N.B. The names in italics are synonyms or doubtful species.

Abdomen of the Balanidæ, 65.

of larvæ in first stage, 108.

in pupa of Alcippe, 548.

Abdominalia, order of, 21, 563.

Acasta, sub-genus, 302.

cyathus, 312.

fenestrata, 316.

glans, 314.

lævigata, 315.

Montagui, 308, 492.

purpurata, 318.

spinulosa, 321.

spongites, 308.

sporillus, 319.

sulcata, 310.

tubulosa, 320.

undulata, 313.

Acorn shell, 33.

Adductor scutorum, 53.

Adna, genus, 354.

Anglica, 360.

Affinities of the Balanidæ, 152.

Alæ, structure of, 37, 47.

Alcippe, genus, 529.

lampas (female), 530.

lampas (male), 555.

sexes of, 23.

Anelasma, false, resemblance to Xenobalanus, 445.

compared with Alcippe, 528.

Antennæ of larva in first stage, 105.

of pupa, 114.

of Alcippe, 549.

of Cryptophialus, 581.

of Proteolepas, 601.

Anus, 87.

none in Proteolepas, 596.

none in the male Alcippe and Cryptophialus, 546, 562, 585.

Apoda, order of, 22, 587.

Apodemes for the attachment of eyes of pupa, 120, 126.

Apparatus, cementing, 133.

Appendages, caudal, 65, 85, 479, 481, 491.

in Verruca, 510.

in Alcippe, 543.

filamentary, to sack, 64.

to limbs, 64, 83.

Asemus, genus, 321.

porosus, 329.

Astrolepas, genus, 382.

lævis, 396.

rotundarius, 392.

Attachment of Chelonobia to turtles, 390.

of Coronula to whale’s skin, 411.

of Tubicinella, 436.

Baer, Von, on morphological differentiation, 19.

Balanidæ, family of, 33.

highest Cirripedes, 20.

Balaninæ, sub-family of, 175.

characters of, 152.

Balanus, genus, 177.

shell of, immediately after the metamorphosis, 41.

supposed male of, 271.

Ajax, 214.

allium, 281.

amaryllis, 279.

amphimorphus, 494.

amphitrite, 240.

angulosus, 256.

arctica patelliformis, 256.

arcticus, 262.

balænaris, 415.

balanoides, 267.

pupa of, 130.

monstrous specimens with imperforate penis, 102.

cementing apparatus of, 146.

balanoides, 240, 493.

bisulcatus, 293.

Blainvillii, 231.

borealis, 262.

calceolus, 218.

candidus, 277.

Capensis, 209.

carbonarius, 492.

cariosus, 273.

cassis, 218.

cepa, 283.

chelytrypetes, 394.

clavatus, 261, 267.

circinnatus, 492.

communis, 231, 492.

concavus, 235.

cornubiensis, 231.

corrugatus, 254.

Coquimbensis, 227.

costatus, 493.

Cranchii, 231.

crassus, 195, 493.

crenatus, 261.

crispus, 494.

cylindraceus, 206, 235, 494.

cymbiformis, 221.

Cumingii, 335.

declivis, 275.

decorus, 212.

delphinus, 494.

dentiformis, 493.

diadema, 417.

discors, 227.

dolosus, 295.

d’Orbignii, 195.

duploconus, 365.

eburneus, 248.

elongatus, 220, 261, 267.

erisma, 296.

fasciatus, 201.

Finchii, 492.

fistulosus, 267.

flosculus, 290.

galeatus, 104, 105, 220.

geniculatus, 256.

gigas, 210.

glacialis, 261.

glandula, 265.

goissopomo, 495.

Hameri, 277.

Holgeri, 492.

humilis, 495.

imperator, 288.

improvisus, 250.

inclusus, 299.

intertextus, 518.

lævis, 227.

lævis, 495.

latiradiatus, 493.

miser, 235, 494.

