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Abdolah, Kader 

abele spelen (noble plays)

Achterberg, Gerrit


Addison, Joseph

adventure novels

Adwaita. See Dèr Mouw, Johan Andreas

“Aernout brothers” 


Aesop’s Fables. See also animal fables


Agricola, Rudolph

Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of

Alain-Fournier (Henri Alban Fournier)

Alba, Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo. See Alva, Duke of

Alberdingk Thijm, K. J. L. See Deyssel, Lodewijk van

Alberts, A.

Albrecht of Bavaria

Alciato, Andrea

alexandrines; of D’Heere; in occasional poetry; of Van Hout; of Van Mander

Alpers, Svetlana

Alphen, Hieronymus van

Alva, Duke of

Amadis of Gaul

Amazing Adventure of Two Sweethearts

Ammers-Küller, Jo van

Amsterdam; Dam Square in; during Dutch Revolt; Eglantine chamber of rhetoric in; Hooft’s poems about; literary societies of; Schouwburg of

Amsterdam Argus (periodical)



Anbeek, Ton, ix

Andreus, Hans

animal fables. See also Aesop’s Fables; Reynard the Fox

Anti-Christ Play

“Antichrist’s New Year, 1571”


Antwerp; Calvinism in; chambers of rhetoric in; during Dutch Revolt; Friars Minor of; landjuweel of; in Mary of Nemmegen; printing industry of; theater in

Antwerpen, Maria van

Antwerp Songbook

Apollinaire, Guillaume

Appel, Karel

Apple-Tree (play)

Argus, The (periodical)

Arias Montano, Benito

Ariosto, Ludovico

Aristotle; drama theory of

Armando (poet)

Arp, Hans

artes literature

art-for-art’s-sake movement

Arthurian legends; printing of. See also chansons de geste

art nouveau

“art of the idea”

Arts and Crafts movement

Asselijn, Thomas

Aubignac, Hédelin d’

Austen, Jane

Austrian Succession, War of

autonomous poetry

Averkamp, Hendrick


Bacon, Francis

Badens, Francesco

Baekelmans, Lode

Baerle, Susanne van

Baez, Joan

Baïf, Jean-Antoine de

Bakhuizen van den Brink, Reinier Cornelis

Baldaeus, Philippus

Balzac, Honoré de


Barbarber (periodical)

Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules Amédée

Barlaeus, Casparus

Barlandus, Adrianus

Barnard, Benno

Basedow, John Bernhard

Basson, Thomas

Bastelaere, Dirk van

Batavian Republic

Batavian Society for Language and Literature

Batavian Society for the Arts and Sciences

Batavian tribe

Baudelaire, Charles

Bauhaus movement


Bayle, Pierre

Beardsley, Aubrey

Bearing Left (periodical)


Beck, David

Becket, Andrew

Beckett, Samuel

Beets, Nicolaas; and Busken Huet; and Byron; and Geel; hymns of; works by: Camera Obscura

Beggar songbooks

Beguine communities

Bekker, Balthasar

Bellamy, Edward

Bellamy, Jacobus

Bellay, Joachim du

Belleau, Rémy

Benali, Abdelkader

Benn, Gottfried

Berge, H. C. ten

Berghe, Jan van den

Bergh, Herman van den

Bergh, Samuel J. van den

Bergmann, Anton

Berg, Willem van den

Berlaymont, Gilles de

Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint


Bernlef, J. (Marsman, H. J.)

Bertrand, Aloysius

Beukelszoon, Jan

Beurskens, Huub

Bèze, Théodore de

Bible; States; translations of; in verse

Biesheuvel, Maarten

Bijns, Anna

Bilderdijk, Willem; Bowring on; professions of; and Romanticism; Southey on; and Verne; works by: Art of Poetry; Downfall of the First World; Echo

bisexuality. See also homosexuality

Black Legend, of Spain

Blaman, Anna

Blanchot, Maurice

blank verse

Bloc, Godevaert de

Bloem, J. C.

Bloem, Rein

Blok, Josef

Boccaccio, Giovanni

Boendale, Jan van; works by: Layman’s Mirror

boerden. See farces

Boerhaave, Herman


Boetius a Bolswert

Bogaers, Adrianus

Bogaert, Paul

Boghaert, Lieven

Böhme, Jacob

Boileau, Nicolas

Bo Juyi

Bom, Emmanuel de

Boniface, Saint

Bonset, I. K. See Doesburg, Theo van

Bontekoe, Willem IJsbrantszoon

Book of Professions

Boon, Louis Paul; works by: The Beggars’ Book; Chapel Road; Forgotten Street; My Little War; Pieter Daens; The Suburb Grows

Borchgrave, Petrus Judocus de

Bordewijk, Ferdinand; works by: Bint; Blocks; Character; Growling

Borges, Jorge Luis

Bornecolve, Willem

Bosboom, Jan

Bosboom-Toussaint, Geertruida. See Toussaint, Anna Louise Geertruida

Bosch, Bernardus

Bosch, Hieronymus

Boswell, James

Bosworth, Joseph

Bouazza, Hafid

Boudewijns, Katharina

Boudier-Bakker, Ina

Bourlier, Jean

Boutens, Pieter Cornelis; and Leopold; Platonism of; works by: Carmina; Poems; Posthumous Papers of Andries de Hoghe; XXV Poems; Voices

Bowring, John

Braak, Menno ter; death of; at Forum; and Van Bruggen; and Vestdijk

“Brabant meter” 

Brabant Revolution

Braga (periodical)

Brakman, Willem

Brandt, Geeraardt

Brandt, Sebastian

Brant, Pieter den

Brant, Sebastian

Braque, Georges

Brassinga, Anneke

Brauwer, Marijn de

Bredero, Gerbrand Adriaenszoon; criticisms of; influences on; songbook of; and Spiegel; and White Lavender chamber of rhetoric; works by: Elegies; Farce of the Cow; Farce of the Miller; Moorish Woman; Mute Knight; Roderick and Alphonse,; Spanish Brabanter

