Angels & Nature
Angels delight in nature as much as humans do. The angel realm is showing me an image of angels flying through a forest with their eyes wide and their mouths open in wonder. Angels want me to share with you that they are also awed and humbled by the beauty of planet Earth.
The angels also show me an image of them solemnly laying their hands on plants and trees, sending their healing energy into every manifestation of nature. That’s because the angels are committed to protecting and nourishing nature, just as angels are committed to protecting and nourishing humans.
When you are in nature, touched by its magnificence, moved to recognize it as a magical extension of Spirit, and motivated to defend and honor it, you are very close to the angels.
Angel Exercise:
Swear an Angel Oath to the Earth
The angels have a clear message for us regarding our current environmental crisis: Do not lose hope. But then angels never lose hope! They can always see the best-case scenario as a real possibility in any situation. And the angels want me to tell you these exact words regarding hope: “Hope can move mountains.” Think about that popular phrase for a minute. Picture a mountain. To move one would truly be a miracle. Yet miracles are not wishful thinking. Miracles are “very much,” the angels tell me, a reality.
Angels are forever guiding humans toward the best-possible outcome in any set of circumstances, and the angels are trying now to usher us into a new age where the earth is honored by every human inhabitant. An age where humans feel true humility before the forests and the oceans, and each human makes a commitment of service to this land.
Native American cultures understood that Spirit and the earth cannot be separated, and felt that being in nature was akin to being in a temple. So many of the daily practical tasks these cultures performed were done with ceremony and reverence. When they took from the earth, simply to eat, there was great meaning for these cultures in that act.
The word humility comes up often when angels express how they want humans to feel toward this planet. Angels never wish you to punish or unnecessarily deny yourself, but angels do want humans to sense that they are one small part of a whole, and that if we are going to save this paradise Spirit shared with us, then each human is going to have to make sacrifices. The angels explain that if the planet is to survive, we will have to look at the world in a new way, and approach our daily lives differently. This is similar to past enlightenments, such as the discovery of microscopic particles and the Civil Rights Movement. The angels are already busy giving ideas to inventors and businesspeople and individual citizens to help usher in these new techniques and ways of managing and viewing our daily routines. Just as one of the inventors of the atomic bomb later regretted his creation, so too does John Sylvan, the inventor of K-Cups, wish he’d never had the idea—or shared it.2 Although Keurig says it is working on a fully recyclable K-Cup, the number of K-Cups sold in 2014 alone would circle the earth an estimated 10.5 times, according to The Atlantic magazine. The majority of K-Cups end up in landfills. Sylvan now runs a solar-panel company—the angels bow to him.
It can be discouraging to read news reports on people who don’t care about pollution, people who are not recycling, people who squander precious resources, people who do not realize or accept how dire the situation is. For the situation is dire—angels will never lie or sugarcoat something for you, because ultimately that does not serve you. Angels will give you information in the most gentle, merciful, and accurate way possible. And the angels are always on hand to help, and will move heaven and earth for a worthy cause. The angels want to remind you not to get discouraged when you see others disrespecting the earth (often these people know not what they do). The most powerful thing you can ever do is change yourself. Do the right thing by the earth, in as many ways as you can. Always be open to new methods for protecting the earth, and educate others.
The angels would like us all to swear an oath to the earth, an oath to protect the earth from harm and nourish it with love. Let’s take a page from Native American culture, and perform this oath with a bit of ceremony and reverence.
Go outside on a windy day (the wind is an exceptional way to physically experience Spirit’s presence) and find a spot where you can have a bit of privacy. Kneel down and put your hand to the ground (this “ground” should be earth—soil or grass, not concrete). Feel the air hitting your face. Watch the leaves flutter in the trees, watch the stems of the flowers bend. With your hand still lying on the earth, say these words softly into the wind, “I pledge to be a good custodian of this magnificent planet Spirit has shared with me, and always look for new methods of stewardship. I will act as an angel to the earth. I will strive to follow the guidance of my angels, which will lead me to ideas for healing and preserving this planet. I offer this oath here and now, and will carry it in my heart forever.”
Angel Exercise:
Ground Yourself in the Energy of Nature
Angels know that everything in nature is holy, part of Spirit. People, animals, rocks, trees—they are all divine, because they all share that magical spark of energy that is the calling card of Spirit. The energy of things that were not created by man.
You can receive enormous amounts of healing from nature. You already sense this when you stop to watch a sunset and become mesmerized by the striking, transitory colors in the sky. After you witness the sun sneak behind the horizon, you probably feel more peaceful, more centered, and closer to Spirit. Likewise when you hold or stare at a crystal, you can feel an intense, clean, clear energy that has the power to transform and reset your own energy or that of a room.
