The term Linux is commonly used to refer to the entire UNIX-like operating system of which the Linux kernel forms a part. However, this is something of a misnomer, since many of the key components contained within a typical commercial Linux distribution actually originate from a project that predates the inception of Linux by several years.
In 1984, Richard Stallman, an exceptionally talented programmer who had been working at MIT, set to work on creating a “free” UNIX implementation. Stallman’s outlook was a moral one, and free was defined in a legal sense, rather than a financial sense (see Nevertheless, the legal freedom that Stallman described carried with it the implicit consequence that software such as operating systems would be available at no or very low cost.
Stallman militated against the legal restrictions placed on proprietary operating systems by computer vendors. These restrictions meant that purchasers of computer software in general could not see the source code of the software they were buying, and they certainly could not copy, change, or redistribute it. He pointed out that such a framework encouraged programmers to compete with each other and hoard their work, rather than to cooperate and share it.
In response, Stallman started the GNU project (a recursively defined acronym for “GNU’s not UNIX”) to develop an entire, freely available, UNIX-like system, consisting of a kernel and all associated software packages, and encouraged others to join him. In 1985, Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation (FSF), a nonprofit organization to support the GNU project as well as the development of free software in general.
When the GNU project was started, BSD was not free in the sense that Stallman meant. Use of BSD still required a license from AT&T, and users could not freely modify and redistribute the AT&T code that formed part of BSD.
One of the important results of the GNU project was the development of the GNU General Public License (GPL), the legal embodiment of Stallman’s notion of free software. Much of the software in a Linux distribution, including the kernel, is licensed under the GPL or one of a number of similar licenses. Software licensed under the GPL must be made available in source code form, and must be freely redistributable under the terms of the GPL. Modifications to GPL-licensed software are freely permitted, but any distribution of such modified software must also be under the terms of the GPL. If the modified software is distributed in executable form, the author must also allow any recipients the option of obtaining the modified source for no more than the cost of distribution. The first version of the GPL was released in 1989. The current version of the license, version 3, was released in 2007. Version 2 of the license, released in 1991, remains in wide use, and is the license used for the Linux kernel. (Discussions of various free software licenses can be found in [St. Laurent, 2004] and [Rosen, 2005].)
The GNU project did not initially produce a working UNIX kernel, but did produce a wide range of other programs. Since these programs were designed to run on a UNIX-like operating system, they could be, and were, used on existing UNIX implementations and, in some cases, even ported to other operating systems. Among the more well-known programs produced by the GNU project are the Emacs text editor, GCC (originally the GNU C compiler, but now renamed the GNU compiler collection, comprising compilers for C, C++, and other languages), the bash shell, and glibc (the GNU C library).
By the early 1990s, the GNU project had produced a system that was virtually complete, except for one important component: a working UNIX kernel. The GNU project had started work on an ambitious kernel design, known as the GNU/HURD, based on the Mach microkernel. However, the HURD was far from being in a form that could be released. (At the time of writing, work continues on the HURD, which currently runs only on the x86-32 architecture.)
Because a significant part of the program code that constitutes what is commonly known as the Linux system actually derives from the GNU project, Stallman prefers to use the term GNU/Linux to refer to the entire system. The question of naming (Linux versus GNU/Linux) is the source of some debate in the free software community. Since this book is primarily concerned with the API of the Linux kernel, we’ll generally use the term Linux.
The stage was set. All that was required was a working kernel to go with the otherwise complete UNIX system already produced by the GNU project.
In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student at the University of Helsinki, was inspired to write an operating system for his Intel 80386 PC. In the course of his studies, Torvalds had come into contact with Minix, a small UNIX-like operating system kernel developed in the mid-1980s by Andrew Tanenbaum, a university professor in Holland. Tanenbaum made Minix, complete with source code, available as a tool for teaching operating system design in university courses. The Minix kernel could be built and run on a 386 system. However, since its primary purpose was as a teaching tool, it was designed to be largely independent of the hardware architecture, and it did not take full advantage of the 386 processor’s capabilities.