Bremt, Stefaan van den

Breughel, Pieter

Broeckaert, Karel

Broeck, Walter van den

Broekhuizen, Johan van

Brongersma, Titia

Brouwer, Cornelis

Brouwers, Jeroen

Bruegel, Pieter

Bruges; chambers of rhetoric in; Ledeganck’s ode to

Bruggen, Carry van; criticism of; and Gilliam; works by: Eva; Heleen; Prometheus

Brune, Johan de

Buchanan, George


Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de

Bullinger, Heinrich

Bunyan, John

Burg, Hermanus van den

Burgh, Jacob van den

Burgundian court

Burnier, Andreas

Burssens, Gaston,

Buschmann, Joseph-Ernest

Busken Huet, Conrad; on aesthetics; on Beets; on Bilderdijk; on Cats; on clergymen poets; on Da Costa; at The Guide; on Ten Kate; works by: Lidewyde

Buysse, Cyriel,; at Of Now and Tomorrow; psychological realism of; works by: Aunts; The Ball; Jack of Spades; Life of Rozeke van Dalen; Might Is Right; The Pillory; Rush Weaver; Uleken; Van Paemel Family

Bylert, Jan van

Byron, Lord


Caillieu, Colijn

Calderón de la Barca, Pedro

Calvinism; clergyman authors of; during Dutch Revolt; religious toleration in; songbooks of

Calvino, Italo

Cambon-van der Werken, Maria Geertruida de

Camden, William

Cami, Ben

Cammaert, Jan Frans

Campen, Jacob van

Campert, Remco

Camphuysen, Dirck Rafaelszoon

Camus, Albert

Canaponi, Patrizio. See Heijden, A. F. Th. van der

Capellen tot de Pol, Johan Derck van der

Capote, Truman

Carnations chamber of rhetoric


Carroll, Lewis

Castelein, Matthijs de

Castro, Fidel

Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of (1559)

Catholicism: and divine right of kings; and Dutch Reformed Church; and Jesuit plays; and religious dramas; and religious processions; and Van Eeden

Cats, Jacob; criticisms of; emblem books of; and Huygens; and Tollens; and Udemans; verse forms of; works by: Aspasia; Images of Allegory and Love; Impromptu Thoughts on Incidental Circumstances,; Life of Eighty-Two Years; Maidens’ Duty; Marriage; Mirror of Old and New Times; Old Age, Country Life, and Garden Thoughts; Sorghvliet; Wedding Ring


Cauweel, Jan

Caxton, William

Celan, Paul

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand

Cendrars, Blaise

Cézanne, Paul

Chagall, Marc

Chamber of Culture

chamber(s) of rhetoric; Amsterdam; Antwerp; Carnations; censorship of; contests of; and De Castelein; and D’Heere; and emblem books; and Erasmus; French; and Kneppelhout; and language societies,; names of; plays of; and prose romances; and reciting associations; and Reformation; and Van Hout; verse forms of; White Lavender

Chanson de Roland

chansons de geste. See also Arthurian legends; epic poetry

Charcot, Jean-Martin



Charles and Elegast

Charles I, King of England

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Charles VI, King of France


Chasalle, Frederik

Chastellain, Georges

Chateaubriand, François Auguste René de

Chaucer, Geoffrey

children’s literature

Chiliasm (sect)

chivalric romances; Amadis of Gaul as; animal fables versus; and burghers; decline of; and love courts; and love poetry; printing of; Van Maerlant on

Chrétien de Troyes

Cicero, Marcus Tullius

Claes, Ernest

Claus, Hugo; works by: Dog Days; Duck Hunt; Oostakker Poems; Sorrow of Begium,; Wonderment

Claus van Laar, Willem

Clercq, Willem de

clergyman authors

clergyman poets

Cobra painters

Cocceians (sect)

Cockaigne, Land of

Cocteau, Jean

Coenen, Frans

Coleners, Johanna

Collegiates (sect)

Comburg manuscript

Comic, Amorous, and Didactic Refrains

Communism. See also Marxism

concrete poetry

confraternities; and chambers of rhetoric; and didactic plays

Coninck, Herman de

Coninckx, Simon Michiel

Conscience, Hendrik; historical novels of on writing in Dutch

Constant, Benjamin

contrafacta songs

Cooplandt. See Prins, Arij

Coornhert, Dirck Volckertszoon; and Camphuysen; exile of; poetry of; and Spiegel; works by: Comedy of the Rich Man; Ethics, That is the Art of Living Well; Synod of Freedom of Conscience

Copernicus, Nicolaus

Corbière, Tristan

Corneille, Pierre

Corver, Marten

Costa, Isaac da

Coster, Charles de

Coster, Samuel

Countering Cupid’s Darts

country house poetry

Couperus, Louis; and anarchism; and neo-Romanticism; and theosophy; on Zola; works by: Arrogance; Books of the Small Souls; Comedians; Ecstasy; Eline Vere; Fate; Metamorphosis; Mountain of Light; Old People and the Things That Pass

Coupland, Douglas

courtly love. See chivalric romances

Courtship of John the Cad and Kate the Bitch (anonymous)

Crane, Walter

Cremer, Jan

criminal biography

Cromwell, Oliver

cross-dressing novels

Crul, Cornelis



Dada movement; and concrete poetry; in sixties; Swiss

Daisne, Johan

Dale, Jan van den

Dante Alighieri

Dapper, Olfert

Darwin, Charles

Dathenus, Petrus

Daum, P. A.

David, Jan

David, Jan-Baptist

Debrot, Cola

“defictionalized” literature

Defoe, Daniel

Deken, Agatha (Aagje); works by: Sara Burgerhart

Dekker, Eduard Douwes. See Multatuli

Delepierre, Octave

Delft, Dirc van

Dermoût, Maria

Dèr Mouw, Johan Andreas

Derrida, Jacques

Descartes, René

Desportes, Philippe

De Stijl group

Develing, Enno

Devotio Moderna movement

devotional literature

Deyssel, Lodewijk van; on art for art’s sake; and Maeterlinck; mysticism of; naturalism of; and stream of consciousness; and Verwey; works by: A Child’s Life; A Love; Scenes from Frank Rozelaar’s Life

D’haen, Christine

D’haese, Maurice

D’Heere, Lucas; exile of; plays of; works by: Garden and Orchard of Poetry; Short Description of England, Scotland, and Ireland

