Citrus fruit dries beautifully, makes wonderful drinks, and adds a great flavor to dishes.
SHELF LIFE: 30 years
COST: $ (about $40 for a year’s supply for a family of 4)
WHERE TO BUY: LDS, Sam’s Club, Costco, or the grocery store
SAMPLE PRICING: Lemons are about $.26 each and oranges about $1
HOW TO STORE: In #10 cans with an oxygen absorber
If you can’t buy it all at once, track your progress below.
SERVING SIZE: 1/2 fruit
SEASON: cheapest in winter
How to dehydrate lemons and oranges
• Slice 1/8 inch thick using a mandolin. Layer on dehydrator trays and dehydrate at 120°F for 8 to 12 hours or until completely dry. Vacuum-seal in bags.
What to do with citrus
• Add a cup of lemon or orange slices to a large pitcher and fill with water. Add 1 cup of sugar and let stand in the refrigerator at least an hour to infuse the flavor.
• Add a slice of lemon to chicken soup.
• Soak orange slices in water, cut up, and add to beef and vegetable stir-fry.