Torvalds therefore started on a project to create an efficient, full-featured UNIX kernel to run on the 386. Over a few months, Torvalds developed a basic kernel that allowed him to compile and run various GNU programs. Then, on October 5, 1991, Torvalds requested the help of other programmers, making the following now much-quoted announcement of version 0.02 of his kernel in the comp.os.minix Usenet newsgroup:
Do you pine for the nice days of Minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on a OS you can try to modify for your needs? Are you finding it frustrating when everything works on Minix? No more all-nighters to get a nifty program working? Then this post might be just for you. As I mentioned a month ago, I’m working on a free version of a Minix-look-alike for AT-386 computers. It has finally reached the stage where it’s even usable (though may not be depending on what you want), and I am willing to put out the sources for wider distribution. It is just version 0.02 . . . but I’ve successfully run bash, gcc, gnu-make, gnu-sed, compress, etc. under it.
Following a time-honored tradition of giving UNIX clones names ending with the letter X, the kernel was (eventually) baptized Linux. Initially, Linux was placed under a more restrictive license, but Torvalds soon made it available under the GNU GPL.
The call for support proved effective. Other programmers joined Torvalds in the development of Linux, adding various features, such as an improved file system, networking support, device drivers, and multiprocessor support. By March 1994, the developers were able to release version 1.0. Linux 1.2 appeared in March 1995, Linux 2.0 in June 1996, Linux 2.2 in January 1999, and Linux 2.4 in January 2001. Work on the 2.5 development kernel began in November 2001, and led to the release of Linux 2.6 in December 2003.
It is worth noting that another free UNIX was already available for the x86-32 during the early 1990s. Bill and Lynne Jolitz had developed a port of the already mature BSD system for the x86-32, known as 386/BSD. This port was based on the BSD Net/2 release (June 1991), a version of the 4.3BSD source code in which all remaining proprietary AT&T source code had either been replaced or, in the case of six source code files that could not be trivially rewritten, removed. The Jolitzes ported the Net/2 code to x86-32, rewrote the missing source files, and made the first release (version 0.0) of 386/BSD in February 1992.
After an initial wave of success and popularity, work on 386/BSD lagged for various reasons. In the face of an increasingly large backlog of patches, two alternative development groups soon appeared, creating their own releases based on 386/BSD: NetBSD, which emphasizes portability to a wide range of hardware platforms, and FreeBSD, which emphasizes performance and is the most widespread of the modern BSDs. The first NetBSD release was 0.8, in April 1993. The first FreeBSD CD-ROM (version 1.0) appeared in December 1993. Another BSD, OpenBSD, appeared in 1996 (as an initial version numbered 2.0) after forking from the NetBSD project. OpenBSD emphasizes security. In mid-2003, a new BSD, DragonFly BSD, appeared after a split from FreeBSD 4.x. DragonFly BSD takes a different approach from FreeBSD 5.x with respect to design for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) architectures.
Probably no discussion of the BSDs in the early 1990s is complete without mention of the lawsuits between UNIX System Laboratories (USL, the AT&T subsidiary spun off to develop and market UNIX) and Berkeley. In early 1992, the company Berkeley Software Design, Incorporated (BSDi, nowadays part of Wind River) began distributing a commercially supported BSD UNIX, BSD/OS, based on the Net/2 release and the Jolitzes’ 386/BSD additions. BSDi distributed binaries and source code for $995 (US dollars), and advised potential customers to use their telephone number 1-800-ITS-UNIX.
In April 1992, USL filed suit against BSDi in an attempt to prevent BSDi from selling a product that USL claimed was still encumbered by proprietary USL source code and trade secrets. USL also demanded that BSDi cease using the deceptive telephone number. The suit was eventually widened to include a claim against the University of California. The court ultimately dismissed all but two of USL’s claims, and a countersuit by the University of California against USL ensued, in which the university claimed that USL had not given due credit for the use of BSD code in System V.
While these suits were pending, USL was acquired by Novell, whose CEO, the late Ray Noorda, stated publicly that he would prefer to compete in the marketplace rather than in the court. Settlement was finally reached in January 1994, with the University of California being required to remove 3 of the 18,000 files in the Net/2 release, make some minor changes to a few other files, and add USL copyright notices to around 70 other files, which the university nevertheless could continue to distribute freely. This modified system was released as 4.4BSD-Lite in June 1994. (The last release from the university was 4.4BSD-Lite, Release 2 in June 1995.) At this point, the terms of the legal settlement required BSDi, FreeBSD, and NetBSD to replace their Net/2 base with the modified 4.4BSD-Lite source code. As [McKusick et al., 1996] notes, although this caused some delay in the development of the BSD derivatives, it also had the positive effect that these systems resynchronized with the three years of development work done by the university’s Computer Systems Research Group since the release of Net/2.
