Angels & Love

A book on angels would not be complete without discussing love, for love is the fuel that angels run on. But it is not a saccharine sort of sentiment. Yes, angelic love is sweet and pure, but its hallmarks are sacrifice and devotion.

An angel’s love is so strong that there are times an angel will allow you to fall on your face, if your angel knows this is for your highest good, even though it will hurt the angels very much to watch you suffer. And an angel will stand by you during your most trying moments, even when it means that your angel has to feel all the pain and frustration you are going through as if it were their own.

The angels tell me they feel your pain and frustration even more than you do. They don’t say this to minimize your own suffering, but to try and help you better understand the angel realm. The angels show me they are so sensitive that it’s as if their emotional outer layer is like the thin skin of a grape, almost transparent. Angels absorb so much of our emotions just being near us. Furthermore, angels agree to take on much of our pain when we are heartbroken, physically ill, fearful, or hurting in any way. The angels take this pain on despite the pain it causes them, because their love for us runs so deep. The angels are showing me that they are alchemists, and can take our pain on and turn it into something loving and pure and joyful, just as an alchemist can turn lead into gold. An angel’s love is a love that is not tireless, yet pushes through exhaustion to remain loyally, steadfastly by your side. In short, an angel’s love abides all things.

It is precious to us and greatly appreciated by the angels when we can return a bit of this love to them, just by sending our angels a kind thought, a simple thank you, or the message that we also deeply love our angels and Spirit. Angels are showing me an image of a small child giving its mother a hug by wrapping its tiny arms around the mother’s legs. Boy, does that make a mom feel good! This is how angels feel when we send them a loving thank you or acknowledgment of their presence. Another fun way to do this is to ask your angels for a hug. You will feel an energy shift as their loving presence surrounds you. Savor that hug for a few moments, sending the angels love in return.

Angels Are Love

What does love look like in the angel realm, and is it different from how we experience love on earth?

Love is different in the angel realm. The angels’ love is unconditional. There is nothing you can do to destroy or damage an angel’s love for you. You can deny the existence of the angel realm, you can rail against fate and Spirit—the angels will still love you. This differs from earthly love, where someone can hurt you in a vicious and cruel way and it can most certainly damage your love for them!

The angels will also never abandon you. You may feel shame for things you’ve done, but your angels will be by your side, faithfully, more present than ever in your hours of need. Again, this differs from earthly love, where many times we may love someone dearly but for any number of reasons feel we can no longer be a part of their life.

The angels will always forgive you. That’s because to Spirit, nothing is unforgivable. Think of the most unforgivable thing you have ever done (I know this can be painful). Do you have a clear picture of it? Here is your guardian angel’s response: “I’m so sorry you have suffered so much over this memory. I know how much you regret hurting yourself and others. Understand that you are forgiven in the eyes of Spirit, totally and without reservation.” (Take a moment to let that resonate with you and feel any emotions that come up.) I think forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, but I’m a firm believer that humans don’t have to forgive everything because sometimes it might be too hard or not feel genuine. Accepting and moving on can be just as powerful.

When you think of love in the angel realm this way—you are loved unconditionally, you will never be abandoned, you are always forgiven—love seems a dissolve lens, pastel vision of hearts and flowers. But there is more to love in the angel realm. Angels will still let you make mistakes. They will still let you suffer. They will allow your heart to break, and sometimes even guide you to situations to facilitate heartbreak. But that’s because angels love you enough to want you to learn and grow into the most dynamic, wise version of yourself. Just as a devoted mother will allow her child to make mistakes, experience fear, and risk heartbreak and rejection, so will your angels allow you to feel pain. It hurts them to do it, because it hurts them to see you suffer (that’s why they are closer than ever to you in times of crisis). Your guardian angels hate to see you crying into your pillow about a romantic love that ended, but the angels know a partner more suited to you is on their way. Sure, the angels could have tried to save this relationship, but it wasn’t for your highest good.

Here on earth, I think love is a little more complex than in the angel realm. I do believe that the earth is moving toward a love that is similar to the love of the angel realm. Love that means everyone is treated fairly. Love that means everyone is entitled to mercy, even when their actions don’t “deserve” it. Love that means treating others as you would want to be treated. Love is synonymous with angels because love is the highest vibrational energy in the universe, and angels are some of the highest vibrational beings in the universe. By high vibrational, I mean enlightened.

One thing you can count on is that when you need love, the angels are always there to provide it, no matter what. That’s because, simply put, angels are love.

Angel Affirmation: My guardian angels love me
unconditionally, will never abandon me, and will
forgive me anything.

True Love

The angels urge us to celebrate romantic love for itself alone, and not to measure its significance or success by the outcome of a relationship. To love another where the love is unrequited, to have a love between two people end, or to be lovers separated by death are all sacred situations where we have glimpsed Spirit through the eyes of another human soul. For to fall in love with someone is to love them as the angels do—truly—and to see them through the eyes of an angel: beautiful and magnetic and utterly worthy of admiration.

If you fall in love with someone and the love is not returned, do not diminish your feelings by denying them. Just because the person you desire did not feel the same does not mean you are less worthy of love, nor does it negate the gift you bestowed by proving to your love that they are deserving of affection and adoration. Love offered to another is always true and never a waste, and your ability to care deeply for others should ever be a source of pride, never of shame or regret. The angels do want me to urge you to move on, though. Perhaps this person taught you how to love or how deeply you could love, or maybe you taught the object of your affection that they are worthy of love. But now you need to move on to someone who can love you back!

