

acorn squash

Fall Harvest Kale Salad, 85

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970


Green Apple Ginger Smoothie, 25

artichoke hearts

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364


Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87


Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Classic Guacamole with Kale, 185

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Pear Avocado Ginger Smoothie, 35

Poached Egg over Sautéed Kale, 39

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45


baby kale, 11

Fall Harvest Kale Salad, 85

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51


Blueberry Superfood Smoothie, 21

Green Apple Ginger Smoothie, 25

Mango Matcha Green Tea Smoothie, 29

Orange Creamsicle Kale Stem Smoothie, 31

Peach and Kale Stem Smoothie, 33

Pear Avocado Ginger Smoothie, 35

Piña Colada Smoothie, 37

Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139


Basil Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette, 89

basmati brown rice (See also rice, brown)

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

beans, black

Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139

Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45

beans, cannellini. see beans, white

beans, garbanzo. see chickpeas

beans, green

Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Cauliflower and Kale Yellow Curry, 143

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

beans, pinto

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

beans, white

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

White Bean Kale Dip, 199

Beet and Kale Slaw Salad with Tahini-Orange Dressing, 83


Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

Zesty Kale Slaw, 75

bell peppers. see peppers, green; peppers, red

black beans. see beans, black

black olives (See also kalamata olives)

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147


Blackberry Vinaigrette, 1012

Blackened Salmon with Garlicy Cajun Kale, 141

blanching kale, 11

blue cheese. see cheese, blue


Blueberry Superfood Smoothie, 21

Creamy Blueberry Vinaigrette, 9394

Massaged Kale Salad, 9394

braising kale, 12


Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57


Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778


Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

brown rice. see rice, brown

Brussels sprouts

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078


Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73


Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Sweet Potato Veggie Burritos with Coconut Curry Sauce, 173

Buttermilk Parsley Salad Dressing, 179

butternut squash

Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57



Zesty Kale Slaw, 75

Cajun Seasoning, 141

Candied Walnuts, 9394

cannellini beans. see beans, white


Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171

caramelized onions

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73


Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078

Zesty Kale Slaw, 75


Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149


Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Cauliflower and Kale Yellow Curry, 143

Spanish Cauliflower “Rice,” 67


Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

Charmoula Sauce, 181

Eggplant, Kale, and Chickpea Tacos with Charmoula Sauce, 151

cheddar cheese. see cheese, cheddar

cheese, blue

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73

cheese, cheddar

Cheddar Kale Skillet Cornbread, 61

Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778

Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47

cheese, feta

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

Grilled Kale, Peach, and Corn Salad, 89

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

cheese, goat

Massaged Kale Salad, 9394

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

cheese, gouda

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Savory Cheesy Kale Pancakes, 43

cheese, jack

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65

Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47

cheese, mozzarella

Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354

cheese, parmesan

Cheesy Mashed Yams, 55

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

cheese, pepper jack

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

cheese, ricotta

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Cheesy Mashed Yams, 55

chevre. see cheese, goat


Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Lemony Braised Chicken and Kale, 159

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133


Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Eggplant, Kale, and Chickpea Tacos with Charmoula Sauce, 151

Indian Chickpea Stew with Kale, 125

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Roasted Garlic Kale Hummus, 195

Sweet Potato Veggie Burritos, 173

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

chilis (See also soups; stews)

Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115


Chimichurri Sauce, 183

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73


Vegan “Cheesy” Kale Chips, 53


Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

chowder (See also soups)

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131


Cinnamon-Orange Dressing, 85

Classic Guacamole with Kale, 185


Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Coconut Curry Sauce, 173

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133


Grilled Kale, Peach, and Corn Salad, 89

Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 191

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65


Cheddar Kale Skillet Cornbread, 61


Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

Creamy Blueberry Vinaigrette, 9394

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Creamy Sweet Potato and Kale Soup, 117

crock pots

Crock Pot Moroccan Lentil Stew, 119

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121


Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57


Cumin-Ginger-Sage Dressing, 105

curly kale, 10

Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57

Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Creamy Sweet Potato and Kale Soup, 117

Crock Pot Moroccan Lentil Stew, 119

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

Pico de Gallo Salsa with Kale, 189

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos with Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 161

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133


Cauliflower and Kale Yellow Curry, 143

Coconut Curry Sauce, 173

Indian Lamb Curry with Kale, 157

Thai Peanut Sauce, 1078


dehydrating kale, 14

dinosaur kale, 1011

Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Charmoula Sauce, 181

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Eggplant, Kale, and Chickpea Tacos with Charmoula Sauce, 151

Garlic and Ginger Sautéed Kale, 59

Grilled Kale, Peach, and Corn Salad, 89

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Kale and Pistachio Pesto, 187

