Chapter Thirty-two

Harper floated out of the newspaper building a few minutes later, her legs unsteady. The pavement felt soft and unstable beneath her shoes.

Baxter was right behind her.

Her assessment of the meeting was succinct.

‘You’re a lucky son of a bitch, McClain.’

They stood in the too-bright sunshine outside the newspaper’s front door. The sun was just beginning to bake the sidewalk. People hurrying to work pushed by them, but Harper barely saw them.

‘Look, Baxter …’ she began.

The editor held up one thin hand to stop her.

‘Don’t bother.’

Reaching into her bag, she dug around. Pulling out a pack of Marlboro Lights, Baxter lit up, inhaling deeply.

‘Dear God, I deserve this cigarette.’ Each word emerged in a wispy puff of smoke. ‘What a fucking morning.’

Holding a cigarette loosely between two fingers, she met Harper’s eyes.

‘You got a break, McClain,’ she said crisply. ‘You got off easy. I promise you, Dells won’t give you another chance. This is it. Stop digging into the Whitney case or he’ll fire you.’

She tightened her bag over one shoulder, took another hit on her smoke.

‘If you keep digging, which I suspect is more likely, don’t get caught. I don’t have time to hire anyone.’

Holding out her free hand, she wriggled her fingers.

‘Give me your scanner.’


Not convinced she’d heard her right, Harper stared at her blankly.

Baxter sighed.

‘You’re off work for the next two weeks,’ she explained. ‘Someone has to take over your beat. I need your scanner.’

Harper pulled the scanner – which was turned off but with her all the time – from her bag. For a second, she looked at the device in her hand. It was virtually an antique. These days they made them smaller, less obtrusive.

But she’d used this one from the start. And Lane had given it to her.

With slow reluctance, she handed it to Baxter.

‘Tell them not to drop it,’ she said. ‘It’s old.’

Crushing her cigarette butt under the low heel of her shoe, the editor plucked the device from her fingers.

‘They’ll treat it like cut glass, McClain.’ Her tone was dry. ‘Now, go home, will you? And, for God’s sake, stay out of trouble.’

With that, the editor strode back into the newspaper building, her brittle, blunt-cut hair swaying with each step.

When she was gone, Harper didn’t know where to go. It felt strange to be out at this hour. Bizarre to be standing in front of her workplace, where she was suddenly unwelcome.

In her pocket, her phone kept buzzing. She knew it was DJ, sending a hundred messages asking if she was fired.

She wasn’t ready, yet, to explain.

She knew it made sense to go home. Instead, she walked in the opposite direction, across busy Bay Street, and down the sloping, cobblestone lane to the river.

It was quiet – most of the tourist restaurants weren’t open yet. The air held the sticky sweet smell of last night’s spilled beer. Underneath that, the cool scent of the wide river, glinting blue-brown in the hazy sun. In the distance, the high, white arches of the Talmadge Bridge soared like sails, unfurled into the breeze. On the water, a tugboat bustled by, its motor a rough purr. She could hear cars rumbling on the street behind her.

Life went on.

Finding a bench empty, save for an abandoned amber trio of beer bottles clustered neatly around its wrought-iron legs, Harper lowered herself onto the seat, warm from the sun, and took a deep breath.

How was she not fired?

She couldn’t get her brain around it. During the seven years she’d worked at the paper, she’d seen at least a half-dozen people fired for much less.

Every reporter at a newspaper is as disposable as paper, and crime reporters the most expendable of all. Every class of college seniors held a potential two hundred replacements.

Still. She wasn’t about to stop investigating the connection between the two murders.

A homeless man shuffled toward her down the waterfront, bleary-eyed and bear-like, coarse, dirty hair flowing loose over his collar. She could smell him long before he reached her – sun-ripened urine and unwashed sweat.

‘Please,’ he said, his voice hoarse and raw. ‘Got a dollar for some food?’

The hand he held out was filthy. The sleeve’s edge ragged.

On impulse, Harper dug in her pocket, pulled out some crumpled dollar bills and handed them to him without counting them.

He stared at the money with mute fascination – like if he looked at it long enough it would turn into the drugs or alcohol he really wanted.

‘Good luck,’ she said.

Her voice seemed to wake him from the money stupor and, clutching the bills, he scuttled away. Harper watched him disappear into the shadows behind Huey’s restaurant.

That had been stupid of her.

Like most people, she was a month or two away from dead broke. Being a newspaper reporter in a town of this size did not pay well. She had, over the years, set aside a tiny amount of savings for car repairs or unexpected emergencies, but two weeks without pay was going to hurt. She’d get through it, but she’d feel it.

Maybe that guy once had a job and upset his boss. Maybe when it happened he didn’t have two weeks’ worth of savings sitting in the bank.

For the first time in her life, the possibility of losing everything seemed not at all farfetched.

That realization cleared the fog from her mind.

The deputy chief had actively tried to get her fired. There would be others in the police department who would want her gone once they found out what she’d done.

There was a code, and she’d broken it.

If she was going to get through this, she needed a plan, and if she was going to come up with one of those, she needed coffee.

Jumping off the bench, she headed back towards her car, her stride swift and resolute.

