Abhedananda, Swami, 55, 63, 964, 976
Absolute, 263, 307, 328, 480, 652-3, 801-2, 851, 919-20. See also Ātman, Brahman, and Śakti
āchārya, 421, 579-80, 633-4. See also guru, preacher, and teacher
Adbhutananda, Swami, 55, 71n, 976
Adhar, 185, 208-10, 225, 258, 259, 261-3, 273, 413-4, 426, 434, 517-22, 617, 666
Advaitananda, Swami, 55, 56, 425, 976
Ādyāśakti, 460, 616, 701, 835, 979, 1012.
See also Divine Mother, Kāli, and Śakti
Akhandananda, Swami, 55, 62, 976
Arjuna, 153, 285, 308, 316, 959
Ārya Samāj, 42
Ātman, 582, 583, 943. See also Brahman
Aum, see Om
Avadhuta, 314
Avatār, see Incarnation
avidyā, 101, 116, 216, 776, 1016. See also avidyāmāyā, māyā, and vidyā
avidyāmāyā, 30, 216, 460, 776, 940. See also avidyā
Baburam, 60, 159, 160, 458, 459, 487, 488, 507, 716, 941, 976-7
Balaram, 50, 110, 130, 535, 724, 756, 796, 799, 815; Balaram’s father, 304-6
Bankim, 666-76, 683, 789, 889-90
Benares, 36, 251, 306, 584, 607
Bhagavad Gītā, see Gītā bhakta, 148, 243, 248, 277, 700, 779, 939; his view of world, 133; prayer of, 468-9; Brahmajnāna and, 480-1. See also devotee
bhakti, 157, 158, 161, 172-3, 186, 243, 308, 346, 376, 497, 579, 591, 858, 921, 938; the essential thing, 111; characterized by three gunas, 146-7, 250; single-minded, 228-9; different degrees of, 255; of Nārada, 452, 464, 585; for Kaliyuga, 485; different kinds of, 494, 698, 702; meaning of, 680. See also bhaktiyoga, devotion, and vaidhi-bhakti
bhaktiyoga, 143, 171, 468, 482. See also bhakti
bhāva (attitude toward God): five kinds of, 115, 217
bhāva (ecstasy): nature of, 78. See also samādhi
Bhavanath, 50, 187, 194, 199, 232, 238, 458, 528, 570, 715-6, 766, 768, 773, 775-7, 811, 933, 965-6, 978, 989
Bose, Hariballav, 920-1, 927-8
Brahman, 28-9, 150, 242, 268, 271, 277, 280, 306, 307, 320, 343, 473, 482, 636, 802, 835, 900, 920, 939, 943; beyond good and evil, 101-2; unknowability of, 102; same as Śakti, 107-8, 550; as described by jnānis, 133; nature of, 218, 585; power of, 290; is everything, 652; Knowledge of, 776; signs of Knowledge of, 791. See also Absolute, Ātman, Kāli, Śakti, and Satchidānanda
Brahmananda, Swami, 55, 93, 976
Brāhmo, 132-43, 145-54, 202, 215-21, 224-5, 291, 577, 856, 1017, 1024; is a follower of bhakti, 150. See also Brāhmo Samāj
Brāhmo Samāj, 40-2, 43-6, 311-2, 377-8, 420-2, 623-37, 1019; quarrel in, 454. See also Brāhmo
Buddha, 430, 947-9, 960, 964, 990, 1007
Captain, 33, 276-8, 294, 414, 532-3, 541, 545, 546, 651, 784-5, 788-9 caste-system, 155, 157-8, 309, 1023-4 centres: six centres, 352, 362-3, 374, 499-500, 744. See also Kundalini, planes, and yoga
Chaitanya, Sri, 19, 24, 36-7, 105, 126, 146, 152, 155, 157, 188, 202, 330, 414, 424-5, 440, 443, 445, 485, 547, 572, 573, 604, 658, 696, 717, 1007; God-intoxicated state of, 425; his three moods, 478, 588; play at Star Theatre about his life, 551-6; his renunciation, 688. See also Gaurānga
Chatterji, Bankim Chandra, see Bankim
Chitśakti, 609. See also Śakti
consciousness: three moods of, 190, 253-4, 255; planes of, 562; states of, 699
Dakshineswar Temple, 8-10, 77-8, 132
dāsya, 16, 115, 894, 957. See also bhāva (attitude toward God)
death: what happens after, 583; life after, 416, 668-9, 820, 841
Devendra, see Tagore, Devendranath
devotee, 244, 320, 471; different classes of, 396, 483, 624, 678, 909-10; two kinds of, 707, 843. See also bhakta
