Author’s Note

To my surprise, it has been exactly two decades since I wrote a novel with a single sequel, a two-book set. In this novel, it was a thrill to return to Sylvia Miller and her family—including Adeline—for the planning, crafting, and writing of The Timepiece. I loved bringing their story of forgiveness full circle, as it were. I think most of us have struggled at one time or another with forgiving another family member. It’s amazing how the Lord can work in us through that experience to change us for the better.

Besides forgiveness, this novel is about time—past, present, and future—and the timeless aspects of life: the joy of sisterhood, the discovery of divine mercy, the legacy of family, and true love.

The quaint, real-life Lancaster County locations found in the fabric of this story include Kauffman’s Handcrafted Clocks and Dienner’s Country Restaurant in Ronks, BB’s Grocery Outlet in Quarryville, Bird-in-Hand Farmers Market, the village of Intercourse, and the charming back roads of West Cattail Road, Hershey Church Road, and White Oak Road. Hickory Lane, however, is quite fictitious, though I could show you right where it is!

Special appreciation goes to my insightful editors, David Horton, Rochelle Glöege, and Elisa Tally, and to all who played an essential role in the production process of getting this manuscript ready for you, dear readers, including Hank and Ruth Hershberger. Thank you, as well, to my devoted partners in prayer—extended family and lifelong friends—and to my supportive and tireless research assistants in the Lancaster County Plain community. I am also blessed by my wonderful sister, Barbara, for her creative input, faithful prayers, and excellent proofreading up to the final edit.

Loving gratitude to my husband, Dave, who never tires of reading my first drafts, brainstorming with me, encouraging me to reach higher in my writing, and making breakfast and lunch whenever I’m engrossed in a new storyline.

And now to my best-ever readers, who have followed my heart from book to book these many years . . . thank you ever so much!

Soli Deo Gloria—to the glory of God alone!