
Creating fictional characters is a never-ending challenge but in many ways it is easier than telling the story of my own life. Once again I’m truly grateful to my editor, Michael Korda, and his associate, senior editor Chuck Adams, for the daily guidance, encouragement, and support they offered. Again, and always, one hundred thousand thanks. It’s a privilege to work with you.

Eugene Winick and Sam Pinkus, my literary agents, are great in every way. It’s always a joy to work with you.

Many thanks to Lisl Cade, a dear friend and marvelous publicist.

Associate Director of Copyediting Gypsy da Silva continues to be eagle-eyed, unflappable, and wise. Love you, Gypsy.

A tip of the hat to my assistants, Agnes Newton and Nadine Petry. Blessings and kudos to my readers-in-progress, my daughter Carol Higgins Clark and my sister-in-law Irene Clark.

Thank you to all my family and friends who helped me to remember the days gone by.

My love and gratitude to my husband, John Conheeney, our children, and grandchildren. They are my Alpha and Omega.

The tale is told—

This writer rejoices.