challenge (CHAL-uhnj)—to invite someone to try to beat you at something

competition (kom-puh-TISH-uhn)—a contest

confident (KON-fuh-duhnt)—having a strong belief in one’s own abilities

disappointed (diss-uh-POINT-id)—let down because something hasn’t happened as planned

expensive (ek-SPEN-siv)—costing a lot of money

intimidate (in-TIM-uh-date)—to frighten

opponent (uh-POH-nuhnt)—someone who is against you in a contest

position (puh-ZISH-uhn)—the place where someone is

rank (RANGK)—the position someone is in, in order of ability. The better your ability, the higher your rank.

varsity (VAR-sit-ee)—the best team at a school