The next day, Adeline asked Sylvia to walk with her out to the wooded meadow after the noon meal, up toward the clump of trees she had so enjoyed back in August. Presently, crusted snow covered the dormant wildflowers awaiting spring’s return next year. In the distance, white smoke curled out of Sylvia’s uncle and aunt’s chimney to the east, and the sky was growing grayer by the minute.
“Looks like we might get snow later,” Sylvia said, bundled up in a black coat and woolen scarf and the cutest black outer bonnet, which looked like an old-fashioned candlesnuffer.
While Adeline thought how much fun it would be to get snowed in with her Amish family, she needed to return home in time to unpack before her early Monday morning class.
“Tommy’s hopin’ you’ll take him for a ride in your car while you’re here,” Sylvia was saying. “Dat already said he could go.”
“I’ll take him once we’re back from our walk,” Adeline agreed. “Do you want to come along?”
“I would, but I think Tommy might want you all to himself.”
Adeline smiled. “He’s such an expressive little guy, isn’t he?”
“You should’ve seen his face when he found out you were comin’ again.”
“Well, the honor is all mine!”
They talked about how short the days were this time of year, and Adeline mentioned that she was glad Christmas was celebrated in December. “It brightens up the whole month and gives people a sense of hope, too.”
Sylvia nodded. “Christ’s birthday.”
“Exactly. This year, Christmas will be exceptionally meaningful to me,” Adeline revealed. “It won’t be just about gifts and decorating.” She paused, wanting to tell Sylvia first. “I get it now . . . I really do.”
Sylvia turned, eyes wide. “Tell me more.”
Adeline collected her thoughts. “Do you remember my telling you how Earnest challenged me to read the book of John while he was reading it with your mother? Well, that coincided with my reading Mom’s diary. It was so strange . . . no, amazing, how well those two things dovetailed.” She patted her chest and pressed her lips together. “It’s totally changed my thinking and pointed me to God. And somehow, He’s changed my heart.” She turned to Sylvia. “Does that even make sense?”
“Oh, Adeline! Such gut news.” Sylvia stopped walking, as if to give Adeline her undivided attention.
“I wanted to tell you in person.” Adeline blinked repeatedly, holding back tears.
Sylvia touched her elbow. “So . . . I can’t help wondering . . . have ya talked with Brendon about this?”
“Not yet. And I’m concerned it will affect our relationship.” Adeline paused. “He and I were always on the same page about religion. We didn’t want anything to do with it.”
“When will ya tell him?”
Adeline felt a small stirring of sadness. “I keep putting it off.”
“The Lord sees Brendon’s heart. I hope you aren’t fretting ’bout it.”
Adeline shook her head. “I love him and want to marry him, but I’ve found the Light and Truth that I’ve been missing my whole life.” She hesitated, then said, “I need to have an honest conversation with him as soon as I return home. A couple of times, I almost told him about the research and seeking I’ve done, but I got cold feet.”
“Honesty is essential.” Sylvia studied her. “You wouldn’t want to marry someone who doesn’t want to follow the Lord’s ways, would ya?”
Adeline sighed, recognizing the significance of her decision. “Divine grace has become very important to me, and I’m still learning what that means.”
Sylvia nodded her head. “Don’t put off talkin’ to Brendon,” she urged. “The sooner, the better.”
Adeline agreed, then shared with her about some of the entries from her mom’s diary. “I don’t know how to describe it, Sylvie, but Mom must have known when she was writing those particular words that God’s grace would start to make sense to me. I really believe that.”
“Ella Mae says that God exists outside of space and time—He’s not limited like we are. He exists in eternity. This might be hard to understand. . . .”
“No, that makes perfect sense.”
“That means He knows what’s going to happen to us next week, next year, and far into the future. He also knows how Brendon will receive the news about your newfound faith.” Sylvia smiled at her, as if to encourage her. “And even though sometimes it seems like we’re walkin’ blindfolded, we can trust Him to lead the way ahead when we keep our eyes on Him.”
Adeline laughed, her breath rising into the air as miniscule ice crystals. “I like that analogy.” She laughed again, picking up the pace as they neared the meadow gate. “I’ll definitely remember that.”
While Tommy went for a ride to the General Store in Adeline’s car, Sylvia helped Mamma at Dat’s clock showroom—this afternoon Dat and Ernie were manning the shop in Bird-in-Hand. Sylvia was excited to hear that Mamma had sold a large table clock while she and Adeline were out walking. Dat really needs this, she thought. We all do.
“In spite of the cold, the tourists are out and about in force today,” her mother said. Then, looking at her curiously, she asked, “How was your time with Adeline?”
“Ever so gut,” Sylvia said, without revealing anything further. That was for Adeline to share. “We’re becoming a lot closer.”
“I’m not surprised. You’re both considerate young women.” Mamma nodded, then went to greet a middle-aged woman, inviting her into the showroom. “Willkumm,” she said. “How can I help ya?”
The woman remained in the doorway, looking around. “Do you sell pocket watches?”
Mamma exchanged a glance with Sylvia and shook her head. “I’m sorry, we don’t. But we do have clocks for bedrooms and such if ya want something smaller.”
The woman looked a bit disappointed as she walked into the showroom. “I had my heart set on a smaller timepiece for my father’s Christmas present,” she said. “Does your husband know anyone who makes pocket watches, or does he accept custom orders?”