Like most free software projects, Linux follows a release-early, release-often model, so that new kernel revisions appear frequently (sometimes even daily). As the Linux user base increased, the release model was adapted to decrease disruption to existing users. Specifically, following the release of Linux 1.0, the kernel developers adopted a kernel version numbering scheme with each release numbered x.y.z: x representing a major version, y a minor version within that major version, and z a revision of the minor version (minor improvements and bug fixes).
Under this model, two kernel versions were always under development: a stable branch for use on production systems, which had an even minor version number, and a more volatile development branch, which carried the next higher odd minor version number. The theory–not always followed strictly in practice–was that all new features should be added in the current development kernel series, while new revisions in the stable kernel series should be restricted to minor improvements and bug fixes. When the current development branch was deemed suitable for release, it became the new stable branch and was assigned an even minor version number. For example, the 2.3.z development kernel branch resulted in the 2.4 stable kernel branch.
Following the 2.6 kernel release, the development model was changed. The main motivation for this change arose from problems and frustrations caused by the long intervals between stable kernel releases. (Nearly three years passed between the release of Linux 2.4.0 and 2.6.0.) There have periodically been discussions about fine-tuning this model, but the essential details have remained as follows:
There is no longer a separation between stable and development kernels. Each new 2.6.z release can contain new features, and goes through a life cycle that begins with the addition of new features, which are then stabilized over the course of a number of candidate release versions. When a candidate version is deemed sufficiently stable, it is released as kernel 2.6.z. Release cycles are typically about three months long.
Sometimes, a stable 2.6.z release may require minor patches to fix bugs or security problems. If these fixes have a sufficiently high priority, and the patches are deemed simple enough to be “obviously” correct, then, rather than waiting for the next 2.6.z release, they are applied to create a release with a number of the form 2.6.z.r, where r is a sequential number for a minor revision of this 2.6.z kernel.
Additional responsibility is shifted onto distribution vendors to ensure the stability of the kernel provided with a distribution.
Later chapters will sometimes note the kernel version in which a particular API change (i.e., new or modified system call) occurred. Although, prior to the 2.6.z series, most kernel changes occurred in the odd-numbered development branches, we’ll generally refer to the following stable kernel version in which the change appeared, since most application developers would normally be using a stable kernel, rather than one of the development kernels. In many cases, the manual pages note the precise development kernel in which a particular feature appeared or changed.
For changes that appear in the 2.6.z kernel series, we note the precise kernel version. When we say that a feature is new in kernel 2.6, without a z revision number, we mean a feature that was implemented in the 2.5 development kernel series and first appeared in the stable kernel at version 2.6.0.
At the time of writing, the 2.4 stable Linux kernel is still supported by maintainers who incorporate essential patches and bug fixes, and periodically release new revisions. This allows installed systems to continue to use 2.4 kernels, rather than being forced to upgrade to a new kernel series (which may entail significant work in some cases).
During the initial development of Linux, efficient implementation on the Intel 80386 was the primary goal, rather than portability to other processor architectures. However, with the increasing popularity of Linux, ports to other processor architectures began to appear, starting with an early port to the Digital Alpha chip. The list of hardware architectures to which Linux has been ported continues to grow and includes x86-64, Motorola/IBM PowerPC and PowerPC64, Sun SPARC and SPARC64 (UltraSPARC), MIPS, ARM (Acorn), IBM zSeries (formerly System/390), Intel IA-64 (Itanium; see [Mosberger & Eranian, 2002]), Hitachi SuperH, HP PA-RISC, and Motorola 68000.
Precisely speaking, the term Linux refers just to the kernel developed by Linus Torvalds and others. However, the term Linux is commonly used to mean the kernel, plus a wide range of other software (tools and libraries) that together make a complete operating system. In the very early days of Linux, the user was required to assemble all of this software, create a file system, and correctly place and configure all of the software on that file system. This demanded considerable time and expertise. As a result, a market opened for Linux distributors, who created packages (distributions) to automate most of the installation process, creating a file system and installing the kernel and other required software.
The earliest distributions appeared in 1992, and included MCC Interim Linux (Manchester Computing Centre, UK), TAMU (Texas A&M University), and SLS (SoftLanding Linux System). The oldest surviving commercial distribution, Slackware, appeared in 1993. The noncommercial Debian distribution appeared at around the same time, and SUSE and Red Hat soon followed. The currently very popular Ubuntu distribution first appeared in 2004. Nowadays, many distribution companies also employ programmers who actively contribute to existing free software projects or initiate new projects.