Dialogue of the Creatures

Dickens, Charles

didactic fiction; by Calvinist ministers; for childrenemblem books as

didactic poetry

Diderot, Denis

Diepenbrock, Alfons

Dis, Adriaan van

Döblin, Alfred

Doedijns, Hendrik

Doesborch, Jan van

Doesburg, Theo van

Donne, John

Dorat, Jean

Dordrecht, synod of (1618–19)

Dorrestijn, Hans

Dos Passos, John

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Dousa, Janus (Jan van der Does)

Douwes Dekker, Eduard. See Multatuli

drama: church criticism of; colonial; comic; didactic; Enlightenment; evolution of; expressionistic; religious; Spanish. See also plays

Drost, Aernout

Duchamp, Marcel

Dudley, Robert. See Leicester, Earl of

Dufay, Guillaume

Duijkerius, Johannes

Duinker, Arjen

Dullaart, Joan

Dumas, Alexandre

Durlacher, Gerhard

Dutch Academy

Dutch Art Library for Reading Households

Dutch Reformed Church; and Catholicism; psalter of; religious toleration in; and Remonstrants; songbooks of; and Spinozism; view of theater of; wedding service of

Dutch Republic; clergyman authors of; decline of; during the Enlightenment; migrants to; public debates in; sea power of

Dutch resistance, during World War II

Dutch Revolt; and Amsterdam; and England; literature of; printing during; Vondel on

Dutch Romanticism

Dutch Society for the Fine Arts and Sciences

Dutch Society of Sciences and Humanities

Dutch Spectator (periodical)

Duyse, Prudens van

Dwelshauvers, J. See Mesnil, Jacques

Dylan, Bob


East Indies Company

Eckert, Hendrik

Eck, Otto van

education; Enlightenment; Higher Public School; humanist; Locke on; Rousseau on

Eeden, Frederik van; and Nescio; at The New Guide; and Spinoza; and spirtualism; and Van Bruggen; and Van Suchtelen; works by: The Deeps of Deliverance; A Few Verses,; Johannes Viator; Little Johannes

Eekhoud, Georges

Eesteren, Carnelis van

Effen, Justus van

Eglantine chamber of rhetoric

Eichmann, Adolf

Eighties, Movement of. See Movement of 1880

Eijkelboom, Jan

Elburg, Jan

Elias, Etienne

Eliot, George

Eliot, T. S.

elitist literature

Ellis, Bret Easton

Elsschot, Willem

Elter-Woesthoven, Maria Petronella

Elzevier family

Emants, Marcellus1; works by: Initiation; Mistress Lina; Posthumous Confession; Three Novellas

emblem books; by Bolswert; by Cats,; by Hooft; by Hugo; by Plantin

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Emmens, Jan

Engelen, Cornelius van

English literary societies

English Reading Society

English Revolution

Enlightenment; early literature of; pedagogical; radical

Enquist, Anna

Ensor, James




epistolary novels

Erasmus, Desiderius; and Coornhert; influences on; works by: Colloquies; Praise of Folly

Erp, Christina van

Estienne family

Estienne, Henri


European Reading Room (periodical)

Everaert, Cornelis




expressionism; drama of; and futurism; humanitarian; “organic” 

Eyck, P. N. van


fabliaux. See farces

Fabri, Martinus

faction (short play with songs)

Faforgue, Jules

Family of Love (religious sect)

farces; by Bredero; and comic dramas; criticisms of; and didactic plays; during Enlightenment; by Huygens; Land of Cockaigne; and mock sermons; and morality plays

Farnese, Alesandro

Fascism. See also Nazis

Faulkner, William


Faverey, Hans

Feast of Fools

Februari, M.

Feitama, Sybrand

Feith, Rhijnvis; works by: Julia

Feller, F. X. de

Fénelon, François

Ferdinand III (Holy Roman Emperor)

Ferré, Léo

Ferron, Louis


Fifties Poets; autonomous poetry versus; neo-romanticism versus; new realism versus

First World War

Flas, Anton

Flaubert, Gustav

Flemish movement; and Gezelle; and Of Now and Tomorrow; and World War I

Floris and Blanchefleur

Floris, Frans

Floris V, Count of Holland

Focquenbroch, Willem Godschalck van

Foere, Leo de

Fontaine, Francis de la

Fool’s Dubbing

Fortuyn-Leenmans, Margaretha. See Vasalis, M.

Forum (periodical); criticisms of; and Fifties Movement

Fountain, The (periodical)

Fournier, Henri Alban (Alain-Fournier)

Four Sons of Aymon

Fraet, Frans

Francius, Petrus

Frank, Anne

Frankfurt School

Franklin, Benjamin

fraternities. See confraternities

Frazer, James George

Frederick Barbarossa

Frederik Hendrik of Orange


“Free Spirit” heresy

free verse

Frisian poetry

Froben, Johann

From the Potty Pulpit

Furmer, Bernard (Furmerius)



Game of Chess

Game of Chess Moralized

Gard Sivik (periodical)

Garnier, Robert

Gautier, Théophile

Gawain and the Floating Chessboard

Geel, Chris J. van

Geel, Jacob; on Beets; as critic; and Hasebroek

Geeraerts, Jef

General Artistic and Literary Messenger (periodical)

Generation of 1880. See also Movement of 1880

Generation of Doubt

Génestet, Petrus Augustus de

Geoffrey of Monmouth

George, Stefan

Gerhardt, Ida

Gerlach, Eva

Gerretson, Frederick Carel. See Gossaert, Geerten

Gerson, Jean

Gezelle, Guido; and Bilderdijk; and Gorter; works by: Churchyard Flowers; Exercises in Flemish Verse; Garland of Time; Last Poems; Poems, Songs and Prayers; Rhyme Rosary; Short Poems

Ghent; Calvinism in; chambers of rhetoric in; Ledeganck’s ode to; printing in; theater in; university of

Ghistele, Cornelis van

Gide, André

Gilliams, Maurice,

Gillyflowers. See Carnations chamber

Gilpin, George

Giphart, Ronald

Godfrey of Bouillon

Goedegebuure, Jaap

Goekoop-De Jong-van Beek en Donk, Cecile

Goens, Michaël van

Goes, Frank van der

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Gogh, Vincent van

Gogol, Nikolay

Gombrowicz, Witold

Gomez, Ludovicus

Gon, Cornelis van der

Gordon, Geertruyd

Gorter, Herman; and Marsman; and Marxism; and Roland Holst; and Spinoza; and Zola; works by: May; Poems of 1890; Verses

Gossaert, Geerten,

Gosse, Edmund

Gottfried von Strassburg

Grapheus, Guilelmus

Grass, Günther

Grauw, Paschasius de

Gravesande, Willem Jacob ‘s-

Great Depression

Greek literature; Aristotle on; and Coornhert; and Teirlinck; and Vondel. See also Aristotle

Gresham, Thomas

Greshoff, Jan

Grid (periodical)

Grieck, Claude de

Grimm Brothers


Grönloh, J. H. F. See Nescio

Gronovius, Fredericus

Grootes, E. K.

