As always, a number of people are responsible for making this book what is. So blame them, not me.
My special thanks go to:
PC Matthew Taylor and the rest of the First Response team at Bedfordshire Police for letting me shadow him for the day and see the fantastic job the police do in responding to incidents.
My wife and mum for being the first people to read my early drafts and fix my most laughable errors before they ever see the light of day.
My fantastic Advanced Readers Club, who read the book before anyone else and give their feedback on plots, characters and the other laughable errors. They are Gary Alce, Lisa Gall, Cynthia Philo and Laura Smith. In my eyes, they’re all gods.
Thanks also to everyone else not thanked by name, but who I should be thanking. I appear to have mislaid my list of people to thank, and I’m on a deadline here, dontchaknow. If you were expecting to be thanked on this page and haven’t been, please don’t take it personally — I’ve either lost the list or one of my cats has eaten it.
I hope you enjoy the book, and I’d very much welcome any feedback you have.
Adam Croft