


I will dig in to my root system by seeking to strengthen my relationship with God.

This means growing in your faith. This means going to church and diving in to worship time. Take your Bible. Take notes. Stay engaged. Review the notes and Scripture references afterward. Pray all week about the points you learned. Pore over Scripture every day, including weekends, and ask God to speak to you through his Word and his Holy Spirit.

I will get involved in a small group.

Community is key. You don’t need to be an attendee. You need to be an engager, a builder. You need to become an integral part of the class and, therefore, a kingdom builder. If you attend worship and nothing else, your only fellowship is to wait for someone to talk to you after the service is over. You won’t grow as much as you would in the safety of those like yourself. You have to be in a small group of like-minded believers who realize they can’t do life alone.


I will find a regular service opportunity I’m passionate about and do it.

The only way to be the hands and feet of Jesus is to obey him and serve others. If our Creator God can wash the sweaty, filthy feet of men who wore sandals, we can humble ourselves and put others ahead of ourselves.

I will commit to share Jesus with people I know who need him.

Think about what Penn Jillette said (chapter 27). How much do we have to hate someone to know the only way that leads to eternal life and not share it with that person? Know Jesus. Love your friend. Be a listener. Pray for your friend. Follow up.

I will go on a mission.

When you plug into a youth or college group, more than likely at some point you’ll have an opportunity to work on a short-term mission project either locally or abroad. Even if your small group doesn’t pursue a mission emphasis, you can seek one through your church.

I will live on purpose.

Your purpose is to know God and make him known. Your purpose is to point to the one true God, Jesus Christ. All believers should commit to being purposeful in their relationships and in living out the gospel. Share your story. Show your scars. Tell people about Jesus and the hope found only in him. Always be ready to give the reason for that hope (1 Peter 3:15).


In both digging in and reaching out, I will ask God to help me thrive.

In your own words, ask God every day to make you look more like Jesus and less like yourself. Your prayer might sound something like this:

God, I’m going to dive into this ministry and into daily time in your Word. I want to pour into the root system of my faith. Instead of just trying to be better, I ask you to grow me into a thriving believer. I don’t want to survive this year. I want to thrive.

To take the Thrive Challenge to a deeper level, go to www.castingcrowns.com.