Gropius, Walter

Grote, Geert

Grotius, Hugo

Grunberg, Arnon

Gruuthuse, Lodewijk van

Gruuthuse manuscript

Gruwez, Luuk

Guarini, Battista

Guicciardini, Lodovico

Guide, The (periodical). See also New Guide, The

Guiette, Robert

guilds; and chambers of rhetoric; and religious processions

Guild of Fools

Guild of the Blue Barge

Guillaume d’Aquitaine

Guillaume de Lorris

Guillaume d’Orange


Haafner, Jacob

Haar, Bernard ter

Haasse, Hella

hack writers


Haechtanus, Laurentius

Haecht, Willem van

Haeften, Benedictus van

Hague Mercury (periodical)

Haller, Albrecht von

Hall, Maurits Cornelis van

Hamelink, Jacques

Hanlo, Jan

Harduyn, Justus de

Hardy, Thomas

Haren, Elma van

Haren, Willem van

Hart, Maarten ‘t; and Kellendonk

Harvey, Gabriel

Hasebroek, Betsy

Hasebroek, Johannes Petrus

Hasselman, J. J.

HaverSchmidt, François,

hearthside poetry

Heemskerck, Johan van

Heemskerck, Maarten van

Heemssen, Jan David

Heeroma, Klaas

Hegel, G. W. F.

Hegenscheidt, Alfred

Heijden, A. F. Th. van der

Heijermans, Herman

Heimat literature

Heinsius, Daniel; and Huygens; and Revius; on tragedy; verse forms of; and Anna Visscher; works by: Do You Ask What Love Is?; Dutch Poems; On Plot in Tragedy

Heinsius, Nicolaas


Heller, Joseph

Helman, Albert

Helmers, Jan Frederik

Hemingway, Ernest

Hemmerechts, Kristien

Hende, Mariette van

Hennebo, Robert

Henry II, King of France

Henry III, Duke of Brabant

Henry IV, King of France

Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor

Henry and Margarita of Limburg

Heremans, J.  F. J.

heresy; “Free Spirit”; millenarianist; and Philip II; and printers

Hermans, Willem Frederik

Hermenches, Constant d’

Herreweghen, Hubert van

Hertmans, Stefan

Hervet, Gentian

Herzberg, Judith

Hettinga, Tsjêbbe

Heybeek, Catharina

Heym, Georg

Heywood, Thomas

Hildegaersberch, Willem van

Hillesum, Etty

historical novels


History of Brother Cornelis Adriaensen of Dordrecht

Hobbes, Thomas

Hoeckaert, Gilles

Hoefnagel, Nicolaas François

Hofdijk, Willem

Hoffman, E. T. A.

Hogendorp, Dirk van

Hogendorp, Gijsbrecht van

“Holland meter” 

Holtrop, John

Holvoet-Hanssen, Peter



Hondius, Petrus

Hooft, C. P.

Hooft, Pieter Corneliszoon; biographer of; criticisms of; and Hensius; histories of; and Huygens; plays of; psalter of; and Spiegel; as stylist; verse forms of; and Maria Visscher; works by: Achilles and Polyxena,; Baeto; Dutch History; Emblems of Love; “Fast-flying Ancient”; Gerard van Velsen; Granida; Poems; Secrets of the Altar; Theseus and Ariadne; Virgins; Warenar

Hoogstraten, David van

Hoogvliet, Arnold

Hoop, Adriaan van der


Horta, Victor

Hoste, Pol

Hotz, F. B.

Houckaert, Eligius (Gillis)

Hout, Jan van

Houwaert, Jan Baptists

Howard, Henry. See Surrey, Earl of

Huet, Conrad Busken. See Busken Huet, Conrad

Hugh of Bordeaux

Hugo, Herman

Hugo, Victor


Huizinga, Johan

Hulst, Jan van

Hulthem, Charles de

humanism; and Buchanan; and education; and Erasmus; and hedonism; Latin literature of

Huret, Jules

Hutcheon, Linda

Huxley, Aldous

Huydecoper, Balthasar

Huygens, Christiaan

Huygens, Constantijn; and Heinsius; and Hooft; psalter of; and Van de Merwede; verse forms of; works by: Cornflowers; Daily Business; Desultory Moments; Hermit Work; Hof-wijck; Holy Days; Otia, or Leisure Hours; Songs of Passion, Sacred and Profane; Trijntje Cornelis; Two Books with Conversations

Huygens, Maurits

Huygen van Linschoten, Jan

Huysmans, Joris-Karl

Hypnerotomachia Poliphili


iambic pentameter

Ibsen, Henrik

Iconoclastic Fury

Iffland, August Wilhelm

Illustrious School (Rotterdam)

imaginary voyages. See also travelogues


Indian mysticism


Insingel, Mark

Iperen, Josua van

Irving, Washington

Islamic Sufism

Israel, Jonathan


Jacoba of Bavaria

James, Henry

Jammes, Francis

Jan III (duke)

Jans, Anneken

Jansma, Esther

Japix, Gysbert

Jauss, Hans Robert

Jodelle, Etienne

John of the Cross, Saint

Johns, Jasper

Jonckbloet, W. J. A.

Jongh, Eddy de

Jong, Oek de

Jooris, Roland

Jordaens, Willem

Joris, David,

Joseph II, Emperor

Josephus, Flavius

journals. See periodicals

Joyce & Co.

