I have been putting this book together for quite a few years and would like to thank numerous individuals who have inspired me to write A Referee’s Life. Thanks go out to Mary Keenan for introducing me to my publisher, Tim Gordon of General Store Publishing House. Thanks to Tim; to Magdalene Carson, the designer; and to my editor, Lesley Murray, for “shuffling the deck” and keeping me on track.
The input of my friends from the media has been invaluable. Many thanks to authors, journalists, and broadcasters, in particular, to Dick Irvin, Roy MacGregor, Ross Brewitt, and Rick Drennan, with a special thank you to Chris Cuthbert and Ron Ellis for their generous endorsements. Craig Campbell of the Hockey Hall of Fame was extremely helpful in obtaining information and graphics. Susan Foster, partner of the late Maple Leafs defenceman Carl Brewer, has been a great inspiration. With all that Sue and Carl have done to increase the lot of retired players and referees, they should both be in the Hall of Fame.
My pals Gary McDonald, Brian Madigan, Bob Nutbrown, and Jim Garvie have been trusted counsellors. A most special hug to both Gloria Confiant and Karen Bennett for their technical assistance and for keeping a smile on their faces while answering my dumb questions. And kudos to my wife, Barb, for allowing me the time and the space to finally put this book together.