Montagui, 308.

navicula, 221.

nigrescens, 210.

nubilus, 253.

ornatus, 493.

ostrearum, 492.

ovularis, 267, 494.

patellaris, 259.

patellaris, 494.

pectinarius, 493.

peregrinus, 492.

perforatus, 231.

upfilled parietal tubes of, 44.

perforatus, 494.

perplexus, 296.

picos, 206.

pictus, 493.

plicarius, 493.

plicatus, 337.

pœcilus, 246.

polythalamius, 392.

porcatus, 256.

porosus, 493.

proteus, 492.

psittacus, 206.

punctatus, 267, 493.

puncturatus, 337.

pustula, 492.

pustularis, 235, 493.

pyramidalis, 494.

quadrivittatus, 284.

radiatus, 242, 494, 495.

rhomboicus, 494.

roseus, 279.

rugosus, 261.

sagittata, 493.

Scoticus, 256.

semiplicatus, 494.

spongeosus, 308.

spongicola, 225.

spongites, 308.

squamosus, 328, 494.

stalactiferus, 329.

stellaris, 494.

striatus, 494.

stultus, 216.

sublævis, 493.

sulcatinus, 293.

sulcatus, 256, 493.

terebratus, 285.

tertiarius, 494.

tesselatus, 256, 494.

tintinnabulum, 194.

varieties of, 201.

tintinnabulum, eyes of, 93.

nervous system of, 92.

cementing apparatus of, 147.

tintinnabulum, 195, 204, 206, 214, 493.

trigonus, 223.

tulipa, 195, 205, 277, 494.

tulipiformis, 204.

Uddevallensis, 277, 494.

unguiformis, 296.

varians, 298.

verruca, 518.

vestitus, 286.

vinaceus, 213.

virgatus, 494.

vulgaris, 267.

zonarius, 235, 494.

Ball, Dr., on the attachment of Chelonobia, 392.

Basis of shell, 49.

cancellated in Bal. lævis, 230.

perforated in Bal. terebratus, 285.

hardly distinguishable in Bal. flosculus, 291.

affected by adhering to corals, 301.

surrounded by a ledge in Chthamalus, 452, 466, 467.

Bate, Mr. C., on the spermatozoa of cirripedes, 99.

on the larva of cirripedes, 103.

on the excavation of Verruca, 514, 518.

Bisexuality of cirripedes, 23.

Boring powers of, in Verruca, 512.

in Alcippe, 549.

Boscia, genus, 354.

Bosquet, M., Monographie, &c. 526.

Branchiæ, 63.

in Alcippe, 537.

Brewster, Sir D., on lime and animal matter, 552.

Bristles on membranes of shell and operculum, 59.

Bronn, list of Balanidæ in his Index Palæont., 173.

Burmeister on the rank of cirripedes, 17.

branchiæ of Coronula, 64.

labrum of Coronula, 77.

reproductive system of cirripedes, 97, 100.

larvæ in the second stage, 109.

larvæ in the last stage, 114.

Cæca, ovarian, 100.

to stomach, 85.

Calcar tergi, 52.

Caligus, nerves of, 88.

Canal, alimentary, 85.

Carapace, homologies of, 131.

of pupa, 112.

aborted in Proteolepas, 595, 603.

Carina, posterior compartment of shell, 39.

Catophragmus, genus, 485.

connecting link between the Balanidæ and Lepadidæ, 41.

imbricatus, 490.

polymerus, 487.

Cement, tube of, proceeding from the pupal antennæ, 118.

Cementing apparatus in the pupa, 118, 122.

in the mature animal, 133.

in Platylepas, 426.

in Xenobalanus, 442.

in Proteolepas, 599.

organs of, in crustacea, 151.

Cetopirus, genus, 397.

Chamæsipho, genus, 470.

columna, 470.

scutelliformis, 472.

Changes during growth in the Balanidæ, 128, 189.