Joyce, James

Joye, Gilles

Jung, Carl Gustav

Junius, Hadrianus


Kafka, Franz

Kaiser, Georg

Kal, Jan

Kampen, Nicolaas Godfried van

Kandinsky, Wassily

Kant, Immanuel

Kasteleijn, P. J.

Kate, Jan Jacob Lodewijk ten

Kate, Lambert ten

Kellendonk, Frans

Kempis, Thomas à

Kepler, Johannes

Kerouac, Jack

Kersteman, Franciscus Lievens

Kersteman, Petrus Lievens

Keulen, Mensje van

Keyser, Raoul de

Kiliaen, Cornelis

Kingsley, Charles

Kinker, Johannes

Klee, Paul

Klijn brothers

Kloos, Willem; and Buysse; and Gorter; at The New Guide

Kneppelhout, Johannes

Koetsveld, Cornelis Eliza van

Komrij, Gerrit

Koningh, Abraham de

Kooiman, Dirk Ayelt

Kopland, Rutger

Korteweg, Anton

Kotzebue, August von

Kousbroek, Rudy

Kouwenaar, Gerrit

Krafft, Johan Laurens

Krol, Gerrit

Kruseman, A. C.

Kuijper, Jan

Küpper, C. E. M. See Doesburg, Theo van

Kusters, Wiel

Kuyle, Albert

Kuyper, Eric de


La Boëtie, Estienne de

Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de

“ladies’ novels” 

La Fayette, Madame de

Lafontaine, August

Lamartine, Alphonse de

La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de

Lampo, Hubert

Lamrabet, Rachida

Lancelot en prose

Lancelot of Denmark

Lanckvelt, Joris van

landjuweel of Antwerp

Land of Cockaigne

Langendijk, Pieter

Langendonck, Prosper van

Language League

language societies

Lannoy, Juliana Cornelia de

Lanoye, Tom

Larbaud, Valery

Las Casas, Bartolomé de

Last, Jef

Lateur, Frank. See Streuvels, Stijn

Latin literature; and Boendale; and Hadewych; humanist; and Huygens; “Poets’ War” over; Renaissance; and Ruusbroec; and Van Maerlant; and Vondel

Laurillard, Elisa

Lauwereyns, Jan

Lawrence, D. H.

Lazarillo de Tormes

Le Clerc, Jean

Leefdale, Rogier van

Leeflang, Ed

Leeu, Gerard

Leeuw, Aart van der

Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van

Leeuwen, Jan van

Leicester, Earl of

Leiden; siege of; theater of; university of

Le Jars, Louis

Lemonnier, Camille

Lennep, David Jacob van

Lennep, Jacob van; historical novels of; on Van de Linde

Leopardi, Giacomo

Leopold I, King of Belgium

Leopold, Jan Hendrik; and Spinoza; and Van de Woestijne; works by: Cheops; Oriental; Poems; Stoic Wisdom

Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie

Lerberghe, Charles van

Lernutius, Janus

Le Roy, Grégoire

lesbianism. See homosexuality

Lescailje, Katharina


Lichtveld, Lou

Liesveldt, Jacob van

Lievens, Jan

Limburg Brouwer, P. A. S. van

Limburg Life of Jesus

Linde, Gerrit van de

Linnaeus, Carl

Lipsius, Justus; and De Harduyn; on heresy; works by: On Constancy

literary societies

Liudger, Saint

Locke, John

Lodensteyn, Jodocus van

Lombard, Jean

London Jilt (novel)

Loots, Cornelis


Louis I, King of France

Louis IX, King of France

Louis XIV, King of France; Dutch wars of; and Huguenots; in Spanish Netherlands

Louis Napoleon, King of Holland

love, courts of. See also chivalric romances

Loveling, Rosalie

Loveling, Virginie

Lublink, Johannes

Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus)

Lucassen, Renier


Ludeman, Johan Christoforus

Ludwig of Thuringia

Lutheranism. See also Reformation

Luyere, Heynken de

Luyken, Christoffel

Luyken, Jan

Luyten, Henri

Luzac, Elie

Lyotard, Jean-François


Macropedius, Georgius

Maerlant, Jacob van; Brugges manuscripts of; influence of; works by: Best of Nature; Heroic Deeds of Alexander; History of Troy; Mirror of History,; Secret of Secrets; Verse Bible

Maeterlinck, Maurice; Platonism of; and Ruusbroec; and symbolism; and Van de Woestijne; and Van Deyssel; works by: Hothouses; Pelléas et Mélisande; Pricess Maleine; Wisdom and Destiny

magical realism

Mailer, Norman

Mallarmé, Stephane; and Nijhoff; and Van Ostaijen

Malraux, André

Mander, Karel van

Mandeville, Bernard de

Manifesto for the Seventies

Mann, Thomas

Manutius, Aldus

Marc, Franz,

Marche, Olivier de la

Marcuse, Herbert

Margaret, Duchess of Parma

Margaret of Cleves

Maria Congregations

Marian cults

Maria Theresa, Empress

Marinetti, F. T.

Marino, Giambattista

Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde, Philips

Marot, Clément

Marre, Jan de

Marsman, Hendrik; death of; and experimentalists

Marsman, H. J. See Bernlef, J.

Martelaere, Patricia de,

Martinet, Johannes Florentius


Marxism. See also socialism

Mary, Duchess of Burgundy

Mary of Nemmegen


Matsier, Nicolaas

Mauricius, Jacob

Maurits, Prince

McInerney, Jay

Meijer, Hendrick Arnold

Meijer, Reinder P.

Meijsing, Doeschka

Meijsing, Geerten

Melanchthon, Philipp

Melville, Andrew

Mennes, Paul


Meredith, George

Merken, Lucretia Wilhelmina van

Mersenne, Marin

Merwede van Clootwijck, Matthijs van de

Mesker, Thomas L.

