1807      In the field called the Barrows as a man was digging a Grip over one of the lands he found the remains of a human body one foot deep — lying with the legs doubled up beneath it and a short time after I found several beads of a variety of beautiful colours      there was also a fine locket found and the remains of several other ornaments

     Some men digging along on Copper [i.e. Cowper] green found several bones of the human species lying all their length in one grave —1813 May

[A48, R43]

Monday 10th August 1828      A Favourite Tabby Cat Got killed to day either purposly or by accident I cannot make out which

Jany 3rd 1829      Paid to Joseph Henderson Milton The sum of 12s/. on account and for J. Taylor for roman coins

[N17, inside front cover]

Oct 8th      Friday 1830 –

Recieved 6 sets of Poems

6 Do of Village Minstrel

And 12 Do of Shepherds Calender

[N29, 10]

April 19      The last of my Poor Stock Doves got murdered in the cage under the Eldern Tree in the Garden by a Dog after I had kept it seven years

[N29, 21]