This exercise teaches you to connect with the healing energy of nature more consciously. Once you get the hang of it you’ll find yourself doing this exercise automatically whenever you’re relaxing outdoors. The immediate benefits of this exercise are sensations of peace and grounding (being grounded means you feel calm, safe, and confident in your own skin and walking around in the world). If you are experiencing anxiety or stress, if you’re facing a big challenge, or if you have survival fears because of illness or unemployment, this exercise can be done daily to help you regain your emotional and spiritual equilibrium.
The long-term benefit of this exercise is that it brings you closer to the angels, because this exercise will enable you to develop a deeper relationship with nature. Soon you will view even the tiniest elements of nature as the angels do: as breathtaking miracles. The angels see every part of this earth and its inhabitants as sacred. The more you adopt that same philosophy, the more in harmony and aligned you will be with the angel realm. In practical terms, that means more communication with your angels and a greater awareness of their presence and potential in your life.
Find a spot in nature where you can either go on a leisurely stroll or just sit and admire the landscape (I prefer to do this exercise walking slowly, but it’s not necessary). As you walk, or as you look about from your seated position, slowly begin focusing on the details of the scene. The bark of a tree trunk, the shades of green in the grass, the path of a butterfly. Keep looking around closely, almost like you’re a private investigator searching for clues. Soon you will be lost in this world of nature and its details. Your mind quiets. Time seems to stand still, as if you are opening a portal, a gateway to something eternal.
Now, don’t just look at the plants and animals and sky around you, but start to feel them. Focus in on the petals of one flower and feel the energy coming off those petals. This energy is palpable, alive. Let the energy of the petals meet your own. Take it in and savor it for a few seconds. If you wish, you can smile at the flower, or silently tell it thank you before moving on to observe something else.
Pay very special attention to trees. Trees are mighty creatures with enormous energy. You will sense much coming from a tree, especially the big ones that have been around for a while. These trees have seen it all, and somehow you get the sense that they know it all too—they just choose not to say anything! The angels have hinted to me that these old trees are also angry because humans don’t respect trees as much as we should in this culture, and so often we waste the precious resources trees provide. In fact, many trees feel rage about this state of affairs. But don’t let an older tree scare you if you sense an aloof energy from it. Most trees will warm up to people, especially if there is a tree you regularly pass on a walk or a tree you like to sit beneath. Just doing this energy exercise with a tree, where you acknowledge how much they have to give and thank them for their healing energy, shows trees the respect they crave and deserve.
Note the differences in energy in different parts of nature. Maybe the petals of the flower have a light, playful, outgoing energy, and the trees have the energy of a wise elder. Also note how your own energy changes as you sit and observe the nature around you or walk through it. Does your heart rate slow down a bit? Do you catch yourself smiling at something you see? Do you feel more relaxed? At the end of the exercise you should feel calmer, safer, closer to Spirit, and more confident of your place in this world and your ability to handle, with the help of Spirit, any challenges you are currently facing.
People always associate fairies with nature, but angels are nature lovers too. Ask your guardian angels for help with this exercise if you need some inspiration. No one is better at energy work than angels!
Winter Is a Sacred Time to
Commune with the Angel Realm
The angels want to remind you of all the opportunities you have for spiritual growth, and the dead of winter—after the holidays have passed and before spring distracts us with showy displays of color and warmth—is one of the most sacred times of the year. Winter signals stillness on the streets, a natural inclination to stay indoors, an overall sense of forced isolation that can, if harnessed, be a blessing. This invitation to turn inward is a chance to do the soulful work that can more easily be put off during busier months.
Consulting with the angel realm as you set intentions for the New Year, spending time in prayer and meditation, journaling, attending workshops, or reading books that will contribute to your personal growth, and experiencing the silent, white, holy quality of nature during the stark January, February, and March months sets the stage for a spiritual winter retreat. The space left empty where relatives and celebrations and end-of-year deadlines dwelled will now be taken up by the grandeur and weight of your own soul, and by the tangible presence of the angels and Spirit itself in your life.
The trees’ bare branches remind us that winter is time to let go of relationships, attitudes, and roles that no longer serve us. Reflecting upon and releasing these things now allows something new and pretty and fresh to grow in their place come spring. Yet to consciously take an inventory of our lives requires us to embrace this time of solitude. Like the rollicking river freezes over and becomes still, so must we forgo activity and become still.
