The next day before school, Alexis’s mom dropped her off at the high school. She couldn’t wait to check the team roster. As she walked toward the locker room, she saw a group of girls gathered outside.

Erin stepped out of the crowd and ran up to Alexis. “Way to go! I told you you’d make varsity!” she said.

Alexis hardly believed her. “Are you sure?” she asked.

Erin nodded, smiling. Alexis let out a deep breath. Her dream to play varsity tennis was coming true!

“What about you?” she asked Erin.

Erin smiled widely. “I made the junior varsity team!” she said.

Just then, Olivia and Morgan walked up. “Step aside, girls,” said Morgan. She waited for a few seconds for the crowd to part. Then she and Olivia walked up to the locker room door.

Olivia and Morgan looked at the team list. When they turned around, neither of them looked happy.

“Middle School!” said Morgan, looking out at the crowd. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Middle School made varsity? Has Coach lost her mind?”

Then she walked over to Alexis and said, “So, I bet you think you’re pretty hot stuff, making varsity when you’re what, ten?”

“I’m 13,” said Alexis.

“Well, good for you,” said Morgan. “You know what you did yesterday? You knocked one of my friends off the team.”

“I’m really sorry,” Alexis said quietly. “I didn’t mean to.” She saw Olivia comforting a girl who had tears in her eyes.

Morgan shook her head. “Oh, you didn’t mean to?” she said angrily. “Well, it doesn’t matter. Thanks to you, Rachel will be playing junior varsity. This is her senior year. This was her last chance. And because of you, she’ll never play varsity.”

Alexis felt awful. She didn’t know what to do or say next.


“Are you just going to stand there?” asked Morgan. She stepped even closer to Alexis. Alexis saw Morgan clench her fists.

Olivia raced over. “Come on, Mo,” she said. “It’s not worth it.” She pulled Morgan away. “Let’s go.”

Erin looked at Alexis and said, “Wow, nice way to start the season.”

Olivia looked Alexis in the eyes. Then she shook her head and followed Morgan through the locker room door.