If two people fall out of love, the angels want you to trust that, on a soul level, you were brought together for a reason, to learn and grow and support each other, and that the need for your romantic union is over. Yet the love was still true. A relationship does not have to last forever to be a success. Not all loves are meant to stand the test of time. As you work through feelings of pain and anger, and seek out healing, try to hold on to that seed of love you once felt for your former partner, wishing them well, releasing them with grace, and allowing yourself to keep a small piece of them in your heart. True love never really fades to black. When two hearts have opened fully to each other once, they will always be linked on a soul level.

If you and your love were separated by death, the angels want you to take comfort in the knowledge that you will be reunited in heaven. As you grieve your loss, the angels want you to be thankful for the time you gained with one another on earth, and to treat those memories as your most precious possessions. You will see your love again on the other side, but you don’t have to wait that long to hear from them. The angels want you to look out for messages from your love in animals, music, thoughts, and dreams, like letters from a friend who is far away. The angels want to assure you that your love now resides in a place made for lovers—a paradise of unconditional love. As your love watches you go about your life on earth, they want more than anything to see you happy, leading a dynamic life, and even being open to finding true love again. Your love is not lost, but working with your guardian angels to send you reminders of your love’s presence and affection.

The important loves of your life were brought to you with the help of your guardian angels. Your guardian angels conspired with the guardian angels of your true love and together these two groups of angels acted as matchmakers. Many of these true-love relationships were already predestined, but your guardian angels made sure you and your love got together at the right time, in the right place, and for the right reasons—the reasons that would best serve both your souls.

If you want love in your life, ask your guardian angels to help. They might do this by contacting the guardian angels of a potential love, sending you guidance about steps you can take to better prepare yourself for a healthy relationship, offering intuitive information about what you may be doing unconsciously to block a love relationship, or suggesting activities and settings that might invite the right type of partner into your life.

Angel Affirmation: Romantic love never dies. To truly love means to have a love that lives forever, and is as eternal as the angels themselves.

Be a Romantic

Be a romantic—just like your angels. Romantics aren’t naïve, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses that don’t allow them to see life’s inconvenient or troubling details. Nor are romantics fanciful, ascribing emotional depth and meaning to straightforward situations. In fact the exact opposite is true: Romantics see life in 3-D. They notice it all, they feel it all, they want to experience it all.

In this way romantics have much in common with angels. Divine angels and human romantics can both clearly see the hand of Spirit on a situation, intuitively know when two people have an important soul contract together, enjoy expressing affection for loved ones, don’t shy away from painful or challenging situations, see the good in people, see great potential in every situation, and are very sensitive to the beauty and magic here on earth.

You’ll know you’re a romantic if you are deeply moved and touched by art, beauty, and music. If you are able to learn much about humanity and yourself through fictional books and films, and the characters seem alive and real to you. If friendships are very important, and many friends become family. If you glean philosophical insights from situations that others see as minor or forgettable. If you gain great joy from objects or presents that other people find token or ordinary. If you fall in love easily. If you are very passionate about your work or causes you believe in. If you are considered extraordinarily optimistic by your peers. If you believe people are good at heart and often give others the benefit of the doubt. If you think changing the world is possible. If you have a flare for the dramatic. If you “wear your heart on your sleeve.” If you enjoy making grand displays of affection. If it’s very easy for you to have intense conversations about the meaning of life, or it’s easy for you to share details about your life that some would consider very personal, with people you just met. If you look for the larger meaning or lesson in situations. If you enjoy chatting for hours with friends about spirituality and the divine. If you have an adventurous streak and are more comfortable than most with taking risks. If it’s easy for you to show affection and tell someone how much you care. If you love to comfort others and are generally very warm. If you laugh often and have a sharp sense of humor. If when you first discover something you like, you become a bit obsessed with it for a time, immersing yourself in it, only to then drop it and move on to something new. If you hate injustice and always fight for the underdog. If you are a committed activist.

In the past, you might have been made to feel silly or odd for being a romantic. People may have told you that you’re too emotional or too passionate or just too much. That you aren’t realistic. That you read too many things into a situation. That you make people out to be more interesting or colorful than they are. That you are too caring or a pushover.

Of course there is a shadow side to being a romantic, and working on boundaries—not taking on the emotions of others, not giving to others more than is good for you, taking even better care of yourself than you do of others, looking before you leap, taking calculated risks instead of foolish ones, being able to recognize when you are emotionally overwhelmed and need to ground yourself in activities that are dry and calming, getting plenty of rest, not trusting people blindly—is of the utmost importance for a romantic. But having a romantic disposition is nothing to be ashamed of or curbed. Rather, it is something to be envied and celebrated. For being a romantic really means engaging in the present moment with an inquisitive mind, an open heart, and all your senses alert and aware. Romantics are connoisseurs of life. In a nutshell, being a romantic means realizing you are a magical being on a magical journey on a magical planet. What an adventure! It’s a way of viewing the human existence that your angels certainly share.

If you want more romance in your life, open your heart. Don’t close off to people and opportunities because you have been hurt in the past, instead work on healthy boundaries, the angels are telling me. There is a major difference between shutting down your heart (the angels are showing me an image of someone pulling a plug out of a wall socket) and building a little fence around your heart with a gate that you can open and close. Romantics acknowledge and feel the pain in this life, but romantics look at pain as a necessary part of the journey, and can even sense a sliver of beauty in suffering. That’s because romantics know that to feel deeply, even if those feelings sometimes hurt, means feeling alive. It means growing, learning, experiencing, and evolving. Likewise, romantics realize that to take an educated, intuitive-based risk always pays off, because adventure is thrilling no matter the outcome.

So if you’re a romantic, you are in good company—the company of angels. And if you need to cultivate more romance, ask your guardian angels to help you slow down and see life for the lush, cinematic, 3-D adventure it was intended to be.

Angel Prayer: Guardian angels, help me value and honor the romantic in me. Show me where I need to cultivate more romance, and aid me in healing, exploring, and expressing that sacred part of myself.