Mesnil, Jacques

metrical innovations

Mettrie, Julien Offroy de la

Meulen, Andries van der

Meun, Jean de

Meyer, Hannes

Meynertsz, Egbert

Michel, K.,

Michiels, Ivo


Miller, Henry

Milton, John,

Minco, Marga

Minne, Richard


miracle plays

Mirror of Youth


Modern Art (periodical)

Moens, Petronella

Moens, Wies

Moerloose, Isabella de

Moke, Henri-Guillaume


Mondriaan, Piet

Monessori, Maria

Monk’s Tale (farce)

Montaigne, Michel de

Montchrestien, Antoine de

Montenay, Georgette de

Montherlant, Henri de

Mont, Pol de

Moore, Henry

Moore, Marianne

Moor, Margriet de

morality plays; didactic plays versus; Everyman

More, Thomas

Möring, Marcel

Moritoen, Jan

Moritz, Louis

Morris, William

Moryson, Fynes

Movement of 1880; criticisms o; and naturalism; sonnets of. See also Generation of 1880

Movement, The (periodical)

Mulcaster, Richard

Mulisch, Harry; and novel of ideas; and Provo movement; and Reviser group

Muller van den Bos, Maria

Multatuli (Edward Douwes Dekker); works by: Ideas; Love Letters; Max Havelaar; Studies of Millions; Walter Pieterse


Murphy, Henry C.

Muses, The (periodical)

Musil, Robert

Musschoot, Anne Marie

Mussem, Jan van

Musset, Alfred de

Mutsaers, Charlotte

mysticism; and Böhme; bride; and De Swaen; Indian; Islamic; and Van Deyssel; and Van Eeden; and Van Ostaijen. See also Ruusbroec, Jan van; spiritual art


Nabokov, Vladimir

Naeff, Top,

Nahuÿs, Alphonse

Napoleon Bonaparte

Nasr, Ramsey

nationalism: and Dutch language; and poetry contests,; and revolutionary literature

National Literary Pursuits (periodical)

naturalism; in Flanders; and Movement of 1880; in Netherlands. See also realism; Zola, Emile

Nayler, Benjamin Suggitt


Neo-Latin. See Latin literature


Neo-Platonism; of Hooft; of Van Hout; of Van Mander. See also Plato

neo-Romanticism,. See also Romanticism


Neruda, Pablo

Nescio (J. H. F. Grönloh)

Netscher, Frans

Neufville, Christina Leonora de

Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de

New Garden of Delight (songbook)

New Guide, The (periodical); and Generation of 1880; and naturalism; and socialism; and Van Eeden. See also Guide, The

New Objectivity

new realism. See also realism

News from the Republic of Letters (periodical)

New Society (periodical)

newspapers; colonial. See also periodicals

New Style, The (periodical)

Newton, Isaac

New Vision movement

Neyn, Pieter de

Nierop, Henk van

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nieuwelandt, Guilliam van

Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Domela

Nijhoff, Martinus

Nijlen, Jan van

Nijmeijer, Peter

Nil Volentibus Arduum society

Nolens, Leonard

Nomsz, Jan

Noordervliet, Nelleke

Noordwijk, Lord of. See Dousa, Janus

Nooteboom, Cees

Noot, Hendrik van der

Noot, Jan van der; in England; verse forms of

Noot, Thomas van der

nouveaux romans


novels; adventure; cinematic effects in; cross-dressing; epistolary; expressionist; historical; imaginary travel; “ladies’” ; and nouveaux romans; picaresque; pornographic; postmodern; prostitution in; psychological; reading aloud of; sentimental; seventeenth-century


Ockers, Willem

Of Lazy-Luscious Land

Of Now and Tomorrow (periodical)

Ogier, Barbara

Ogier, Guilliam

Oldenbarneveld, Johan van

Olive Branch chamber or rhetoric

Ollefen, Lieve van

Oltmans, Jan Frederick

Omar Khayyám

Onghena, Jan

Oosterhoff, Tonnus

Oostrom, Frits van

Ophasselt chamber of rhetoric

Orosius, Paulus

Ortega y Gasset, José

Ortelius, Abraham

Ostaijen, Paul van; and Dadaism; and expressionism; works by: Feasts of Fear and Agony; First Book of Schmoll; Ika Loch’s Brothel; Music Hall; Occupied City6; Patriotism, Inc.; The Signal

Oudaen, Joachim

Oud, J. J. P.

Oudshoorn, J. van

Ouida (Marie Louise de la Ramée)

Ouwens, Kees

Overbeke, Aernout van

Overbury, Thomas

Overdam, Hans van

Overstraten, Adriana van


Owen, John

Oye, Eugeen van


Paaltjens, Piet. See HaverSchmidt, François

Paape, Gerrit

Paemel, Monika van

Paine, Thomas

Palmen, Connie

Palmerin de Oliva

Palm, J. H. van der

Paöli, Pascal

Paradijs, Cornelis. See Eeden, Frederik van

Paris and Vienna

Parma, Duchess of

Parma, Duke of

Pauwels, Jan Antoon Frans

Pauw, Reinier

pedagogy. See education

Peeters, Carel

Pels, Andries

penance handbooks

periodicals; for children; colonial; emergence of; fin-de-siècle; naturalism in; newspapers and. See also specific titles, e.g., Guide, The

Perk, Jacques

Pernath, Hugues C.

Perrault, Charles

Perron, Edgar du

Perron, Jacques de

Pers, Dirck Pieterszoon

Pertchevael, Jan


Petrus Comestor

Petyt, Maria

philanthropist movement

Philip II, King of Spain

Philip V, King of Spain

Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy

Philip, Count of Alsace

Picasso, Pablo



Pinthus, Kurt

Pirandello, Luigi

Piscator, Erwin

Plantin, Christophe; emblem books published by

Platen, August von

Plato. See also Neo-Platonism

Plat, V. A. C. le

Plautus, Titus Maccius

plays; for chambers of rhetoric didactic; Greek; in Gruuthuse manuscript; Jesuit; miracle; noble; religious; table; in Van Hulthem manuscript. See also drama; morality plays

Pléiade poets; and Van der Noot; and Van Hout; verse forms of. See also Ronsard, Pierre de

Pleij, Herman

Pleysier, Leo


plurale tantum experience


Po Chü-i

Poelgier, Willem

Poetou, Guillaume de

“Poets’ War”

Poirters, Adriaan

Polet, Sybren

Polzer, Heinz

Pomerius, Henricus

Poot, Hubert Korneliszoon; on education,; as hack writer; and Hoo; and Spiegel; and Van de Linde

pop art

Pope, Alexander

pornographic novels

Post, Elisabeth Maria


Potgieter, Everhardus Johannes; on Beets; as Dickens’s translator; at The Guide; on Kneppelhout

