
Instructions for Printing Pattern PDFs

To download and print the patterns included in this book, type into a web browser from which you can print (e.g. desktop or laptop computer connected to a printer).

To print patterns on 8½-x-11-inch/A4 paper from your home computer, please follow the following “tiling” instructions. Tiling will allow you to split the large pattern page seen on screen across multiple 8 ½-x-11-inch pages, which you can then assemble into the large pattern page to use for your project. Alternatively, you can make use of a large-format printer at your local copy center.

For best printing results, print from Adobe Reader version X or higher. (Tiling options are not available on version 9 or lower.)

Open PDF and resave PDF onto your computer.

Open resaved PDF and choose Print

Under Paper Size and Handling menu, choose Poster.

Select Cut Marks and Tile only large pages and Labels options.

Press OK to print.

Use the cut marks to line up the pages and tape together to assemble into large pattern page.

Increase on a photocopier by 175 percent to create patterns at full size.