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 191

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 16768

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078

Zesty Kale Slaw, 75

dipping sauces (See also salsa; sauces)

Buttermilk Parsley Dipping Sauce, 7778

Roasted Garlic Kale Hummus, 195

White Bean Kale Dip, 199

Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778


Basil Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette, 89

Blackberry Vinaigrette, 1012

Buttermilk Parsley Salad Dressing, 179

Cinnamon-Orange Dressing, 85

Creamy Blueberry Vinaigrette, 9394

Cumin-Ginger-Sage Dressing, 105

Ginger-Tahini Dressing, 91

Tahini-Orange Dressing, 83

Thai Peanut Sauce, 1078



Eggplant, Kale, and Chickpea Tacos with Charmoula Sauce, 151

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171


Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Huevos Racheros Bake, 27

Poached Egg over Sautéed Kale, 39

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45

Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778

Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47


Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147


Fall Harvest Kale Salad with Cinnamon-Orange Dressing, 85

“family reunion salad”

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

farmer’s markets, 16

fat and kale, 15


Sausage, Fennel, and Kale Soup, 135

feta cheese. see cheese, feta


Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

fingerling potatoes. see potatoes, fingerling


Blackened Salmon with Garlicy Cajun Kale, 141


Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47


Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778


garbanzo beans. see chickpeas

gardening kale, 1517


Blackened Salmon with Garlicy Cajun Kale, 141

Garlic and Ginger Sautéed Kale, 59

Roasted Garlic Kale Hummus, 195

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 16768


Cumin-Ginger-Sage Dressing, 105

Garlic and Ginger Sautéed Kale, 59

Ginger-Tahini Dressing, 91

Green Apple Ginger Smoothie, 25

Pear Avocado Ginger Smoothie, 35

gluten-free, most recipes are gluten–free

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Savory Cheesy Kale Pancakes, 43

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 16768

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza on Spinach and Kale Crust, 15354

goat cheese. see cheese, goat

gouda cheese. see cheese, gouda


Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Greek yogurt (See also yogurt)

Buttermilk Parsley Salad Dressing, 179

Green Apple Ginger Smoothie, 25

green beans. see beans, green

green onions. see onions, green

green peppers. see peppers, green

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

green salsa. see tomatillo salsa

green tea

Mango Matcha Green Tea Smoothie, 29

grilled kale, 13, 89

Grilled Kale, Peach, and Corn Salad, 89

guacamole, 185

Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Classic Guacamole with Kale, 185

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41



Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

health benefits of kale, 89

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123


Basil Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette, 89

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Huevos Racheros Bake, 27


Roasted Garlic Kale Hummus, 195


Indian Chickpea Stew with Kale, 125

Indian Lamb Curry with Kale, 157


jack cheese. see cheese, jack

jalapeño peppers. see peppers, jalapeño

jewel yams. see yams


kalamata olives (See also black olives)

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171


baby. see baby kale

curly. see curly kale

dinosaur. see dinosaur kale

fat and, 14

health benefits, 89

Russian Red. see Russian Red kale

stems. see stems, kale

Kale and Chickpea Salad with Ginger-Tahini Dressing, 91

Kale and Pistachio Pesto, 187

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127


lacinato kale. see dinosaur kale


Indian Lamb Curry with Kale, 157


Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115

Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778


Lemony Braised Chicken and Kale, 159


Crock Pot Moroccan Lentil Stew, 119


Mango Matcha Green Tea Smoothie, 29


Mango Matcha Green Tea Smoothie, 29

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078

massaged kale, 14

Massaged Kale Salad, 9394

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

Vegan “Cheesy” Kale Chips, 53

matcha green tea

Mango Matcha Green Tea Smoothie, 29

meat. see chicken; lamb; seafood; turkey

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

mozzarella cheese. see cheese, mozzarella


Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 16768

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175


nutritional yeast

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Vegan “Cheesy” Kale Chips, 53



Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171

onions, green

Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139

Buttermilk Parsley Salad Dressing, 179

Cheesy Mashed Yams, 55

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Roasted Fingerling Potato Salad, 63

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 77

Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47

onions, red

Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139

Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Classic Guacamole with Kale, 185

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Massaged Kale Salad, 93

Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 191

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

onions, white

Pico de Gallo Salsa with Kale, 189

Tomatillo-Kale Salsa, 197

onions, yellow

Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Cauliflower and Kale Yellow Curry, 143

Cheesy Mashed Yams, 55

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Creamy Sweet Potato and Kale Soup, 117