Potter, Dirc

Pound, Ezra

Praag, Alexander van

Praet, Jan

Prikker, Johan Thorn

Prins, Arij

printing: during Dutch Revolt; economics of; and heresy; introduction of; manuscripts versus

prostitution, in novels

Proust, Marcel

Provo movement

Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens

Prynne, William

Psalms of David, and Other Hymns

psalter(s); Dutch Reformed; Genevan; Wachtendonk

psychological novels




Querido, Israel

Questiers, Catharina


Rabelais, François

Rabus, Pieter

Racine, Jean

Radermacher, Johannes

Rauschenberg, Robert,

Raveel, Roger

Rawie, Jean-Pierre

Reael, Laurens

realism; domestic; magical; new; psychological. see also naturalism

Recht, Bertolt

Reformation; Bibles of; Devotio Moderna movement of,; and Dutch Revolt

Régnier, Henri de

Relandus, Adrianus

religious drama

religious processions. See also Catholicism

religious toleration



Renaut de Montauban

resistance, during World War II

Reve, Gerard Kornelis van het

Reviser, The (periodical)

Revius, Jacobus

Reynard the Fox; Boon’s treatment of; printed editions of; Vondel’s “New Song” for; Willems’s edition of

rhetoric. See chambers of rhetoric

Richardson, Samuel

Ridder, Alfons de. See Elsschot, Willem

Ridder, Jacob de

Riedel, Friedrich Justus,

Ries, Hans de

Rietveld, Gerrit

Rijndorp, Jacob van

Rijssele, Colijn van

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Rimbaud, Arthur

Robbe-Grillet, Alain

Robberechts, Daniël

Robbers, Herman

Rodenbach, Albrecht

Rodenbach, Georges

Rodenburgh, Theodoor

Rodenko, Paul

Roelandt, Hendrik

Roelants, Maurice

Rogers, Daniel

Roggeman, Willy

Rohe, Mies van der

Roland Holst, Adriaan

Roland Holst, Richard N.

Roland Holst-Van der Schalk, Henriëtte

Roland, Song of

Romance of Gawain

Romance of Limburg

Roman de la Rose

Romanticism; and Bilderdijk; and Da Costa; and Kloos; new; and symbolism

Ronsard, Pierre de; and Dousa; funeral oration of; and Heinsius; and Van der Noot; and Van Mander. See also Pléiade poets

Rooses, Max

Roos, Paul François

Roovere, Anthonis de

Rops, Félicien

Rosenboom, Thomas

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

Rotgans, Lucas

Rotterdam Hermes

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Royal Society of London

Rubens, Peter Paul

Rusting, Salomon van

Ruusbroec, Jan van; and Maeterlinck; works by: Spiritual Espousals

Ruyslinck, Ward

Ruyter, Michiel de


Sachs, Hans

Sacrifice to the Lord

Saint-Beuve, Charles-Augustin

Saint-Genois, Jules de

Sallust, Gaius

Salomons, Annie

Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf

Sambucus, Joannes (Jáos Zsámboky)

Sammers, Jacobus

Sartre, Jean-Pau

Savery, Salomon

Savornin-Lohman, Anna de

Scaliger, Justus

Scarron, Paul

Schabaelje, Jan Philipszoon

Scharten, Carel

Scheerbart, Mynona

Scheerbart, Paul

Schendel, Arthur van

Schenkeveld-Van der Dussen, M. A.

Schierbeek, Bert

Schippers, K.

Schlegel, Friedrich

Schools Act (1806). See also education

Schopenhauer, Arthur

Schouten, Wouter

Schouwburg (Amsterdam theater); closure of; repertoire of

Schrant, Jan Matthias

Schuddemate, Pieter

Schuere, Jacob van der

Schueren, J. F. Vander

Schultens, Albert

Schurman, Anna Maria

Schwarz-Bart, André

Schweikhardt, Catharina Wilhelmina

Schweikhardt, Hendrik Willem

Schwitters, Kurt

science fiction

Scott, Walter; and Dutch historical novels; and Geel

Scriverius, Petrus

Second World War

Secundus, Janus

Secundus, Petrus Burmannus

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus; and Heinsius; works by: Thyestes; Troades


sentimental novels

Serrarius, Petrus

Servatius, Saint

Seven Hours on the Passion of Our Lord

Seven Joys of Mary

Shakespeare, William; works by: Romeo and Juliet; The Tempest; Titus Andronicus

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Ship of Fools (painting)

Sidney, Philip

Siebelink, Jan

sinnekens (personifications of sins)

sixties, revolution of

Six van Chandelier, Jan

Slauerhoff, J. J.


Sleutelaar, Hans,

Sluiter, Willem

Smeeks, Hendrik

Smeken, Jan

Smith, Adam

Snellaert, Ferdinand Augustijn

Snoek, Paul

social clubs. See literary societies

Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SDAP)

socialism. See also Communism

Society for Public Welfare

Society for the Advancement of Dutch Language and Literature

Society of Authors

Solms, Amalia van

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander



Southey, Robert

Space (periodical)

Spandaw, Hajo Albert

Spanish Armada

Spanish Succession, War of

Spanoghe, Cornelius Martinus

spectators (periodicals)

Spenser, Edmund

Spiegel, Hendrik Laurenszoon; and Coornhert; grammar book of; and Hooft

Spinoy, Erik

Spinoza, Baruch de,; and Gorter; and Leopold; and Van Eeden; and Verwey


spiritual art

Stalpart van der Wielen, Jan Baptist

Staring, Anthony Christiaan Winand

Steele, Richard

Steendam, Jacob

Steen, Jan


Sterne, Laurence

Stevin, Simon

Stigter, G. See Schippers, K.

Stijevoort, Jan van

De Stijl group

Stinstra, Joannes

Stirner, Max

Stitou, Mustafa

stoicism. See also neo-stoicism

Storm, Hendrik

Storm, The (periodical)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Stramm, August

Streuvels, Stijn; naturalism of; portrait of; psychological realism of

Struggle of Love

Suchtelen, Nico van

Sue, Eugène


Sunderman, Isaac


Surinamese Friends of Letters,


Surrey, Earl of

Swaanenburg, Willem van

Swaen, Michiel de

Swift, Jonathan

Swildens, Johan Hendrik

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Sylvester, Josuah

symbolism; and Romanticism; word choice in

Székely-Lulofs, Madelon


tableaux vivants

table plays


Tak, P. L.