If the personification of spring is a mischievous fairy, ready to dance and sing and play in the sun with those of her kind, then winter must be a queen: reserved, noble, a keeper of her own counsel who has significant matters on her mind. A woman of mediation and strategy, who pauses to make sense of her past, analyze her present course, and plan her future. A woman who knows her company is as sought after and prized as anyone in the land. A woman who knows that after a busy season of parties and guests, it is necessary to retire to her chamber and tend to her own needs, her own thoughts, the whispers of her own heart and soul.
The angels will be right beside you as you perform your wintertime work of self-care and reflection. Guardian angels will give you insights about your past and your future, and send you love so that you do not feel alone in the isolation of winter, but closer to Spirit than ever.
Angel Affirmation: Winter is not a time to be dreaded, but a time to anticipate eagerly. A time of rest and rejuvenation for my soul, a sacred time to grow even closer to myself and to Spirit.
Imitate the Peacock and Put
Your Natural Gifts on Display
Angels have a special relationship with any animal bearing wings. One reason is because these animals are the only ones on earth who have an inkling of the freedom angels feel when they take to the sky. Angels can move infinitely quicker than any earthly animal with wings, because usually angels are traveling between dimensions, not using their wings at all. But angels have been known to appear to people as flying or hovering or floating in the sky, as a bird might. Birds of a feather, or creatures of a wing, you might say! Also angels know that many humans associate animals possessing wings with angels, even if only subconsciously. Therefore your guardian angels will use these winged creatures, such as birds and even insects such as butterflies, to send you messages.
For example, when you find yourself confronted by peacocks: on T-shirts, in nature, or on television, or if you are drawn to peacocks and seek them out by purchasing greeting cards or art that depicts their image, your guardian angels might be hinting that you should take more pride in your natural abilities. These abilities were gifts from Spirit specifically designed to enable you to help others and fulfill your life’s purpose. Therefore these abilities were meant to be on display, not hidden away.
The image of the peacock is a perfect way for the angel realm to remind you to show off your natural talents. If you’ve ever seen a peacock in the wild, you know they take extreme pride in their long, delicate, colorful, iridescent feathers, fanning out their trains to stretch several feet into the air, crowning their comparatively tiny bodies in a breathtaking display of beauty. The peacock is in touch with its natural gifts—its unique feathers—and makes good use of them. The peacock knows that displaying beauty to the world will give those around them great pleasure.
What were the gifts that you were born with? Maybe you are naturally good at nurturing, teaching, painting, finance, compassion, humor, healing, leadership, or music. We were all born with many gifts. No human is an exception to that statement. If several of your abilities don’t instantly jump to mind right now, spend some time asking your guardian angels to help you identify those natural talents you were born with. Did someone make you believe that your gifts should be downplayed, or even hidden? Did someone during your childhood, or at your job, try to convince you that you weren’t good at something—when you knew in your heart they were wrong?
There is nothing rude or selfish about assuming center stage in your life, and owning your talents and worth. In our culture there is a heavy emphasis on shame, something we inherited from older Puritanical belief systems that are hugely outdated. However, this Puritanical notion of virtue in extreme humility, to the point of shame at any show of pride, might still be operating in your subconscious mind. Do you resent your favorite musician when they walk out onto the stage in an elaborate outfit and play a solo that makes you wonder how anyone is capable of such genius? Do you shame the ER nurse who reacts instinctively to complex traumatic situations, has the ability to resist emotional reactions to extreme stimulus, and helps stabilize a patient who otherwise would have died? Do you deny the value of the father who is on-call 24 hours a day, who keeps children and a partner fed, supported, and loved, and acts as the foundation that allows his family to go out into the world and be their best? These
people have talents they have honed over time with experience and hard work. They offer up precious, priceless gifts to our society, and inspire others to greatness simply by their example. What is the point in pretending these folks aren’t excellent at their jobs? Or demanding they demur when negotiating a raise, time off, or more support? That serves no one—including you.
When you bury your Spirit-given gifts by denying and downplaying them, you cast a shadow over the light of your soul, the light you were meant to bring into the world. Get out there and strut your stuff like the peacock! The peacock knows its worth: a universal symbol of beauty and pride. Your guardian angels know their worth, and they want you to know yours too. You are so important that your angels, these powerful beings of light and love that are closely linked to Spirit, devote their entire existence to guiding and protecting you. That’s because you have big talents, and big things you are meant to accomplish here on earth. Claim and nurture those talents, and you claim your power and bless the world.
Angel Prayer: Dear guardian angels, please help me identify those abilities given to me by Spirit, and help me to know my own worth, just as the peacock does. Give me the opportunities to hone these talents and share them with the world.