devotion, 173, 186, 196, 222-3, 229, 371, 375, 591, 680. See also bhakti
discrimination, 82, 140, 179, 203, 327, 484
divine love, see bhakti
Divine Mother, 135-6, 164, 175, 213, 226, 270-1, 277, 307, 321, 425, 817; is to be propitiated, 116; has become man, 231; has become all, 345-6. See also Ādyāśakti, Kāli, and Śakti
dogmatism, 191
Dutta, Aswini Kumar, 781, 1021-7
duty, 367, 424-5, 428-9; how to do, 113-4
ego, 204, 210, 252, 328, 387, 405, 430, 630, 633, 776-7, 853, 940; is ignorance, 162, 609; the cause of suffering, 168-9, 451; different kinds of, 178, 416-7, 480, 500-1, 788, 875; harmless ego, 452, 678, 708; difficult to get rid of, 700, 708-9; creates obstruction, 790-1; after samādhi, 860-1; “unripe ego”, 860-1. See also “I”
ever-perfect, 164, 196, 206-7, 249, 483, 563, 689
faith, 106-7, 247-8, 252, 310, 337-8, 381, 865; power of, 87; achieves everything, 234; as a means of God-vision, 1016
fetters, 243-4, 298, 438, 533, 689
Gangāmā, see Gangāmāyi
Gaurānga, 175, 212, 253-5, 302-4, 445, 740, 942n. See also Chaitanya, Sri
Ghosh, Girish, see Girish
Ghosh, Khelat, 264
Girish, 49, 51-2, 68, 70, 551, 677-83, 691, 693-4, 697-9, 702-6, 709, 711, 721, 725-35, 741, 752-3, 756-8, 762-3, 766, 768, 771, 773, 777, 834-5, 954-8, 972, 973, 1026; in a state of drunkenness, 841-3; Master’s love for, 955-6
Gītā, 104-5, 343, 484, 502, 587, 772, 841, 849, 917; essence of, 255, 694
God: with and without form, 80, 148, 180, 191, 217, 370, 459, 802, 858; longing for vision of, 83, 96, 673, 674, 680, 688; powers of, 104, 211; different seekers of, 114, 305-6; grace of, 116, 174, 351, 407, 646, 769, 817, 890, 1015; dwells in devotees’ hearts, 133; sanctity of the name of, 146; how to see, 149, 161, 173-4, 241-2, 645, 674, 689, 1024; can be seen, 158, 625, 726; signs of vision of, 161, 245, 265, 451-2, 629, 678, 688; like a child, 176; chanting the name of, 204, 310; power of name of, 210, 386; manifestations of, 257, 287, 432, 726; inscrutability of the ways of, 257, 259, 260; names of, 264, 423; glories of, 321-2, 625; Impersonal, 350; has become all, 395, 766; is Kalpataru, 481, 820; compassion of, 605, 630; manifestations of the power of, 625, 726; as Mother, 629; unknowable by finite mind, 687, 690, 726; under devotees’ control, 792; not partial, 818; everything is possible for, 920
Gopal, the elder, 56, 72, 425, 976, 984
Gopāl Mā, 64-5, 798, 804, 814, 840
gopis, 206, 223, 227-8, 229, 355, 356, 481, 533, 719, 766, 788, 789; love for Krishna, 240-1, 356, 371, 449, 533. See also Krishna
Gorā, see Chaitanya, Sri
Goswāmi, Advaita, 163
Goswāmi, Navadvip, 253-6, 260-1
Goswāmi, Vijay, see Vijay
Guhaka, 335
guna, 218-9, 267-8, 322, 438, 452, 630. See also rajas, sattva, and tamas
guru, 98, 141-2, 183-4, 217, 241, 292, 432, 524, 658, 673, 745, 777, 780, 794, 843, 1016-7; grace of, 232-3. See also āchārya, preacher, and teacher
Haladhari, 16-7, 117-8, 151, 175, 234, 286, 373, 548
Hanumān, 90-1, 105, 117, 204, 228, 260, 290, 500, 548, 600, 680-1, 708, 811, 822, 851
Hari (a disciple), 62, 430, 436, 594, 801-2, 811, 976
Hariprasanna, 63
hathayoga, 244, 330-1, 579, 832
hathayogi, 285, 408-9, 412-3, 418
Hazra, 53, 60, 178, 230-1, 236, 270, 278, 299, 320, 358, 360, 402, 521-2, 523, 542-3, 550, 567, 571, 573, 590-2, 654, 693, 784, 812, 993; Narendra’s support of, 765-6, 768-9
