
It seems sad to me that we have to work so hard to understand and discover what love and loving behavior looks and feels like. If we had been brought up in families where loving behavior was the way of life, it would be natural to us. If our parents and their parents had been loving to themselves and to us, then there would be no confusion concerning love. But because that is not the case, we have to start somewhere to break the codependent cycle that causes such pain in our lives.

Inner Bonding is a place to start. I hope the examples I’ve presented here, along with Healing Your Aloneness, have given you enough of a base to begin your own Inner Bonding work. Discovering the loving behavior is an ongoing process, one that I will be working on my whole life as life presents to me its difficulties and challenges.

I would very much like to hear from you about your experiences in discovering the loving behavior in particular situations in your life. I’d like to hear about what has worked for you and what has not worked. I’d like to know about your situation, your explorations, and what you’ve tried regarding loving behavior.

Those of you who want to take the time to do this, can write to me at the following address:

Margaret Paul

Inner Bonding Therapy

2531 Sawtelle Blvd #42

Los Angeles, CA 90064

Happy dialoguing! Please give that little girl or boy in you a hug from me.