Handling Errors from System Calls and Library Functions

Almost every system call and library function returns some type of status value indicating whether the call succeeded or failed. This status value should always be checked to see whether the call succeeded. If it did not, then appropriate action should be taken—at the very least, the program should display an error message warning that something unexpected occurred.

Although it is tempting to save typing time by excluding these checks (especially after seeing examples of UNIX and Linux programs where status values are not checked), it is a false economy. Many hours of debugging time can be wasted because a check was not made on the status return of a system call or library function that “couldn’t possibly fail.”


A few system calls never fail. For example, getpid() always successfully returns the ID of a process, and _exit() always terminates a process. It is not necessary to check the return values from such system calls.

The manual page for each system call documents the possible return values of the call, showing which value(s) indicate an error. Usually, an error is indicated by a return of -1. Thus, a system call can be checked with code such as the following:

fd = open(pathname, flags, mode);       /* system call to open a file */
if (fd == -1) {
    /* Code to handle the error */
if (close(fd) == -1) {
    /* Code to handle the error */

When a system call fails, it sets the global integer variable errno to a positive value that identifies the specific error. Including the <errno.h> header file provides a declaration of errno, as well as a set of constants for the various error numbers. All of these symbolic names commence with E. The section headed ERRORS in each manual page provides a list of possible errno values that can be returned by each system call. Here is a simple example of the use of errno to diagnose a system call error:

cnt = read(fd, buf, numbytes);
if (cnt == -1) {
    if (errno == EINTR)
        fprintf(stderr, "read was interrupted by a signal\n");
    else {
        /* Some other error occurred */

Successful system calls and library functions never reset errno to 0, so this variable may have a nonzero value as a consequence of an error from a previous call. Furthermore, SUSv3 permits a successful function call to set errno to a nonzero value (although few functions do this). Therefore, when checking for an error, we should always first check if the function return value indicates an error, and only then examine errno to determine the cause of the error.

A few system calls (e.g., getpriority()) can legitimately return -1 on success. To determine whether an error occurs in such calls, we set errno to 0 before the call, and then check it afterward. If the call returns -1 and errno is nonzero, an error occurred. (A similar statement also applies to a few library functions.)

A common course of action after a failed system call is to print an error message based on the errno value. The perror() and strerror() library functions are provided for this purpose.

The perror() function prints the string pointed to by its msg argument, followed by a message corresponding to the current value of errno.

#include <stdio.h>

void perror(const char *msg);

A simple way of handling errors from system calls would be as follows:

fd = open(pathname, flags, mode);
if (fd == -1) {

The strerror() function returns the error string corresponding to the error number given in its errnum argument.

#include <string.h>

char *strerror(int errnum);


Returns pointer to error string corresponding to errnum

The string returned by strerror() may be statically allocated, which means that it could be overwritten by subsequent calls to strerror().

If errnum specifies an unrecognized error number, strerror() returns a string of the form Unknown error nnn. On some other implementations, strerror() instead returns NULL in this case.

Because perror() and strerror() functions are locale-sensitive (Locales), error descriptions are displayed in the local language.