holy company, 96-7, 158, 194, 307, 329, 344, 429, 431, 865, 1019
holy man, 117-8, 188, 194, 296-7, 299, 327, 402. See also sādhus and sannyāsi
Holy Mother, 67, 69, 71, 73, 121, 715, 834, 839, 848, 931, 934-5, 941, 953, 973, 976. See also Sarada Devi
householders, 139, 155, 194, 215, 244, 250, 369-70, 401-2, 549, 593, 821-2, 883, 956, 1016-7, 1019, 1025; spiritual disciplines for, 81-2, 83, 87, 98, 246, 367-8; advised about solitude, 82; how to do duties, 113-4, 142; middle path for, 137; disease of, 140; spiritual practice necessary for, 154, 313; various debts of, 156, 701; detachment recommended for, 336, 456-7; mental renunciation for, 561; advice to, 626-7, 628, 648, 874; duties of, 671; praise of householder devotee, 856
Hriday, 10, 44, 65, 129, 270, 274-5, 280, 393, 397, 548, 567-8, 643-4, 711, 925, 1025
“I”, 105, 149, 208, 243, 269, 308, 1023; wicked “I”, 170; servant “I”, 171; after samādhi, 479; cannot be destroyed, 658-9, 811-2, 1019; real nature of, 819. See also ego
image: worship of, 11-2, 80-1, 337, 688
Incarnation, 186, 189, 226, 243, 257, 272, 283, 308, 351, 353, 355, 432-3, 502-3, 640, 717, 749, 766-7, 773, 782, 850-1, 853, 864, 883, 940; can return from samādhi, 237; all cannot recognize, 359, 361, 739, 759; is above sin, 371; human traits of, 415-6; as Kalki, 461; ego of, 700, 760; is a mystery, 725, 759-60, 789; same as God, 726. See also Iśvarakoti
Ishan, 288-93, 610-7; admonished by Master, 612-5
Iśvarakoti, 237, 502-3, 562, 707-8, 749-50, 777, 936. See also Incarnation
Jagaddhātri, 270
Janaka, 139, 194, 250, 313, 387, 563, 856-7
Jatadhari, 24
Jayamal, 333
Jesus Christ, 34, 35, 606, 825-6, 838, 922, 970
jnāna, 189, 404-5, 523, 598-9, 782. See also jnānayoga and jnāni
jnānayoga, 171-2, 467, 468, 482, 680. See also jnāna and “Neti, neti”
jnāni, 134, 148, 238, 277, 347, 460, 476, 478, 479, 548, 564, 766, 792, 857, 940; follows the path of negation, 103; his idea of God, 128; views of a, 248; signs of a, 417; as teacher, 669; meditation of a, 915
Kacha, 851
Kali (a disciple), 63, 941, 947, 964, 976-9, 986, 991, 998
Kāli, 106-8, 139, 271, 420, 585, 734, 888; description of the image of, 9-10; same as Brahman, 134-5; various aspects of, 135; as Saviour, 136. See also Brahman, Divine Mother, and Śakti
Kaliyuga, 150, 172, 297, 485, 584-5
karma: law of, 250; path of, 452, 611. See also karmayoga and prārabdha
karmayoga, 142-3, 452, 467-8, 578, 671, 696, 849; only a means, 453. See also karma
Kartābhajā, 204, 305-6, 308, 337, 514
Kedar, 49, 111, 178, 179, 184, 188, 194, 239, 561, 565, 576, 577, 689-90, 812, 972
Keshab, 40, 41-3, 127, 144, 152, 159, 198, 269, 278, 298-9, 318-24, 336, 347, 378, 405, 420-2, 442-3, 451, 492, 549, 561, 581, 605, 649, 694, 749, 790, 791, 831, 844, 865, 896, 1009-12, 1014-5, 1018-20, 1021-3, 1024; Master’s first meeting with, 42-3; Master’s love for, 95, 323; Master’s boat trip with, 132-43
Krishna, 157, 222, 227-9, 271, 277, 285, 286, 304, 333, 347, 348-9, 354-6, 380, 440-1, 444-8, 505-6, 510, 556, 604, 667, 684-5, 689, 691, 727-8, 740, 763-5, 779, 788-9, 853, 919-20, 1012; story of birth of, 537n. See also gopis
Krishnakishore, 274, 286, 293, 477, 695, 959; his faith in God, 117-8
Kundalini, 22, 243, 262, 363, 499-500, 513, 611, 830. See also centres, samādhi, and yoga
