Chicken Bonnie Prince Charlie

Despite a rocky history with the Stewart kings since James I took away their right to officially use the name MacGregor, the MacGregors of Balwhither were staunch Jacobites, supporting every rebellion from 1689 to the last failed attempt to put Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne. The recipe for the Drambuie liqueur used in this mouth-watering recipe was reportedly given to the McKinnon family of Skye by the Prince when they gave him sanctuary following the disastrous defeat at the Battle of Culloden.





Rinse chicken, pat dry, and pound until even thickness with the flat side of a frying pan.

Season chicken with salt and pepper and dredge in flour.

In a large skillet over medium high heat, melt 3 tablespoons of butter and heat until it begins to sizzle.

Add chicken, reduce heat to medium, and lightly brown on both sides.

Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of Drambuie and chicken stock, cover, reduce to low, and cook for 10 minutes without lifting lid.

Core, peel, and thickly slice the apples. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter on low and cook apples until soft.

Turn heat off on chicken, but do not move from burner. Leave chicken to sit 10 additional minutes in pan without lifting the lid.

Remove chicken from pan to serving dish and warm in oven.

Add 2 tablespoons of Drambuie to pan drippings and gradually stir in cream. Turn burner to medium and heat, removing before sauce comes to a boil.

Cover chicken with sauce, sprinkle with almonds, and top with softened apples.


Serves four.