Butterflies as Symbols of Transformation
Another winged animal the angels will often send as a messenger is the butterfly. The butterfly’s fascinating and dramatic metamorphosis from caterpillar to colorful, flitting creature is a universal symbol of transformation. Transformation is a popular theme with guardian angels, because helping us through the many transformations we undergo during a lifetime, and encouraging us to make as many metamorphoses as possible during our journey on earth, is a chief task of the guardian angel.
Often angels will send a butterfly simply as a mile marker to let you know you are in the process of a major transformation in some area of your life. The message from your angels when you encounter a butterfly in a story, on a T-shirt, or flying near you—or probably all of the above in a succession of synchronicities over the course of a few days or weeks—is to keep going. Have faith and courage regarding whatever you are experiencing—the end result will be as beautiful and unique as a butterfly. Major transitions can be difficult, messy, and painful at points in the process, but the angels affirm that you will be as surprised and delighted as that fuzzy little caterpillar with the outcome. The sign of a butterfly from your guardian angels also lets you know that what you are going through right now is a big, dramatic change. Have patience with the process and nurture yourself along the way.
We were each meant to experience a series of transformations during our lifetime. Most of these transformations are slow and gradual, and then comes a moment when it all starts to speed up and get more intense. It’s then that we stop to spin a cocoon. Just like a healing crisis, it feels like a transformational crisis. Guardian angels are experts at helping us with these boiling-point moments, when we birth a new version of ourselves, reveal a new layer of our soul. The more we embrace these transformations, the more we can live at our highest potential. If you have difficulty with change, or are facing a big change that feels particularly scary, know that your guardian angels are closer than ever. Acting as midwife to you during this time is one of a guardian angel’s main assignments. Watch for guidance from your guardian angels, ask for their help, and accept the comfort of their presence. Big changes can be an ideal opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with Spirit and your angels. You can use the image of the butterfly yourself as inspiration during a transformational period—by posting a picture of one in your home or at work—to remind you that your angels are ever present and helpful now.
Another occasion your guardian angels will send you butterflies as messengers is when a loved one has passed. Death is yet one more major transformation for the soul. If a loved one has recently passed, the angels may send you butterflies to let you know your loved one is in a place where they are happy and busy now, just as the butterfly always seems to be busily flitting from flower to flower, enjoying her new wings. So too is your loved one engaged and enjoying their new life in heaven.
If your loved one passed some time ago, but you have been missing them lately, your guardian angels might send butterflies to remind you that your loved one’s soul is still alive. Your separation is only temporary, and at some point you too will spin a cocoon and emerge in heaven, where your loved one is waiting.
Angel Prayer: Guardian angels, please send me butterflies to let me know when I am heading into a major transformation, and surround me with butterflies when I am missing a loved who has passed on.
Embody the Dove and
Be an Emissary of Peace
The dove has more in common with angels than just its white-feathered wings. Like angels, the dove is a symbol of Spirit in many religions. In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is often described as descending to earth in the form of a dove. Many ancient goddesses, including Ishtar, Venus, and Aphrodite, are depicted with doves. And legend has it that onlookers saw a dove fly away from the stake when Joan of Arc was burned and killed for revealing that she had spoken with Archangel Michael. Today we usually associate the dove with gentleness, grace, and peace. These are also cardinal character traits of the angels, so you can be sure that if you’re encountering doves—in nature, on television, or in art—you are being given a sign from your guardian angels that you would do well to embody the peaceful, graceful, gentle essence of the dove.
You might evoke the spirit of the dove if you are involved in a dispute with loved ones or coworkers, and you need to ground yourself in your inner diplomat. Before addressing an individual or a group that you have major differences with, ask your guardian angels to help you picture a dove, and infuse your talk or speech with the same gentleness and grace we have come to associate with this animal.
Or perhaps there is a conflict situation you are praying over that is so dire and extreme—like when two family members become estranged for long periods of time, or a war rages with shocking violence and casualties—that you have lost all hope of a peaceful outcome. Ask your guardian angels to help you summon an image of a flock of doves. See them, in your mind’s eye, flying to your loved ones or a war-torn land. With your angels’ help, set the intention that when these doves reach their destination, they will work on the hearts of the people involved in this conflict and fill them not only with the desire for justice, but also for peace.
As a symbol of Spirit, the dove has the power to travel anywhere, and bring along miracles on its wings. That’s because Spirit can make the impossible possible. And we humans, often relating to and explaining life through symbol and metaphor, might need a concrete image to remind us of Spirit’s power to transform and heal conflict. The dove is an embodiment of Spirit’s supernatural ability to create peace.
Angel Affirmation: Whenever I need to embody grace, gentleness, and peace, I can ask my guardian angels to help me evoke the spirit of the dove, and send its image and message out into the world.
2 “A Brewing Problem,” The Atlantic, March 2, 2015