Latu, 55, 71, 71n, 458, 504, 522, 927, 941, 942, 976-7
Līlā, 238, 392, 778, 779. See also Nitya longing, 96, 225, 244, 306, 375, 384, 402, 449, 497, 673, 674, 680, 793, 1011; signs of, 203; leads to God-vision, 429, 485
M., 70, 71, 126, 237-8, 296-301, 331-2, 340, 349-53, 359, 381-2, 419-20, 661-5, 726, 761-2, 973-4; first visit to Master, 77-8; rebuked by Master, 79-81, 341, 424; second visit, 78-83; third visit, 83-90; his estimate of Master, 92, 505; about the Master, 825-6. See also Mahendra
madhur, 115, 957. See also bhāva (attitude toward God)
mahābhāva, 18-9, 25, 255, 747. See also prema
Mahāmāyā, 116, 216, 681-2, 777, 831. See also māyā
Mahimacharan, 53, 383, 386-90, 413, 450, 652-4, 762, 778-80, 829-33, 876-8, 880-3
Mallick, Jadu, 34, 118, 263, 264, 349, 362, 530-1, 602, 910, 919
Mallick, Mani, 158, 201, 202, 232-3, 266, 391-2
Mallick, Sambhu Charan, 34, 40, 142-3, 234, 321, 386, 397, 453, 545, 780, 850
man, 844, 851, 891; different classes of, 86, 164-5, 249; nature of bound, 87, 165; different natures of, 141; is God, 405, 407, 432
Manomohan, 48, 49, 124, 156, 599, 960, 1013
Mathur, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 35-6, 37, 40, 97, 119, 129, 152, 322, 332, 346, 348, 390, 423, 770, 832, 891, 934
māyā, 131, 161, 169, 206, 243, 267, 269, 270, 274, 336, 456, 583, 777, 893, 939, 943-4, 965, 1013-4, 1022; same as Kāli, 30; is ego, 168; covers God, 260; is difficult to get rid of, 854. See also avidyāmāyā, Mahāmāyā, and vidyāmāyā
Mazumdar, Pratap, 44-5, 450-2, 454-7, 833
meditation, 256, 344, 403-4, 604-5, 745, 915; how one feels in, 850
mind, 169-70, 248, 313, 429, 430, 539, 1012; creates bondage and liberation, 138; seven planes of, 150-1, 245
monk: cannot save, 156, 314. See also sannyāsi
Mrinmayi, 275
Nangtā, 159, 352, 357, 358, 430, 581, 740, 779, 832. See also Totapuri
Nārada, 124, 152, 276, 503, 563, 584-5, 777, 894
Naran, see Narayan
Narayan (a devotee), 430, 514-5, 546, 594-5, 605-6, 660-1, 662, 727, 834
Naren, the younger, 717, 718, 738-40, 754, 755, 798, 815, 832, 841, 873, 897, 952; Master’s praise of, 811
Narendra, 55-60, 67-72, 84, 88-9, 91-2, 117, 119-23, 127, 219, 225, 231, 238, 276, 296, 363-4, 397, 406, 463, 470, 504-5, 525-9, 562, 564, 691-5, 704-5, 709, 711-3, 716-7, 731-6, 770-5, 884, 896, 904-6, 935-8, 941-5, 959-60, 962, 966-9, 976-9, 987-90, 997-9, 1019; his traits in boyhood and youth, 56; meeting with the Master, 56-7; Master’s training of, 58; his poverty at home, 58, 59, 938; his scepticism about God, 59, 962; and Gopāl Mā, 65, 804; his longing for God, 70-1, 935-7, 987, 988; first samādhi of, 71-2; Master transmits power to, 72; Master’s last admonition to, 72; is ever-free, 88; many virtues of, 127, 279, 730, 810-1; his father’s death, 394; Master’s love of, 535, 735, 795; scolded by Master, 805; Master’s vision about, 831; his visit to Bodh-Gayā, 947; on Buddha, 947-9; his reminiscences of the Master, 980-7; his spirit of dispassion, 1004-5
”Neti, neti”, 114, 180, 395, 417-8, 854. See also jnānayoga
Nimāi (same as Sri Chaitanya), see Chaitanya, Sri
Niranjan (a disciple), 60-1, 437, 448-9, 458, 507, 810, 813, 932-3, 937, 941, 958, 976-7, 987, 988
Niranjanananda, Swami, 55, 60-1, 437, 976
nishthā, 222-3, 307, 371, 503, 680
Nitāi, 146, 339-40, 341, 556, 692, 755. See also Nityānanda