Tasso, Torquato

Teirlinck, Herman

Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander

Tentije, Hans

Terence (Publius Terentius Afer)

Thackeray, William Makepeace

theater. See drama


Theresa of Avila, Saint

Thomas, Dylan

Thomése, P. F.

T’Hooft, Jotie

Thorbecke, Jan Rudolf

Thoreau, Henry David

Tiburtius van Brussel

Tide, The (periodical)

Time and Man (periodical)

Timmermans, Felix

Toland, John

Tollens, Hendrik; Bowring on; paint factory of; works by

Toller, Ernst

Tolstoy, Leo

Toorn, Willem van

Toorop, Jan

Toussaint, Anna Louise Geertruida; historical novels of

Trakl, Georg

travelogues; by Haafner; of imaginary voyages

Tree of Scriptures

Trent, Council of

trickster figures

Trocchi, Alexander

Troelstra, Pieter J.

Trollope, Anthony

Troost, Cornelius

Turgenev, Ivan

Twentieth Century (periodical)



Udemans, Godefridus

Ulenspiegel, Till

United East Indies Company (VOC)

Universal and Historical Library (periodical)


urbanization; and burgher virtues; and chambers of rhetoric; and festivals; and religious processions

Utenhove, Jan

Utrecht, Peace of


Vaandrager, Cornelis Bastiaan

Vaernewijck, Marcus van

Valerius, Adriaen

Valéry, Paul

Van Hulthem manuscript

Vasalis, M.

Vasari, Giorgio

Veen, Jan van der

Veen, Otto van (Otto Vaenius)

Veer, Cornelia van der

Veer, Gerrit de

Vega, Lope de

Velde, Henry van de

Veldeke, Hendrik van

Velthem, Lodewijk van

Venne, Adriaen van de

Verhaeghen, Paul

Verhaeren, Emile; and Van de Woestijne; and Van Ostaijen

Verhagen, Hans

Verhelst, Peter

Verhoeven, Willem F. G.

Verlaine, Paul

Verlooy, Jan Baptist Chrysostomus

Vermeersch, Gustaaf

Vermeylen, August

Verne, Jules

Verriest, Hugo

Verse Bible

Versé, Noël Aubert de

Verstegen, Richard

Verwey, Albert; on Hegenscheidt; and Kloos; at The New Guide; and Spiegel; and Spinoza; and Van Deyssel; Vestdijk on

Vestdijk, Simon

Vienna, Congress of

Villiers de l’Isle Adam, Auguste

Vincent of Beauvais

Vingt, Les

Virgil; works by: Aeneid; Georgics

Vision of Tundale

Visscher, Anna Roemersdochter

Visscher, Maria Tesselschade

Visscher, Roemer

VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie). See United East Indies Company

Vogelaar, Jacq Firmin

Vogelweide, Walther von der

Volder, Willem de. See Grapheus, Guilelmus



Vonck, Jan Frans

Vondel, Joost van den biographer of; Catholic conversion of; criticisms of; and Grotius; and Heinsius; Latin writings of; public debates of; on Roman Civil War; and Six van Chandelier; as stylist; verse forms of; works by; Adam in Exile; Beggar’s Vespers; Brothers; Curry-Comb; Golden Emporium; Gysbreght van Aemstel; Jeptha; Lucifer; Mary Stuart; Palamedes; Passover; Samson; Solomon

Voorne, Albrecht van

Voorne, Gerard van

Vorsterman, Willem

Vos, Jan; works by: Aran and Titus; Medea

Voskuil, J. J.

Vossius, Gerardus

Voyage of St. Brendan

Vries, Hendrik de

Vries, Marleen de

Vries, Simon de

Vroman, Leo


Waarsenburg, Hans van den

Wachtendonk Psalms

Wacker van Zon, Petrus de

Wagener, W. A.

Wagner, Richard

Walden, Herwarth

Walravens, Jan

Walschap, Gerard; and Boon; innovations of

Warton, Thomas

Washington, George


wedding verse

Weemoedt, Levi

Wellekens, Jan Baptista

Wessem, Constant van

West India Company (WIC)

Westphalia, Peace of (1648)

Weyden, Rogier van der

Weyerman, Jacob Campo

White Lavender chamber of rhetoric

Whitman, Walt; and Van den Bergh; and Van Ostaijen

Whitney, Geoffrey

WIC (Westindische Compagnie). See West India Company

Wilde, Oscar

Wilderode, Anton van

Wilhelmina of Prussia

Wilhelmus anthem

Willems, Jan Frans

William I, King of Holland; educational policies of; language policies of

William I, Prince of Orange; and Coornhert; and D’Heere,; and Hooft; and Daniel Rogers

William II, Count of Holland

William II, King of Holland

William III, King of Great Britain

William IV

William V

William V, Stadholder

William VI, Count of Holland

Williams, William Carlos

Wilmink, Willem

Winter, Leon de

Wispelaere, Paul de


Wittewrongel, Petrus

Witt, Johan de

Woensel, Pieter van

Woesthoven, Catharina Rebecca

Woestijne, Karel van de; and Gilliams; style of; works by: Constant Presence; Diversions; Divine Imaginings; God at the Seaside; Janus with the Double Forehead; Man of Mud; Mountain Lake

Wolff, Adriaan

Wolff, Christian

Wolff, Elisabeth; works by: Sara Burgerhart

Wolf, Jozef de

Wolkers, Jan

Wollstonecraft, Mary

Wolsgryn, Aart

Woolf, Virginia

World War. See First World War; Second World War

Worringer, Wilhelm

Wyermars, Hendrik,


Young Belgium (periodical)

Young Guide (periodical)


Zeeus, Jakob

Zielens, Lode

Zola, Emile; and Couperus; and Daum; and Lemonnier; works by: Earth; Germinal; L’Assommoir; Les Rougon-Macquart series. See also naturalism

Zuiderent, Ad

Zuylen, Belle van

Zwagerman, Joost