Characters, variability of, 155, 184, 197.

value of, in the Balanidæ, 154.

Chelonobia, genus, 382.

caretta, 394.

patula, 396.

cementing apparatus of, 145.

Savignii, 392.

testudinaria, 392.

Chirona, genus, 177.

Chitine, 7, 58.

Chthamalinæ, sub-family of, 446.

characters of, 152.

Chthamalus, genus, 447.

antennatus, 460.

cirratus, 461.

dentatus, 463.

fissus, 462.

giganteus, 477, 192.

glaber, 455.

Hembeli, 465.

intertextus, 467.

scabrosus, 468.

stellatus, 455.

stellatus, 492.

Ciliæ, not present in the articulata, 516.

Circulation, 87.

Cirri, their muscles and movements, 71.

their structure, 81.

their reparation, 158.

in Acasta, with variable hook-like teeth, 306, 311.

antenniformed in Chthamalus, 453, 460.

variability in numbers of segments in Tetraclita porosa, 332.

structure of, variable in Chamæsipho columna, 472.

with one ramus, converted into a triturating button in Alcippe, 542.

abdominal in Cryptophialus, 575.

none in Proteolepas, 587.

Cirripedia, their rank and affinities, 10 to 20.

Cirripedes, how their position is acquired, 127.

young, changes in, 128.

sessile, 33.

Clisia, genus, 496.

striata, 519.

Clitia, genus, 496.

verruca, 519.

Clysia, genus, 496.

Coldstream, Dr., on the shells of cirripedes, 33.

on a clicking noise, made by cirripedes, 64.

Columellina, genus, 424.

bissexlobata, 428.

Compartments of shell, number of, 39.

structure of, 43.

Concholepas Peruviana, inhabited by Cryptophialus, 567.

Conia, genus, 321.

depressa, 337.

Lyonsii, 343.

porosa, 329.

radiata, 343.

rosea, 335.

Conopea, genus, 177.

remarks on, 190.

elongata, 220.

ovata, 218.

Corals, effect of attachment to, in Balanus, 301.

Coronula, genus, 397.

balænaris, 415.

cementing apparatus of, 135.

barbara, 421.

bifida, 423.

bissexlobata, 428.

Californiensis, 428.

diadema, 417.

nervous system of, 88.

patula, 396.

reginæ, 419.

sulcata, 394.

testudinaria, 392.

tubicinella, 431.

Coronula, genus, 382, 424, 430.

Coronulinæ, sub-family of, 153.

Coronulites diadema, 421.

Creusia, sub-genus, 375.

Childreni, 382.

decorata, 382.

grandis, 376, 381.

gregaria, 376, 378.

madreporarum, 367, 382.

multistriata, 382.

radiata, 382.

spinulosa, 376.

striata, 382.

Strömia, 518.

verruca, 518.

Creusia rayonnante, 362.

Creusia, genus, 354, 497.

Cross-impregnation of Cirripedes, 102, 197.

Crustacea, cementing organs of, 151.

Cryptophialus, sexes of, 23.

minutus (female), 566.

(male), 584.

Dana, Mr., on the classification of Crustacea, 11, 17.

on centralisation in Crustacea, 19.

on nerves of Caligus, 88.

on the antennæ of the larvæ of cirripedes, 106, 114.

on the conversion of mandibles into legs, 107.

on the abortion of the segments of body, 111.

on the distribution of Crustacea, 161, 167.

Daphnia, organs of hearing, 114.

eyes of, 121.

moulting of, 157.

Daracia, Genus, 354.

monticulariæ, 372.

Linnæi, 374.

Denticuli, on the parietal septa, 43.

Deposit, calcareous, inorganic in chamber of Alcippe, 552.

Depths at which cirripedes live, 163.

Diadema, genus, 397.

bifida, 492.

vulgare, 492.

Du Cane, Capt., on the larvæ of Crustacea, 108.

