“I thought I’d seen it all,” Alex said.
Only weeks past the legal drinking age, Alex Emerine hardly looked old enough to have seen much of anything. Slim, dishwater blond hair currently cut within half an inch of her scalp, pierced ears but no earrings, usually wearing whatever clothes were handiest when she rolled out of bed to her laptop. Or no clothes at all, depending. Buying expensive flip-flops, her only financial weakness.
The toilet flushed in the nearest bathroom and a short woman came out, rubbing her hands on paper towels.
“I’m Kelle,” she said. “Spelled with an e, but an Irish Kelly.” Without hesitation she came over, thrust out her hand. “I’m the video person, we’ve never met before.”
“Laura,” I said.
“Yeah. I know.” A true strawberry blonde, ringlets in front, her face a cross between the beauty of Cate Blanchett and the perkiness of a teenage Shirley Temple.
“You’ve seen something new?” I said.
“New and unusual,” Alex said. “At first I thought it was just another online video game. But Kelle—”
“From the top,” I said. “Just start with what I know. The log-in screen for the online casino.”
She popped from her desk chair without hesitation, already prepped, led Kelle and me to the big display room. Thirty-inch Apple display monitors set on a U-shaped ergonomically accessible desk, wireless keyboards and mice, the center workstation facing a huge composite display screen built from twenty individual units, four feet high by seven wide, with software to take any digital input.
“Here’s what you last saw,” Alex said. Calling up the ChupaLuck Casino special log-in screen. “Pretty simple to crack, took only an hour or so to work through basic password combinations until we got lucky. Most of these places have pretty generic passwords. Once you know the user ID, it’s easy.”
“And who was the user?”
“Oh, yeah. Cañas. Carlos Cañas. A part-time gardener.”
“On the park staff?”
“Yeah. That ex-cop, uh, Charvoz. Said he barely knew the guy. So. I tried different combinations, saw that he’d taken a user ID of CarlosC.”
“So we logged in,” Kelle said.
“Taking us to…” Alex said. “I’d give you a hundred guesses, you wouldn’t get it right.”
“Just tell me it doesn’t involve killing somebody.”
“Yeah,” Alex said shortly. “I wasn’t so eager to answer that question, either. But no. Killing, yes. Humans, no. Would you believe roosters?”
The next web page was startlingly simple. Centered, both vertically and horizontally, a single word.
Below this, three choices:
“Which do you want, Laura?”
“We’ve tried them all,” Kelle said. “But just because we wanted to puke, you don’t have to. I’m not going to tell you what I think this is, but it’s best…imagined, if that’s the word, by choosing the birds.”
Alex looked up at me. I nodded, Alex clicked on the third menu option.
A triple column of graphics appeared, each column containing thumbnail images of a different fighting rooster. A blinking red sign at the top.
“To keep this as short as possible,” Alex said. She clicked on a picture labeled El Vuello. The picture appeared in larger format, with a summary description of the rooster’s fighting data. Weight, color, heritage, wins, losses. El Vuello had dark feathered plumage on all of his body, with a white neck and a rooster-arrogant red comb on top of his head.
“Next, we have…”
“There’s roughly forty combinations between champion and challenger birds,” Alex said. “The betting is really simple, at first. You pick two birds and some computer program gives you gambling odds. Usually favoring the champion, occasionally, though, for the challenger. Gotta give the possibility of upset, otherwise the odds aren’t as tantalizing. So I’m just going to pick this guy.”
Padron, the data said. Odds, seventeen to one.
“A long shot,” Kelle said. “We’ve run most of the combinations, usual odds are in single figures.”
“And that’s all there is? To the betting?”
“Not really. Things change. You may go in with fifty dollars on the challenger at seventeen-to-one odds. But, uh, first, this is what they fight with. The promoters want to make all birds at least equal in terms of weapons. So. Don’t ask how we found this out, but roosters have these natural bone spurs that extend perpendicular to their ankles. Yeah, they are called ankles. But not all spurs are created equal. So the handlers shave off the natural bone spur and attach this.”
She squinted at her menu choices, called up a picture of a steel spur, about two inches long, ending in a needle-sharp spike.
“They’re called gaffs. The birds kick and slash each other until one is dead. And even that isn’t absolutely certain. I know you’ve heard of chickens with their heads chopped off, but running across the barnyard. Sometimes a bird that looks totally immobile will strike and kill. That’s enhanced in this online version, I’m sure, to get gamblers to go for the long shots.”
She clicked the button declaring
In strikingly detailed animation, both birds appeared side by side, cradled in human arms, but nothing else much shown of the handlers themselves. The birds were thrust together until they rubbed beaks and their hackles rose.
“So. You ready?”
“For what?” I said.
“You know what,” she said.
She clicked on the pulsing red button.
In animation, the birds pulled away from each other to opposite corners of a ring boarded all around, and then brought back to the center, but at ground level.
The handlers let go of their birds, who flew at each other amid a flurry of wings, feathers, feet moving in blurs. Crowd noise rose higher and higher with each definite strike, highlighted with glowing red gashes, striking and leaping at each other until both birds drooped wearily and another menu button flashed.
