other kids had gone for the day, I dragged myself up to Mr. Dayberry’s desk. I held my lunch box behind my back and looked down at Mr. Dayberry’s loafers.

At first I couldn’t say anything. Cheerio leaped off his rat wheel and stuck his nose through the wire cage. I could feel his bright eyes watching me. The room was quiet.

“I’m listening,” said Mr. Dayberry.

I opened my lunch box.

I pointed to the Advent calendar and started to cry. “It was an accident, Mr. Dayberry.”


Mr. Dayberry shook his head. He looked me in the eye. “What should we do, Mimi?”

“I’ll put them back right now. Is there any way we can just start all over tomorrow? We could have December first in the morning and December second in the afternoon. And maybe Boris could open the door for December second?”