Edwards, Prof. Milne, on the classification of Crustacea, 11, 17.

on the lengthening and shortening of the limbs in Crustacea, 14, 73.

on the ‘tige’ and ‘palpe’ of the limbs, 83.

on the sclerodermic plates of the Carapace, 35.

on the Carapace, 131.

on general classification, 529, 565.

Elminius, genus, 345.

Kingii, 348.

cementing apparatus of, 146.

Leachii, 348.

modestus, 350.

plicatus, 351.

simplex, 353.

Epidermis, so called, 58.

Epithelium of stomach, 86.

Epizoons (male), 27.

Euraphia, genus, 447.

Hembeli, 465.

Excavation, powers of, in Verruca, 512.

in Alcippe, 549.

Exuviation of the pupal membranes, 123.

in the mature animal, 157.

in relation to the habits of cirripedes, 56.

anomalous in Isaura, 13.

Eye of larva in first stage, 104.

Eyes of pupa, 119.

of pupa, their exuviation, 126.

in pupa of Alcippe, 549.

the metamorphoses of, in Cirripedes, 120.

of Balanus, 93.

Female organs, 100.

Flabellum of limbs, 83.

Food of Cirripedes, 87.

Fouet of limbs, 83.

Fræna, ovigerous, homologous with branchiæ, 65.

Fræna, ovigerous, modified in Alcippe, 537.

Generation, organs of, 97.

Geography of Cirripedes, 159.

Geological history of Cirripedes, 172.

Glands for cement, 138.

Gnathites, structure and muscles of, 75, 77.

Goodsir, Mr., on the larvæ of Cirripedes, 103, 108.

on his male Balanus, 271.

Gray, Dr., on the homologies of sessile and pedunculated Cirripedes, 34.

on the Coronulinæ, 153.

on marks on the shell of a Balanus, produced by growing on wood, 185.

on the structure of Chthamalus, 448.

Growth of shell, 54.

changes during, 128, 189.

rate of, 156.

of shell in Tubicinella, 436.

Habits of Cirripedes, 159.

Hancock, Mr., on the action of the cirri, 14.

on the excavations of Verruca, 512, 516.

on Alcippe, 530.

on the excavations of Alcippe, 549.

Hanley, Mr. S., on Bal. Hameri, 277.

Hearing, organs of, 95.

Hectocotyle, 23.

Hepatic system, 86.

Hermaphrodite condition of Cirripedes, 23.

Hippolyte varians, larvæ of, 108.

History, geological, of Cirripedes, 172.

Homologies of Cirripedes, 102.

of the carapace and valves, 131.

of body in Proteolepas, 595.

Horner, Mr., on lime and animal matter, 552.

Horsford, Dr., on the setting of lime, 553.

Ibla, sexes of, 23.

Imbedment of Chelonobia in turtles, 390.

of Coronula in whale’s skin, 411.

Impregnation, mutual, of Cirripedes, 102, 197, 271.

Injuries, reparation of, 158.

Interbreeding possible in Cirripedes, 102, 197.

Isaura, not moulting its carapace, 13.

Jaws, movements of, 76.

Joly, M., on the Isaura, 13.

on the larvæ of Caradina, 106.

Jones, Dr., on the liver in Daphnia, 86.

Jussieu, Adrien, on classification, 528.

Karsten on the testes and ovaria of Cirripedes, 98, 100.

on supposed hepatic organs, 86.

Kölliker on the spermatozoa of Cirripedes, 99.

Labrum, structure of, 75.

remarkable, in Alcippe, 540.

moveable, in Cryptophialus, 572.

Lamellæ, ovigerous, 101.

in Xenobalanus, 444.

Lamina, internal of wall of shell, cancellated, 213.

Larvæ, first stage, 103.

second stage, 109.

during their early stages, egg-like in Cryptophialus, 579.

last or pupal stage, 110.

Leach, Dr., on the Coronulinæ, 153.

Legs of pupa, 121.