“Best we can figure,” Kelle said, “this is part motivation to wager more money, also based on what really happens in a cockfight. One match we worked out earlier had three time-out periods and the odds dropped each time.”
“Just start it again,” I said. “Just…get this graphic violence over with.”
“We’ll just stop right now,” Alex said. The huge screen went to black. “Each fight doesn’t take very long. After the face-off, after the billing and cooing, the fight could be over in fifteen seconds or it could go on for two minutes. We haven’t found anything that goes beyond two minutes. In real life, who knows how long they last. Most fights have at least one time-out, maybe three or four rounds. Enough to get the maximum money wagered without losing the bettor. It’s a lot like any online gambling site. In a real casino, maybe fifteen hands of, say, Texas Hold ’Em per hour. Online, as many as thirty or more.”
“So what have we got?” I said.
“To start, we know what the part-time gardener was doing at the computer.”
“But,” Kelle said, “we also know this isn’t some small-time thing. I’ve worked in computer animation for over ten years, mostly designing arcade games but lately doing bits of coded segments for things on PlayStations. The quality of graphic rendering here is extremely good.”
“Graphic rendering,” I said. “Wait a minute. Are these just animations?”
“What we see? Sure. But we estimate that over a month, there probably will be over a hundred different combinations available. Maybe two hundred or more different birds. The only way this could be done at speed would be to base the animations on live digital video.”
“Real cockfights?” I said.
“No surprise, really. That last Tom Hanks movie. The Polar Express. It’s pretty much all animation. Hanks wore clothing with all kinds of embedded sensors. He’d prance around in front of a blank screen, the sensors would record his movements, the digital animators would, and could, create just about anything from that. Same here. There are all kinds of cockfights in this state. Illegal, but culture is culture. The season starts at New Year’s Day, ends just about now with championship fights. Somewhere, this week, tonight, somebody is out videotaping cockfights and turning the digital masters over to an animator.”
“Wow!” I said.
“Yeah, like wow,” Alex said. “But Laura, what are we doing here? We’re not looking at animated cockfights for fun or education. Who’s the client? What does the client want, even if it is pro bono?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t go out on limbs anymore, Laura. What’s up here?”
“Don’t really know. But I have to make a decision tonight.”
“Why tonight?”
“I have to decide if I’m leaving tomorrow. Or staying.”
“Leaving?” Alex said. “Is it Nathan again? It is Nathan.”
“Um,” Kelle said. “I’m going out to get some Mountain Dew. You guys want anything?” We both shook our heads and Kelle closed the door behind her.
“Nathan’s…well, he’s left for the rez. He wants me to join him.”
Alex sagged against the desk, head in hands. She knew everything there was to know about me and Nathan. Young in body, Alex had grown up with a mother dying of cancer and, as they say, she was older than her years. She waited for me to say something. I called up the video image again, logged in to the screens, and worked halfway through another match.
“I don’t really know what to do,” I said finally. “But I can’t leave yet.”
“There’s one more surprise in this. Are you, uh, well, no easy way to ask this, are you romantically involved with the client?”
“No,” I said.
“But the client is somehow involved with these cockfights?”
“Somehow, yes.” Thinking of the diary, the pink teenager’s diary that Mary gave me. “I’ve got to review something tonight. Talk to the client tomorrow, then maybe I’ll know who’s involved with what.”
“’Cause if you, or the client, are directly involved, here’s the kicker. I traced down the website to its origin, you know how easily we can do that.”
“Mexico? Some island, Costa Rica?”
“Tucson,” she said. “I’ve already probed the online casino’s web server. Back door, a quick in and out. But I left it at that, I don’t know, like, what is this about, Laura?”
“I thought it was money laundering.”
“Easy to find out where deposits are made to the casino. You know, work back from the credit card numbers, although I’m not sure they’re all legit. Bank deposits, I can easily work back from them.”
“Follow the money,” I said. “That’s all we can do for now.”
“You want to really think about this one, Laura. I don’t know where you are with Nathan, I don’t know what’s up with that possible job for us with TPD, but take care, Laura. There are really some sick people out there. Don’t get personally involved.”
“You’re the second person in the last hour who’s told me to walk away.”
“It’s good advice, Laura. I don’t mean give up, I don’t mean that we shouldn’t work this job. But…you’ve got this stubbornness, a lot of times you put yourself way out there. Personally, you go beyond computers. This isn’t about some white-collar crime, where we find the embezzled money or discover the truth behind fake identities. These are vicious people.”
“I’ll be careful,” I said, “but I’m not walking out.”
“Not walking out.”
“You just said ‘out’ not ‘away,’” Alex said. “So Nathan’s walked out on you? Is that what this stubbornness is all about?”
“Out, away, whatever,” I said. “But I’m not leaving this alone.”
“Don’t let personal anger at some guy dictate the job,” Alex said. “When we first started working together, when my mom had cancer, you said don’t let personal anger get in the way of the job.”
“That was then,” I said. “This is now.”