Synonyms and doubtful species are printed in italics.
o cornuta, 165.
o minuta, 160.
o parasita, 163.
o squalicola, 170.
o tubulosa, 169.
o crassa, 107.
o dentata, 73.
o elongata, 374.
o engonata, 73.
o hirsuta, 203.
o lævis, 73, 77.
o oceanica, 92.
o obliqua, 264.
o parasita, 163.
o quadrivalvis, 203.
o sessilis, 81.
o spinosa, 324.
o striata, 81, 86.
o substriata, 77.
o sulcata, 86.
o tricolor, 77.
o truncata, 361.
o univalvis, 163.
o villosa, 367.
o vitrea, 92.
o in the Lepadidæ, table of measurements, 286.
o of Ibla Cumingii, 191.
o of Lepas australis, 15.
o of Scalpellum vulgare, 237.
o in larva, 19.
o filamentary, 38.
o of Scalpellum vulgare, 226.
o of Pollicipes polymerus, 310.
o aurita, 141.
o virgatum, 146.
o Rhodiopus, 363.
o Homii, 274.
o mitella, 316.
o in larva, 19.
o in a straight row, in Scalpellum vulgare, 226.
o in Pollicipes polymerus, 310.
o in the larva, 20.
o bicolor, 146.
o Cranchii, 146.
o chelonophilus, 146, 151.
o megalepas, 146.
o membranacea, 146.
o Montagui, 146.
o Olfersii, 146, 152.
o Rissoanus, 146.
o vittatus, 146.
o of young Cirripede, 22.
o sub-families of, 2.
o useful as food, 66.
o aurita, 141.
o Hunteri, 153.
o leporinum, 141.
o virgata, 146.
o Valentiana, 371.
o on the Cirripedes of the Philippine Archipelago, 65.
o on Balanus psittacus, 66.
o on the antennæ of larval Cirripedes, 15, 26.
o Grayii, 123.
o Lowei, 128.
o orthogonia, 130.
o pellucida, 125.
o Warwickii, 120.
o fascicularis, 92.
o of the larval eyes, 24.
o of the larval integuments, 20.
o of the membrane of peduncle in Lithotrya, 336.
o of the larva, first stage, 10.
o last stage, 16, 24.
o on the ovigerous lamellæ, 60.
o on the supposed male of Balanus, 55.
o on the metamorphosis of Cirripedes, 9.
o on the inequality of the valves in Pæcilasma, 101, 103.
o on an unknown 7-valved Lepas, 374.
o on the genus Scalpellum, 216.
o Cranchii, 146.
o Cuvierii, 141.
o on the larva of Lepas, 11.
o Cumingii (female), 183.
o Cuvieriana, 203.
o quadrivalvis (hermaphrodite), 203.
o general summary on its sexual relations, 281.
o anatifera, 73.
o anserifera, 81, 86.
o australis, 89.
o australis, metamorphosis of, 14.
o coriacea, 146.
o cornuta, 141.
o cygnea, 92.
o dilata, 92.
o dorsalis, 351.
o fascicularis, 92.
o fascicularis, peduncle, remarkable structure of, 95.
o Gallorum, 298.
o Hillii, 77.
o leporina, 141.
o membranacea, 146.
o mitella, 316.
o muricata, 85.
o nauta, 81.
o pectinata, 85.
o pollicipes, 298.
o scalpellum, 222.
o sulcata, 86.
o virgata, 146.
o de Mont Serrat, 351.
o cauta, 356.
o dorsalis, 351.
o Nicobarica, 354.
o Rhodiopus, 363.
o truncata, 366.
o Valentiana, 371.
o powers of burrowing, 337.
o on the homologies of Cirripedes, 26.
o on the Cirripedes of Madeira, 65.
o on Lepas anserifera, 81.
o bivalvis, 141.
o of Ibla Cumingii, 189.
o of Scalpellum ornatum, 248.
o organs of generation in the Lepadidæ, 55.
o on a closed tube within the stomach, 45.
o on the generative organs, 55.
o second stage, 13.
o last stage, 14.
o of young Cirripede, 22.
o of the larva, first stage, 11.
o without striæ in Anelasma, and in embryonic Cirripedes, 172.
o of Ibla Cumingii, 188.
o Rules of, 293.
o Warwickii, 120.
o of the larva of Lepas, 15.
o female, of generation, in the Lepadidæ, 56.
o male, of generation, in the Lepadidæ, 55.
o olfactory, general description of, 52.
o auritus, 141.
o Bellianus, 141.
o Blainvillianus, 141.
o Cuvieranus, 141.
o depressa, 141.
o Dumerillianus, 141.
o Rissoanus, 141.
o saccutifera, 141.
o in the Lepadidæ, 57.
o on the Conchoderma Hunteri, 154.
o celata, 134.
o trilineata, 146.
o on the movements of pedunculated Cirripedes, 33.
o origin and homologies of, 21.
o of Ibla quadrivalvis, 206.
o anseriferus, 81.
o dentatus, 73.
o dilatata, 81.
o Donovani, 92.
o fascicularis, 92.
o Hillii, 77.
o inversus, 86.
o lævis, 73, 77.
o radula, 86.
o spirulæ, 86.
o spirulicola, 92.
o sulcata, 86.
o aurantia, 105.
o crassa, 107.
o eburnea, 112.
o fissa, 109.
o Kæmpferi, 102.
o cornucopia, 298.
o elegans, 304.
o mitella, 316.
o Mortoni, 307.
o obliqua, 264.
o polymerus, 307.
o ruber, 304.
o scalpellum, 222.
o sertus, 327.
o sinensis, 375.
o Smythii, 298.
o spinosus, 324.
o tomentosus, 274.
o villosus, 274.
o mitella, 316.
o sinensis, 375.
o vulgare, 222.
o origin of, 15, 23.
o lævis, 376.
o læve, 222.
o Sicilice, 222.
o ornatum, (female,) 244.
o papillosum, 375.
o Peronii, 264.
o rostratum, 259.
o rutilum, 253.
o villosum, 274.
o vulgare, 222.
o general summary on sexual relations, 281.
o on the muscles in young crustacea, 172.
o fasciata, 146.
o Peronii, 264.
o on the non-hermaphroditism of Cirripedes, 55.
o general description of, 44.
o hirsutus, 203.
o ornata, 244.
o on the exuviations of sessile Cirripedes, 63.
o obligations to, 240.
o Mr. Vaughan, on the metamorphoses of Cirripedes, 9, 10.
o eburnea, 112.
o fasciculatus, 163.
o horny, colour changed by pressure, 184.
o primordial, 22.