Leidy, Dr., on the eyes of Balanus, 94.

Lepadidæ, family of, 526.

Lepas angusta, 231.

angustata, 231.

australis, pupa of, 110.

balanoides, 231, 240, 267.

balanus, 231, 256.

borealis, 251.

caretta, 394.

cariosa, 273, 329.

cœrulescens, 342.

columna, 470.

costata, 256.

crispata, 195.

depressa, 455.

diadema, 417.

fascicularis, cement, float of, 118.

fistulosus, 231.

foliacea, 261, 277.

fungites, 329.

galeata, 220.

Hameri, 277.

minor, 240.

mitra, 344.

ore angustiore, 231.

radiata, 240.

patellaris, 259.

porcata, 195.

porosa, 329.

psittacus, 206.

punctatus, 455.

purpurascens, 337.

purpurea, 241.

Scotica, 256.

spinosa, 195.

spongiosa, 308.

spongites, 308.

stellata, 455.

striata, 518.

Strömia, 518.

testudinaria, 392.

tintinnabulum, 194, 235.

tulipa, 204, 277.

verruca, 518.

Lesson on the Triton, 158.

Limbs of pupa, 121.

Limbus occludens in Pyrgoma, 54.

Lime, tendency to harden with animal matter, 552.

Limulus, nervous system of, 88, 90.

Linnæus on the Triton, 158.

Lithotrya, powers of boring, 535.

Liver, 86.

Lyell, Sir C., on Bal. Uddevallensis, 277.

Male organs, 97.

of Alcippe lampas, 555.

of Cryptophialus minutus, 584.

Males of Cirripedes, 23.

of Cirripedes, not of much classificatory importance, 566, 586.

Manatee, with Platylepas attached to the skin, 427.

Mandibles structure of, 76, 79.

reversed in Proteolepas, 589.

Maxillæ, structure of, 76, 80.

reversed in Proteolepas, 590.

Megatrema, genus, 354.

Anglica, 360.

semicostata, 374.

Membrane, covering the shell, 58.

opercular, 58.

Messula, genus, 177.

Metagenesis, 124.

Metamorphoses in the Thoracica, 102.

of Alcippe, 548.

remarkable, in Cryptophialus, 579.

Moulting of the pupal membrane, 123.

in the mature animal, 157.

Mouth, structure of, 74, 78.

of pupa, 121.

none in the male Alcippe and Cryptophialus, 562, 585.

suctorial in Proteolepas, 589.

Movements of the cirri, 71.

Muscles of attachment of the body to the operculum, 68.

of the sack, 62.

of the thorax, 69.

of the cirri, 71.

of the jaws, 76.

of sack, weak in Chelonobia, 389.

Nerves splanchnic, 91.

Nervous system, 88.

Nobia, genus, 354.

grandis, 365.

Nomenclature, rules of, 204.

Ochthosia, genus, 497.

Stroemia, 519.

Octomeris, genus, 482.

angulosa, 483.

augubra, 483.

brunnea, 484.

Stutchburii, 483.

Œsophagus, 85.

in the pupa, 121.

with teeth, in Cryptophialus, 577.

Operculum, 50.

remarkable, in Pyrgoma, 356.

remarkable, in Verruca, 497.

Orders of Cirripedes, 20.

Organs, acoustic, 95.

of pupa, 113.

of reproduction, 97.

for cementing, 133.

in the pupa, 122.

Orifice of shell, 38.

Otolithes absent in Crustacea, 97.

Ova, sizes of, 101.

Ovaria, 100.

incipient, in pupa, 122.

occupy a chamber in the shell in Coronula, 411.

in Proteolepas, 597.

Owen, Prof., on Metagenesis, 124.

on vegetative repetition, 20.

Pachylasma, genus, 475.

structure of alæ, 36.

giganteum, 172, 477.

aurantiacum, 480.

Palpi, structure of, 75.

absent in Alcippe, 540.

peculiar in Cryptophialus, 572.

in Proteolepas, 590.

