The Current Working Directory of a Process

A process’s current working directory defines the starting point for the resolution of relative pathnames referred to by the process. A new process inherits its current working directory from its parent.

A process can retrieve its current working directory using getcwd().

#include <unistd.h>

char *getcwd(char *cwdbuf, size_t size);


Returns cwdbuf on success, or NULL on error

The getcwd() function places a null-terminated string containing the absolute pathname of the current working directory into the allocated buffer pointed to by cwdbuf. The caller must allocate the cwdbuf buffer to be at least size bytes in length. (Normally, we would size cwdbuf using the PATH_MAX constant.)

On success, getcwd() returns a pointer to cwdbuf as its function result. If the pathname for the current working directory exceeds size bytes, then getcwd() returns NULL, with errno set to ERANGE.

On Linux/x86-32, getcwd() returns a maximum of 4096 (PATH_MAX) bytes. If the current working directory (and cwdbuf and size) exceeds this limit, then the pathname is silently truncated, removing complete directory prefixes from the beginning of the string (which is still null-terminated). In other words, we can’t use getcwd() reliably when the length of the absolute pathname for the current working directory exceeds this limit.


In fact, the Linux getcwd() system call internally allocates a virtual memory page for the returned pathname. On the x86-32 architecture, the page size is 4096 bytes, but on architectures with larger page sizes (e.g., Alpha with a page size of 8192 bytes), getcwd() can return larger pathnames.

If the cwdbuf argument is NULL and size is 0, then the glibc wrapper function for getcwd() allocates a buffer as large as required and returns a pointer to that buffer as its function result. To avoid memory leaks, the caller must later deallocate this buffer with free(). Reliance on this feature should be avoided in portable applications. Most other implementations provide a simpler extension of the SUSv3 specification: if cwdbuf is NULL, then getcwd() allocates size bytes and uses this buffer to return the result to the caller. The glibc getcwd() implementation also provides this feature.

With suitable permissions (roughly, we own the process or have the CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability), we can determine the current working directory of any process by reading (readlink()) the contents of the Linux-specific /proc/PID/cwd symbolic link.