1.    How does the title frame the reader’s experience of the novel?

2.    How do Eliza’s thoughts toward men evolve through the story? Where do you see a turning point in her feelings?

3.    Describe Steiner’s positive qualities and Eliza’s negative qualities. How does looking at these qualities change your perception of either character?

4.    What role does weather play in the novel?

5.    What is the significance of the recipes peppered throughout the novel?

6.    Who is Pearly? What do we know of her from fact versus the reality she’s created for herself ?

7.    Why do you think Dr. Phillips chooses Rose to be his wife?

8.    How do you feel about Cilla’s decision to marry Lester Edwards? What other decisions do women in the novel make that please you or bother you?

9.    Discuss surprises in the novel.

10.  What is your favorite Kate Chopin quote? Why?