Parasite, allied to Bopyrus, 102.

Parietes of shell, 43.

internal lamina of, cancellated, 213.

perforated in Acasta, 305.

with numerous rows of pores in Tetraclita, 323.

much folded in Coronula, 399.

Penis, probosciformed, 99.

imperforate, 102, 271.

its reparation, 159.

of wonderful length in Cryptophialus, 586.

Perforations in shell of Acasta, 305.

Phyllosoma, affinities to cirripedes, 18.

Platylepas, genus, 424.

bissexlobata, 428.

decorata, 429.

cementing apparatus of, 143.

pulchra, 428.

Pœcilasma Kæmpferi, 499.

Pollicipes compared with sessile cirripedes, 34, 41, 52.

Polylepas, genus, 397.

Polytrema, genus, 321.

Position of cirripedes, how acquired, 127.

Potash, caustic, action on shell, 56.

Primordial valves, 129.

Prosoma, part of thorax, 67.

Proteolepas bivincta, 589.

Pupæ of cirripedes, 110.

Pupa without natatory legs in Cryptophialus, 580.

Pyrgoma, genus, 354.

Anglicum, 360.

cancellatum, 362.

conjugatum, 364.

corymbosa, 374.

crenatum, 370.

dentatum, 369.

grande, 365.

lobata, 362

milleporæ, 367.

monticulariæ, 372.

spongiarum, 374.

stellata, 374.

Stokesii, 361.

sulcatum, 360, 492.

undata, 492

Radii, structure of, 37, 45.

remarkable, with outer lamina of great thickness in Chelonobia, 385.

compound in Coronula, 405.

in Xenobalanus, 441.

Rami of the cirri, their movements and homologies, 71, 83.

modified in Alcippe into triturating organs, 542.

Range, geographical, of cirripedes, 159.

Rathke, on the position of the anus in young Crustacea, 109.

on the cementing organs of Crustacea, 151.

Rectum, 87.

Reparation of injuries, 158.

Reproduction of cirripedes, 97.

Respiration of cirripedes, 64.

Rostrum, anterior compartment of shell, 39.

not symmetrical in Chelonobia caretta, 383.

compounded in Chelonobia, 386.

in Pachylasma, 478, 481.

not quite medial in Platylepas, 424.

Rules of nomenclature, 204.

Sack, 61.

muscles of, 62.

formation of, 124.

Sacks, acoustic, 95.

olfactory, 97

Savignium, genus, 354.

Scalpellum, sexes of, 23.

vulgare, larvæ of, 103

Schödler, on organs of hearing in Daphnia, 114.

Schumacher, date of memoir, 321.

Scuta, their structure, 51.

Scutum, with horny articular ridge in Chelonobia, 388.

remarkable from great adductor ridge and occludent ledge in Pyrgoma, 356.

fixed in Verruca, 502.

Sections, transverse, of shells of Balanidæ, 39.

Segments of body in cirripedes, 111, 125.

in Alcippe, 537.

in Cryptophialus, 571.

Senses of cirripedes, 94.

Septa, longitudinal, of the parietes, 43.

Sexes of cirripedes, 23.

Sheath of shell, 38, 48.

peculiar in Tubicinella, 432.

remarkable in Chelonobia, 385.

Shell of a sessile cirripede compared with the shell of the Lepadidæ, 34, 41, 52.

of sessile cirripede compared with the carapace of Crustacea, 35.

elements of, 37.

sheath of, 38, 48.

orifice of, 38.

compartments of, 39, 43.

immediately after the metamorphosis, 41.

walls of, or parietes, 44.

radii of, 37, 45.

alæ of, 37, 47.

basis of, 49,

operculum of, 50.

growth of, 54.

minute structure of, 57.

membranes of, 58.

sack of, 61.

with tubular perforations in Chamæsipho, 473.

almost rudimentary in Xenobalanus, 441.

asymmetrical in Verruca, 499.

minute structure of, in Verruca, 506.