Nitya, 257, 359, 473, 477-8, 653, 778, 801, 802. See also Līlā
Nityagopal, 93, 184, 187-8, 621, 689, 692, 732, 778, 798, 831, 878, 982, 983
Nityānanda, 155, 983. See also Nitāi
occult powers, 459, 547-8, 550, 624, 745, 871
Om, 77, 335, 366, 372, 390, 404, 416, 465, 586; meaning of, 653
Padmalochan, Pundit, 33, 222, 266-7, 357
Pal, Benimadhav, 145
Panchavati, 15, 36, 332, 380, 437
parables: māhut God, 84-5; snake and brahmachāri, 85-6; man walking on water, 87, 106-7; homā bird, 88, 192, 563; peacock and opium, 90; father and his two sons, 102; ant and sugar hill, 102; salt doll, 103; cow crying “Hāmbā”, 105, 633, 860; wood-cutter going forward, 109, 453-4; two yogis, 124; Padmalochan, 125; the Hāldārpukur, 142, 668; chameleon, 149, 559, 859; man who worshipped Divine Mother in forest, 164; farmer with strong renunciation, 166; the priests of Govindaji, 166-7; bullfrog seized by water-snake, 168; frog and his rupee, 169; blind men and elephant, 191; monk beaten by landlord, 201-2; two friends and their fate after death, 204, 539; rich man and three robbers, 218-9, 267-8; Vishnu incarnated as sow, 226, 415-6; three friends and tiger, 229; grass-eating tiger, 232-3, 359-60; fisherman pretending to be a holy man, 233; jnāni farmer, 236, 651-2; four friends and wall, 268, 354; ”Elder, the pumpkin-cutter”, 281; sādhu and water carrier, 292; disciple and a dog, 293; two holy men visiting a city, 313-4, 776; kite and fish, 314; young widow and Govinda, 337; the boy Jatila, 338; boy feeding God, 338; jackal and bullock, 349; Kārtika and Ganeśa, 376; pundit who could not swim, 392; bird on ship’s mast, 425, 792; fishwife and her basket, 433-4, 1011; monk and his loin cloth, 435n; man and his hut, 455; pious hunter and chaste woman, 471-2; man who lost letter, 475-6, 729; weaver and her friend, 479-80; magician buried in vault, 481-2; Hindu devotee converted to Islām, 486; righteous Mussalmān and his water-jar, 519; young sannyāsi, 521, 656; man with occult power, 547; sādhu with occult power, 547; physician and molasses, 580; disciple disillusioned about family love, 609-10, 770-1; man seeking rare medicine, 647, 793; weaver and the will of Rāma, 648-9; Akbar and the fakir, 656, 710-1; frog pierced by Rāma’s bow, 658; barber, 667-8; guru holding disciple under water, 674, 937; pious goldsmiths, 675-6, 890; busy Bhāgavata pundit, 709-10, 917; king and Bhāgavata pundit, 710, 917; ghost seeking a companion, 717, 770; Vyāsa and the gopis, 719; man absorbed in angling, 744; Golap and the job-seeker, 748; man with sixteen wives, 750; diamond and egg-plant seller, 759-60; disciple who practised hathayoga, 771; Rāvana’s birth and death, 787-8; ghost and kinky hair, 790; Nārāyana and His self-defending devotee, 790; Ranjit Raya, 797; king behind seven gates, 836; man with tub of dye, 858-9; the crow Bhushandi, 864; man impersonating Śiva, 986; disciple and her pot of curd, 1016
paramahamsa, 176, 188, 357-8, 370, 388, 442, 579; is beyond three gunas, 250; is like a child, 490-1; is like a madman, 491; two classes of, 500, 679
physical marks, 234, 596, 597, 702, 766
planes: seven, 150-1, 245, 499-500. See also centres
Prahlāda, 158, 172, 183, 186, 340-1, 548, 708, 750, 791, 811; play at the Star Theatre about his life, 677
prārabdha, 275-6, 477, 951. See also karma
