Once again, thank you to my family and my amazing husband for their unwavering support and daily words of encouragement. Huge thanks to Erin Cashman, beloved friend, critique partner, co-conspirator, and all around incredible person, and to Sandra Waugh, generous spirit and source of reason and inspiration, without whom this book would never have come to be.
Boundless gratitude also to Susan Sipal, Leslie Sulli Rose, and Lisa Gail Green for their friendship, eagle eyes, and hand-holding, to Wendy Higgins and David James for encouragement and advice, and Jodi Meadows for patiently and endlessly listening to my growing pains. And finally, enormous thanks to Laura Kemmerer for her tireless editing, Kalen O’Donnell for a beautiful cover, Rachel and Joel Greene for a lovely interior, and everyone involved at Mayfair who made all this possible.