Mamma reached for a small tablet and a pen. “Would ya like to jot down what you’re interested in, and I’ll let Earnest know? Maybe he knows someone who could create somethin’ to your liking.”
The woman smiled for the first time and wrote down her name and phone number.
Meanwhile, Sylvia wondered how her father would react to this request, considering all the difficulties his own heirloom timepiece had caused him this past year.
That evening, Earnest lingered with Rhoda and Adeline in the front room after family Bible reading and prayer. This was their last evening before Adeline left for home tomorrow.
Quietly, Adeline told of her mother’s written regrets about the past. “Toward the end of her diary,” Adeline said, “she mentioned how sorry she was for hurting you, Earnest, including not telling you about me.”
Earnest was surprised and grateful to learn this. “From what you’ve already said, she must have made her peace with God before she passed.”
Adeline nodded. “I believe she wanted me to learn about that peace, too, from the pages of her diary.”
Rhoda smiled sweetly at Adeline. “You were greatly blessed by it. And now, so are we.”
They talked further about the Gospel, as well as how to share it with those they loved.
“Reading John alongside you was one of the best suggestions you could have made,” Adeline admitted. “I really mean that. It was like I was supposed to read that at the same time as I read Mom’s diary.” She smiled. “I’m convinced now that Jesus is the Son of God.”
Earnest was pleased beyond words. “Rhoda and I were prayin’ each day for you while we read those same passages,” he told her.
“I do have a question, though,” Adeline said, “about the difference between your Amish beliefs and those of a more typical Christian. It isn’t like I was really raised in a church, you know.”
Earnest nodded. “Like other Christians, we believe that salvation is an unearned gift from God. But we also believe we’re called to live separately from the modern world and technology. We believe we demonstrate our loyalty to Christ through our simple approach to life, one that follows the church ordinance and the Old Ways put in place by the People’s forefathers.”
Adeline seemed to take this all in before thanking Earnest, then looking at Rhoda. “You’ve inspired me to be a more loving and patient person. And maybe someday a fantastic cook, too.”
Rhoda chuckled at that. “We rely on the Lord’s help to be those things, and you will, too. Folks can’t manage it on their own.”
Earnest glanced at his first daughter. “We couldn’t be happier that you want to keep in touch. And we’d like to get to know Brendon, too,” Earnest added, “whenever he can come with you to visit.”
“He’s surprisingly interested in Plain life,” Adeline said just then. “So it might be sooner, rather than later.”
They talked about arrangements for Sylvia’s travel to Georgia for the wedding, and as Adeline explained her plan for that time, Earnest felt confident that Adeline would look after her. “She’s never been away from Lancaster County,” he explained.
“I can’t wait to introduce her to Brendon and to my two best girlfriends, who will also be in my wedding party.” Adeline smiled. “Sylvia will be the topping on the cake, so to speak. I’m blessed to have the sister I always wished for in my wedding.”
Moved by her remarks, Earnest looked away to gather his emotions. Rhoda, too, appeared very touched, her eyes glistening. “You’re a wunnerbaar addition to our family,” Earnest said, and Rhoda beamed in apparent agreement.
“I have no doubt in my mind that God brought me here . . . to you and to your family,” Adeline said.
Rhoda wiped her eyes and nodded. “Our Lord surely works in mysterious ways.”
“Amen to that,” Earnest said heartily.
Sunday afternoon, Adeline and Brendon were sitting by the fireplace in her apartment, talking about her visit to Hickory Hollow. He was peppering her with more queries about Amish culture and spiritual beliefs. She, in turn, was slowly building up the courage to finally tell him about her recent change of heart when, suddenly, Brendon came out with the most unforeseen question. “What if we went to church together next weekend?”
Her eyes must have bugged out, because Brendon started to laugh.
At first, “Sure, Bren” was all she could muster. Then, “Wait—you want to go to church?”
He merely smiled and mentioned something about having met an outgoing young pastor, a friend of someone in the accounting firm. “I spent Thanksgiving dinner at his and his wife’s house.”
Adeline tuned in even more closely as she tried to understand what he was saying. Inquisitive, she wanted to ask questions but decided to let him do the revealing.
“So you’re actually cool with going?” he asked.
Now’s the time. Adeline took a deep breath. “Brendon, it’s so strange that you should say that, because there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
His eyes lit up. “I think I know. I’ve noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
He shrugged. “Well, it’s a little obvious that things are different with you.”
“It’s that obvious?”
He nodded. “You know . . . leaving a Bible out with a bookmark in it, so you must be reading it. And you’ve been preoccupied learning about the Amish belief system. I mean a lot.” He hesitated for a moment. “Actually, lately I’ve been curious about what it means to commit to Christ.”
She listened, her heart beating hard.
He turned to her, took her hands, his eyes meeting hers. “So here’s another thought. . . .” She smiled as Brendon proposed the idea of also going to six weeks of premarital counseling with his pastor friend. “I think you’d like him, Addy. He’s been answering a lot of my questions about faith.”
“You have spiritual questions?”
He touched her arm. “I guess we’ve both been tiptoeing around each other on this.”
She tried to contain her excitement. “I’m in for counseling if you are,” she said.
“Okay, I’ll make it happen.”
Adeline kissed him soundly, thankful for this breakthrough. I can’t believe it! she thought. Sylvie will be grateful, too!