preacher, 465-6, 668. See also āchārya, guru, and teacher
prema, 202, 255, 315, 441, 502-3, 638, 680; ekāngi prema, 766. See also mahābhāva, premā-bhakti, and rāga-bhakti
premā-bhakti, 172, 173. See also prema and rāga-bhakti
Premananda, Swami, 55, 60, 976
Primordial Power, 320. See also Brahman and Śakti
pundit, 101, 316, 368, 419, 836. See also scholarship
Purna, 52-3, 736-7, 738, 747, 752-3, 773, 785, 796-8, 800-1, 810, 839, 869-70, 912-3, 940, 963
Purusha, see Brahman
Rādhā, 25, 206, 222, 225, 271, 444-5, 446-8, 449, 547, 667, 763-5, 766, 786, 885, 891, 982; as Divine Śakti, 480, 598; different aspects of, 608, 919
Rādhikā, see Rādhā
rāga-bhakti, 172-3, 183, 196, 588, 659. See also prema and premā-bhakti
rajas, 113, 306, 413, 606. See also guna rājayoga, 244-5, 331
Rakhal, 55, 71, 177, 185, 192, 194-6, 221, 225, 230, 239, 261, 270, 273, 332, 349, 391, 426, 429, 458, 710, 715, 717, 737, 780, 787, 833, 934, 941, 942-3, 952, 957, 958, 963-4, 976-7, 983-4, 988-90, 996; his first ecstasy, 93; his discrimination, 440; his illness, 531, 534; his ecstasies, 534-5; his intense renunciation, 977; his restlessness for God, 994-5
Ram (a disciple), 48, 226, 365, 423-4, 426, 742, 982, 986, 989
Rāma, 24, 169, 189, 335, 342, 350, 566, 648, 699, 710, 766-7, 894
Ramakrishna: birth and parentage, 3-4; boyhood and early tendencies, 4-6; ecstasies during boyhood, 4-5; coming to Calcutta, 6; contempt for education, 6-8; coming to Dakshineswar, 10; as priest, 11-2; first vision of Kāli, 12-4; God-intoxicated state, 14-6, 18; worshipping God as His servant, 16; dwelling in bhāvamukha, 17, 30-1, 32; marriage, 17; spiritual disciplines, 18; proclaimed an Incarnation, 19-20; practice of Tantra, 21-2; Vaishnava disciplines, 24-5; Vedāntic disciplines, 28-9; in company of devotees, 32-3; practice of Islām, 33-4; attitude toward different religions, 34-5; practice of Christianity, 34; pilgrimage, 35-7; attitude toward the poor, 35-6; his ego, 38, 505; conclusions about himself, 39; conclusions about spirituality, 39; bereavements, 39-40; meeting with Keshab, 40, 42-3; longing for his own devotees, 46; method of teaching, 47-8; woman devotees, 63-4; beginning of illness, 66, 761; injury to arm, 66, 383, 390; at Śyāmpukur, 67-8, 848; progress of illness, 68; removed to Cossipore, 68, 931; last days at Cossipore, 70-2; about himself, 71, 131, 273, 299, 720, 825, 826, 829, 949; transmits power to Narendra, 72; declares himself an Incarnation, 72; mahāsamādhi, 72-3; love for Keshab, 79, 95, 323; attitude toward woman, 82n, 593-4, 965; visit to Vidyāsāgar, 99-110; boat trip with Keshab, 132-43; his prayer, 138-9, 299, 312, 376, 381, 614, 635, 731, 817, 902; advising Keshab about disciples, 141; at the circus, 154; birthday celebration, 186, 437, 691; how he felt in samādhi, 196, 197; attitude toward youngsters, 231; at Pānihāti, 253-6; regard for truth, 312, 418-9, 782; about his father, 359, 408; his harmony of religions, 374, 558-9; visit to Shashadhar, 464-71; respect for all faiths, 538, 540; at the Star Theatre, 550-6, 677-83; condemns dogmatism, 596, 634; and Kāli, 616; attitude toward God, 682; pain while touching metal, 725; attitude toward his mother, 813; similarities to Christ, 825-6, 838; meaning of his illness, 826, 932-3, 970; pain while touching coin, 845; vision of Māyā, 870; about physicians, 883; on Kāli Pujā day, 924-5, 928-30; love for devotees, 932; extreme physical suffering, 941; vision of God becoming everything, 941-2; on Buddha, 947-8; enjoying God in various ways, 1009-10
