“It is either you do something that can be written or something that can be read. That's the way to immortalize yourself on earth, build influence and relevance.”-Mike Oladipo.
I have come to understand that life is just exactly what we make of it, however, whatever we make of it is usually based on the type and quality of information we have access to at the time of making decisions.
The journey of life isn't all rosy; even the supposed rich are not exempted from the hiccups it brings.
This book in your hand walks you through my three decade sojourn here on earth. In it are invaluable tips to inform your decisions in life. It is a must read for every purpose driven lady under 30, in her 30s and just after 30.
It's a mix of autobiography woven in essential compass needed to walk through life in preparation for living a fulfilled life.
A beautiful life means one in which you can graciously count your true blessings. Not just the general gifts accessible to every hale and hearty person, offered freely and mercifully by God the father himself, but I am referring to personal uncommon benefits received from Him.
To achieve these, you must have strategically positioned yourself for it. It is like trying to learn how to read, it is imperative that you understand the alphabets and begin with two-letter, three-letter words etc.
To get the most of this book, you should read as though you are seated by me, hoping to hear my story in a way to relax, know Tolulope really, and glean the lessons in it for an amazing ride to age 30.
Many times, I succeeded, failed, stood, fell, triumphed, and succeeded again!
Wouldn't you rather let me hand you a compass to ease your journey so that my mistakes won't be yours?
You should have a guide that avails you priceless top information, just before you clock 30!
What you are staring at now is that compendium you need to have a successful landing before you are three decades old!
Brace up, we are about to take off!