Shells of mollusca excavated by Verruca, 512.

excavated by Alcippe, 549.

Siebold, Von, on Syngamus trachealis, 23.

on the abdomen of cirripedes, 65.

on the cæca of the stomach in Crustacea, 86.

on the vision of cirripedes, 94.

on the acoustic organs of Crustacea, 97.

on the spermatozoa of cirripedes, 99.

on the eyes of cirripedes, 121.

Siphonicella, genus, 438.

Size of cirripedes in relation to temperature, 162.

Sowerby, Mr. G. B., on the species of Balani having cup-formed bases, in the southern hemisphere, 192.

Sowerby, Mr. G. B., jun., on an inorganic deposit in connexion with a Pholas, 553.

Species, variability of, 155, 184, 197.

Spermatozoa, 98.

Spur of tergum, 52.

St. Ange, M. M., on the mouth of cirripedes, 19, 76.

on the reproductive system of cirripedes, 97, 100.

on the nervous system, 92.

Stomach, 85.

none in Proteolepas, 596.

none in the male Alcippe and Cryptophialus, 562, 585.

Stomopoda, affinities to cirripedes, 19.

Straus, on the affinities of cirripedes, 9.

on the moulting of Daphnia, 157.

Structure, microscopical, of shell, 57.

peculiar in Verruca, 506.

Stutchbury, Mr., on the shell of Chelonobia, 386.

Syngamus trachealis, 23.

System, muscular, of the body and cirri, 62, 68, 71, 76.

alimentary, 85.

circulatory, 87.

nervous, 88.

reproductive, 97.

Temperature, effects of, on cirripedes, 161.

Terga, their structure, 51.

Tergum, occludent ledge and shape of, in Pyrgoma, 356.

fixed in Verruca, 503.

Testæ valvæ, 39, 43.

Testes, 97.

development of, in Proteolepas, 598.

Tetraclita, Genus, 321.

cœrulescens, 342.

costata, 339.

porosa, 328.

upfilled parietal tubes of, 44.

purpurascens, 337.

radiata, 343.

rosea, 335.

serrata, 333.

squamulosa, 329.

vitiata, 340.

Thoracica, order of, 21, 30.

Thorax of the Balanidæ, 66.

of pupa, 85.

rudimentary, in the male Alcippe, 562.

Tige of limbs, 83.

Triton of Linnæus, 158.

Tubicinella, genus, 430.

cementing apparatus of, 143.

trachealis, 431.

balænarum, 431.

Lamarckii, 431.

major, 431.

maxima, 172, 438, 492.

Turtles, with their carapaces perforated by Chelonobia, 391.

with Platylepas attached, 427.

Unisexuality of cirripedes, 23.

Vagina or sheath, 38, 48.

Valves, opercular, 50.

of shell, 39, 43.

primordial, 129.

homologies of, 131.

Van de Hoeven on Limulus, 88, 90.

Variation of characters, 155, 184, 197.

in Tetraclita, 327.

in Chthamalus, 459.

Verruca, genus, 496.

cancri Americani, 396.

lævigata, 520.

nexa, 522.

prisca, 525.

Spengleri, 521.

Strömia, 518.

Verruca testudinaria, 392.

Verrucidæ, family of, 495.

Vesicle, acoustic, 95.

Vesiculæ seminales, 98.

Vesicula seminalis, compound in Proteolepas, 598.

Vision of cirripedes, 94.

Wagner, R., on the reproductive system of cirripedes, 97, 99.

Walls of shell, 43.

Water, brackish, effects of, on cirripedes, 163.

Whales’ skin, growth of, into the shells of Coronula, 413.

perforated by Tubicinella, 436.

Xenobalanus, genus, 438.

globicipitis, 440.

Zenker on the eyes of Daphnidæ, 121.

Zoosperms, 98.