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Huevos Racheros Bake, 27

Indian Chickpea Stew with Kale, 125

Indian Lamb Curry with Kale, 157

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

Lemony Braised Chicken and Kale, 159

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 135

Savory Cheesy Kale Pancakes, 43

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 167

Spanish Cauliflower “Rice,” 67

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 153

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73

orange juice

Cinnamon-Orange Dressing, 85

Peach and Kale Stem Smoothie, 33

Tahini-Orange Dressing, 83


Orange Creamsicle Kale Stem Smoothie, 31



Savory Cheesy Kale Pancakes, 43


Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

parmesan cheese. see cheese, parmesan


Buttermilk Parsley Salad Dressing, 179


Grilled Kale, Peach, and Corn Salad, 89

Peach and Kale Stem Smoothie, 33

Peanut Sauce, 1078


Fall Harvest Kale Salad, 85

Pear Avocado Ginger Smoothie, 35

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970


Fall Harvest Kale Salad, 85

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

pepper jack cheese. see cheese, pepper jack

peppers, green

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65

peppers, jalapeño

Classic Guacamole with Kale, 185

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Pico de Gallo Salsa with Kale, 189

Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 191

Spanish Cauliflower “Rice,” 67

Tomatillo-Kale Salsa, 197

peppers, red

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354

pesto, 187, 193

Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

Kale and Pistachio Pesto, 187

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364

pico de gallo (See also salsa)

Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Pico de Gallo Salsa with Kale, 189

Piña Colada Smoothie, 37


Piña Colada Smoothie, 37

Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 191

Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos, 161

pinto beans. see beans, pinto


Kale and Pistachio Pesto, 187


Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza on Spinach and Kale Crust, 15354

Poached Egg over Sautéed Kale, 39

portobello mushrooms (See also mushrooms)

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171

potatoes, fingerling

Roasted Fingerling Potato Salad, 63

potatoes, red

Cauliflower and Kale Yellow Curry, 143

Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Sausage, Fennel, and Kale Soup, 135

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

potatoes, russet

Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

potatoes, sweet

Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139

Cheesy Mashed Yams, 55

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Creamy Sweet Potato and Kale Soup, 117

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45

Sweet Potato Veggie Burritos with Coconut Curry Sauce, 173



Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970



Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

raw kale, 14

red onion. see onions, red

red peppers. see peppers, red

red potatoes. see potatoes, red

rice, brown

Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65

Sweet Potato Veggie Burritos, 173

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

rice, cauliflower

Spanish Cauliflower “Rice,” 67

ricotta cheese. see cheese, ricotta

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad with Blackberry Vinaigrette, 1012

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Roasted Fingerling Potato Salad, 63

Roasted Garlic Kale Hummus, 195

roasted kale, 13

Balsamic Roasted Vegetables with Beet Pesto Quinoa, 51

Roasted Portobello Mushrooms with Eggplant Caponata, 171


Rosemary Candied Walnuts, 9394

russet potatoes. see potatoes, russet

Russian Red kale, 11

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175



Cumin-Ginger-Sage Dressing, 105

Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47


Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Fall Harvest Kale Salad, 85

Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

Grilled Kale, Peach, and Corn Salad, 89

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Massaged Kale Salad, 9394

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

Southwest Baby Kale Salad, 105

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078

Zesty Kale Slaw, 75

salad dressings. see dressings


Blackened Salmon with Garlicy Cajun Kale, 141

salsa, 189, 191, 197

Chicken and Kale Burrito Bowls, 145

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Huevos Racheros Bake, 27

Pico de Gallo Salsa with Kale, 189

Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 191

Poached Egg over Sautéed Kale, 39

Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos with Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 161

Tomatillo-Kale Salsa, 197

salsa verde. see tomatillo salsa

sauces (See also hummus; pesto; salsa)

Buttermilk Parsley Dipping Sauce, 179

Charmoula Sauce, 181

Chimichurri Sauce, 183

Coconut Curry Sauce, 173

Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 167

Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778


Sausage, Fennel, and Kale Soup, 135

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354

sautéed kale, 1213, 57, 59

Buttery, Crispy, Sautéed Kale Crostini with Beet and Kale Pesto, 57

Garlic and Ginger Sautéed Kale, 59

Poached Egg over Sautéed Kale, 39

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73

Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos with Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 161

Savory Cheesy Kale Pancakes, 43


Blackened Salmon with Garlicy Cajun Kale, 141

Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos with Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 161

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364


Crock Pot Moroccan Lentil Stew, 119


Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos with Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 161