Ramakrishna (personal reminiscences), 282, 332, 348, 359, 376-7, 593, 594, 782, 787, 832, 869-70, 871, 885, 894-5; first vision of Kāli, 13-4; God-intoxicated state, 15, 118-9, 231-2, 235-6, 239, 345-6, 548-9, 687-8; moments of doubt, 17; nirvikalpa samādhi, 29; in rājasic mood, 113; first samādhi, 161; about his younger days, 239-40; vision of God, 260; at Mathurā and Vrindāvan, 361-2; his meditation, 378, 743-6; seeing God everywhere, 396; various desires, 397, 534, 562, 832; various spiritual practices, 543-5; his various visions, 544, 744-6, 813, 831, 868, 891, 933-5; about himself, 572-3, 587; devotion to his mother, 573-4; his renunciation, 584, 647; experience of mahābhāva, 747; visions at Benares, 803; his horoscope, 813-4; awakening of Kundalini, 830
Ramakrishnananda, Swami, 55, 61-2, 739, 976
Rāmlālā, 24
reasoning, 186, 272, 375-6, 377, 381, 610, 734, 811; useful, 496; Vedāntic, 854
religion: all religions are paths, 93, 111-2, 306, 374, 558-9
renunciation, 179, 246, 291, 379, 410-1, 502, 612, 750, 769-70, 896, 937, 944, 1014; strong and mild, 165-6, 410-1; varieties of, 195; meaning of, 506
sādhanā, 164, 668, 744, 779, 994. See also spiritual discipline
sādhus, 314-5, 372, 404-5, 425, 440; three classes of, 656. See also holy man and sannyāsi
sakhya, 115, 957. See also bhāva (attitude toward God)
Śākta, 489, 494; different attitudes of, 116-7, 123. See also Śakti
Śakti, 134, 176, 460, 500, 634-5; two aspects of, 116; same as Brahman, 134, 269, 277, 283, 434, 567, 1017. See also Absolute, Ādyāśakti, Brahman, Chitśakti, and Kāli
samādhi, 169, 245, 256, 344, 350, 390, 430, 767, 859; what happens after, 151-2, 500; different kinds of, 237, 478, 639, 702, 812; five kinds of, 829-30, 949-50. See also bhāva (ecstasy) and Kundalini
Śankara, see Śankarāchārya
Śankarāchārya, 103, 248, 289, 582, 936, 939, 940, 943
Sannyal, Trailokya, see Trailokya Sannyal
sannyāsi, 181, 210, 224, 244, 247, 291, 352, 520, 543, 578, 580, 671, 956-7; strict disciplines for, 184, 387-8, 443, 584; must renounce woman, 412, 442; his total renunciation, 670, 701, 866, 874. See also holy man, monk, and sādhus
śānta, 115, 957. See also bhāva (attitude toward God)
Sarada Devi, 17, 35; relationship with Master, 37-8; attendance on Master, 67. See also Holy Mother
Sarada Prasanna, 63, 683, 976-7, 988-9, 993, 996-9
Saradananda, Swami, 55, 61-2, 676, 976
Sarat, 61-2, 676, 934, 939, 941, 972, 976-7, 981, 985
Sarkar, Dr. Mahendra, 67, 72, 848, 849-55, 856, 858-67, 868-85, 886-95, 898-911, 913-9, 921-4, 926-7, 964-5; love for Master, 870, 879; scolded by Master 908-9
Sashi, 61-2, 69, 72, 739, 875, 934, 941, 948, 952-3, 963-4, 976-8, 980, 989, 993-4, 1007
Satchidānanda, 217, 265, 306, 358, 395, 423, 490. See also Brahman
sattva, 306, 413, 605, 895. See also guna
scholarship, 729-30, 917. See also pundit
scriptures, 475-6, 484, 524, 543, 625, 645-6, 669, 772-3, 882-3, 900; futility of their study, 729
Shashadhar, 69, 464-70, 473-88, 523
Shastri, Narayan, 33, 352, 492
Shivananda, Swami, 55, 60, 294, 732, 976
Shivanath, 44, 115-6, 145, 158, 312, 615, 1024, 1026