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364


Beet and Kale Slaw Salad, 83

Zesty Kale Slaw, 75


Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73

slow cookers. see crock pots

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131


Blueberry Superfood Smoothie, 21

Green Apple Ginger Smoothie, 25

Mango Matcha Green Tea Smoothie, 29

Orange Creamsicle Kale Stem Smoothie, 31

Peach and Kale Stem Smoothie, 33

Pear Avocado Ginger Smoothie, 35

Piña Colada Smoothie, 37

soups (See also chilis; stews)

Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115

Creamy Sweet Potato and Kale Soup, 117

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Sausage, Fennel, and Kale Soup, 135

Smoked Paprika Chicken Corn Chowder, 131

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133

sourcing kale, 15

Southwest Baby Kale Salad with Cumin-Ginger-Sage Dressing, 105

Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers, 65

spaghetti squash

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 16768

Spanish Cauliflower “Rice,” 67


Spinach and Kale Pizza Crust, 15354

spreads (See also dipping sauces; sauces)

Classic Guacamole with Kale, 185

Kale and Pistachio Pesto, 187

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Roasted Garlic Kale Hummus, 195

White Bean Kale Dip, 199


Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Spaghetti Squash with Spicy Mushroom, Roasted Garlic, and Kale Sauce, 16768

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

sriracha sauce

Thai Peanut Sauce, 1078

stems, kale, 16

Orange Creamsicle Kale Stem Smoothie, 31

Peach and Kale Stem Smoothie, 33

stews (See also chilis; soups)

Crock Pot Moroccan Lentil Stew, 119

Indian Chickpea Stew with Kale, 125

stir fry

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

sun-dried tomatoes. see tomatoes, sun-dried

sunflower seeds

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45

Superfood Stuffed Acorn Squash, 6970

sweet potatoes. see potatoes, sweet



Eggplant, Kale, and Chickpea Tacos with Charmoula Sauce, 151

Sautéed Shrimp and Kale Tacos with Pineapple, Corn, and Kale Salsa, 161

Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45


Ginger-Tahini Dressing, 91

Tahini-Orange Dressing, 83

Thai Chicken Chopped Salad, 1078

Thai Coconut Soup with Brown Rice and Chicken, 133

Thai Peanut Sauce, 1078

tomatillo salsa (See also salsa)

Chili Verde Shredded Chicken Enchiladas, 147

Tomatillo-Kale Salsa, 197


Superfood Breakfast Tacos, 45

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354

tomatoes, canned

Butternut Squash and Kale Chili, 113

Creamy Portobello and Kale Quinoa Bake, 149

Crock Pot Moroccan Lentil Stew, 119

Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Chili with Mushrooms and Kale, 121

Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Indian Chickpea Stew with Kale, 125

Minestrone Soup with Quinoa, 129

Spanish Cauliflower “Rice,” 67

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354

tomatoes, sun-dried

Mediterranean Quinoa and Kale Salad, 97

Shrimp, Artichoke Heart, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Pizza, 16364

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza, 15354


Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Turkey Sausage, Bell Pepper, Mushroom Pizza on Spinach and Kale Crust, 153

Turkey Sliders with Caramelized Onions, Sautéed Kale, and Blue Cheese, 73


Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

Tuscan kale. see dinosaur kale


Vegan “Cheesy” Kale Chips, 53

Vegetable Stir Fry with Turmeric Rice, 175

veggie burgers

Barbecue Black Bean, Kale, and Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers, 139

veggie burritos

Sweet Potato Veggie Burritos with Coconut Curry Sauce, 173

vichyssoise (See also soups)

Chilled Asparagus and Leek Soup, 115

vinaigrette (See also dressings)

Basil Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette, 89

Blackberry Vinaigrette, 1012

Creamy Blueberry Vinaigrette, 9394



Green Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Avocado, and Kale Pesto, 87

Roasted Beet and Fig Massaged Kale Salad, 1012

Roasted Beet, Walnut, and Kale Pesto, 193

Rosemary Candied Walnuts, 9394

white beans. see beans, white

white onions. see onions, white


yams (See also potatoes, sweet)

Cheesy Mashed Yams, 55

Chorizo, Potato, and Kale Hash, 23

Kale and White Bean Soup, 127

yeast, nutritional

Kale and Chickpea Salad, 91

Vegan “Cheesy” Kale Chips, 53

yellow onions. see onions, yellow


Buttermilk Parsley Salad Dressing, 179

Pear Avocado Ginger Smoothie, 35

Raw Broccoli and Kale Salad, 99

Sausage and Kale Scramble, 41

Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778


Zesty Kale Slaw, 75


Hearty Vegetable Chili, 123

Zucchini, Kale, and Leek Fritters with Yogurt Dipping Sauce, 7778

Zucchini, Kale, and Sage Frittata, 47