siddhas: different kinds of, 114, 182-3, 483, 624
sin, 138, 159, 181-2, 190, 198, 220, 328, 403, 494, 627, 820, 912
Śiva, 9, 271, 291, 293, 310, 345, 393, 396, 500, 812, 986, 990, 1001-4; meaning of the emblem of, 603-4
solitude, 313, 326, 327, 626, 856
soul: different kinds of, 206-7; nature of the bound, 631
spiritual discipline, 81, 241-2, 344, 363, 369, 402; in solitude, 434. See also sādhana
Subodhananda, Swami, 55, 63, 976
Śukadeva, 268, 354, 411, 563, 689, 708, 750, 994-5
Surendra, 49, 69, 121, 143, 144, 157, 210, 361, 362, 444, 449, 457, 566, 610, 696, 848-9, 954, 961, 963, 964, 972-3, 975-6, 1012, 1013
Swami Dayananda, see Dayananda
Swami, Trailanga, see Trailanga Swami
Tagore, Devendranath, 40-1, 53, 235-6, 519-20, 650-1, 1022
Tagore, Sourindra, 119
tamas, 147-8, 702, 861. See also guna
Tantra, 20-2, 123, 164, 285, 291, 311, 499-500, 544
Tarak, 60, 239, 294-5, 732, 947, 950, 976-8, 996-7
teacher: three classes of, 148, 469-70, 865-6; must receive God’s command, 168. See also āchārya, guru, and preacher
tendencies: of previous births, 163-4, 259, 336-7, 502, 585, 605, 783, 812-3
Totapuri, 26, 27-9, 31, 352. See also Nangtā
Trailanga Swami, 36, 177, 201, 245
Trailokya Sannyal, 194, 753-9, 791, 794, 1024
Trigunatitananda, Swami, 55, 63, 976
truthfulness, 177, 296, 312, 418, 749, 844
Turiyananda, Swami, 55, 62, 430, 594, 811, 976
upādhi, 169
Upadhyaya, Viswanath, see Captain
vaidhi-bhakti, 172, 588. See also bhakti
Vaishnava, 22-4, 25, 64, 114, 305-6, 332-3, 377, 494, 505
Vaishnavcharan, 19-20, 158, 260, 337, 423, 489
vātsalya, 23, 24, 64, 115, 957. See also bhāva (attitude toward God)
Vedānta, 26-7, 243, 266, 274, 417, 592-3; its process of “Neti, neti”, 114
Vibhishana, 87, 228-9, 294, 407, 458
vidyā, 101-2, 116, 216, 776, 1016. See also avidyā, māyā, and vidyāmāyā
vidyāmāyā, 30, 216, 460, 776, 781, 940. See also vidyā
Vidyāsāgar, Pundit Iswar Chandra, 99-110, 112, 160-1, 211, 218, 249, 267, 296, 779, 888, 992
Vijay, 49, 133, 140-1, 158-9, 163-74, 313-5, 538-9, 558-63, 575-7, 581, 661, 831, 934, 982; about the Master, 880-1, 885
vijnāna, 104, 287-8, 404-5, 781, 852, 911; meaning of, 104, 417-8, 523, 599, 781; four states of, 405. See also vijnāni
vijnāni, 38, 105, 476, 477-9; nature of, 103-4, 493; realization of a, 104; accepts both Personal and Impersonal God, 802. See also vijnāna
Virabhadra, 167
Vishnu (a devotee), 163
Viswas, 156
Vrindāvan, 36, 129-30, 361-2, 437, 444-5
Vivekananda, Swami, 55, 56-60, 84, 976, 1027
woman, 82n, 166-8, 284, 387, 439, 535-6, 572, 593-4, 595, 604, 701-2, 748, 804, 965, 995; divinity of, 116; two classes of, 216; embodiment of Śakti, 116, 336, 425, 432; Master warns devotees about, 603
”woman and gold”, 82n, 112, 113, 157, 166, 216, 247, 343, 438-9, 583-4, 670, 748, 757, 793, 819; how to avoid its evil effect, 626; its momentary pleasure, 817
world, 325-6, 327-8, 345, 427, 912, 1016; nature of, 96, 793; views of jnāni and bhakta about, 133; is evolved from Brahman, 342-3; is unreal, 911
worldly people, 326, 588, 615, 626, 631, 757, 780, 781, 844; are averse to spirituality, 146; their conception of God, 624; their duties, 626-7
Yaśodā, 229, 480-1, 598, 691, 750
yoga, 113, 248, 343-4, 352, 401, 533-4, 612, 689; six centres of, 245, 362-3; kinds of, 388, 467-9, 696; obstacles to, 401, 428. See also centres, Kundalini, and yogi