The town’s eccentrics were out in full at this hour. As she made her way down the street next to the newspaper building she passed an old man in a tweed jacket and fedora walking a thug-faced bulldog wearing a University of Georgia T-shirt. The man tilted his hat politely as he passed her. The T-shirt-wearing dog, hopping along with its odd, mincing gait, didn’t even glance at her.

This side of the city – its cheery, tourist-friendly, daytime side – was as foreign to Harper as Tokyo. Her Savannah was very different. Her Savannah was dark and dangerous nights in neighborhoods that would have sent these people running for their lives.

How had it come to pass that she felt happier and more at home in that Savannah than this one?

Something Dells had said flickered unwanted across her mind – the part about reporters getting too close to their stories. But that wasn’t the case. She was, and always had been, in perfect control.

When she had the evidence together, he would see that.

That afternoon, Harper sat on the living room sofa, eating brown sugar Pop-Tarts straight from the package, staring at her notes on the Whitney case.

She thought about texting Luke, but she was afraid of what he’d say when he found out what she’d done.

On the other hand, he probably knew already. Everyone knew.

She sank further into the sofa, wishing the cushions would absorb her completely.

DJ had been sending her regular updates by text and email throughout the day, so she knew there’d been a staff meeting where Baxter and Dells announced her banishment. She was also aware that Baxter had set up a rota for different reporters to handle the crime beat on various nights.

Mark Jansen, the city hall reporter, was taking the first night shift with his usual grace and team spirit.

Jansen is losing his SHIT, DJ texted her. Says they should hire a replacement and he’s not a substitute teacher. He and Baxter are going at it like two cats in a sack. Do you want me to video them? It’s hilarious. She’s destroying him.

Jansen was balding, with a pot-belly and a perpetually vexed expression. He was always the first one out the door at the stroke of five thirty each evening. Harper could imagine his fury at having to work late one night out of three hundred and sixty-five. The man was a living, breathing nap machine.

Typing fast, she replied:

No videos. If you get caught, Baxter will kill you. But more updates please.

When this was all over, she was going to send DJ a fruit basket or a box of football tickets – whatever you send nice guys who did kind things for no reason.

When her phone beeped again, she grabbed it from the arm of the sofa to see DJ’s latest update. But it wasn’t from DJ. It was from Miles.

Just heard. Coming over.

Harper winced.

She couldn’t deal with another lecture. But there was no way Miles would take no for an answer.

Forcing herself up, she brushed away the crumbs and put the Pop-Tarts back in the cupboard. Then she hurried to her room and quickly ran a brush through her hair, and straightened her top. There was nothing she could do about the dark circles under her eyes.

Ten minutes later, Miles stood in the doorway, his crisp button-down shirt tucked into charcoal slacks.

She didn’t like the new caution she could see in his expression.

‘I don’t even know what to say,’ he began.

‘You better come in before you start yelling.’ Harper stepped aside.

‘I’m not going to yell.’

They walked into the living room together.

She saw his gaze take in the notebooks scattered on the floor by the sofa before honing in on the scanner buzzing and chirping in the corner of the living room.

Baxter had taken her work scanner, but not the spare she kept at home.

‘I’m only listening in case something happens and Jansen misses it,’ she said with a touch of defensiveness. ‘The guy’s an idiot.’

‘He is at that,’ Miles agreed.

‘Do you want something to drink?’ Harper asked. ‘Coffee?’

‘I’m fine. Let’s talk.’ He sat down on the sofa without waiting to be invited. ‘What happened?’

Her spine stiff, Harper sat across from him. Hesitantly at first, and then faster once she got going, she told him the basics, sticking to the high points. She told him about the Mercedes that followed her, the email from Sterling Robinson and her conversations with Whitney’s other panicked exes. And about how she decided to track down Camille Whitney.

When she finished, he leaned forward, hands resting on his knees.

‘That Mercedes still following you?’

She shook her head. ‘I haven’t seen it again.’

There was a long pause while he seemed to process everything she’d told him. When he did speak, it wasn’t what she’d expected.

‘What’s going on, Harper?’ he asked gently. ‘This isn’t like you.’

There was no anger in his voice, only enough puzzlement and compassion to make her heart hurt.

‘You push the limits all the time, but I’ve never seen you take the kind of chances you’re taking lately,’ he said. ‘Why are you doing this?’

‘I have to know,’ she said. ‘If it’s related to my mom’s murder, I have to know.’ He tried to argue but she talked over him, her words coming out too fast. ‘I don’t trust Blazer to solve this. And I have to know, Miles. Can’t you see that?’

She knew she sounded manic but she couldn’t help it. She was pleading now. She’d give anything for him to say he truly understood.

But he looked away, his eyes stopping on Bonnie’s portrait of her above the fireplace. In the butter yellow afternoon light, the red and orange of it appeared to be ablaze.

‘I can’t say I get it,’ he said. ‘Not completely. But I’m trying.’

He glanced at her.

‘You still think it’s the same guy killed Whitney and your mother?’

Harper hesitated.

‘I’m not sure any more,’ she said. ‘But I don’t see how it’s a coincidence. And if it’s a cop doing the killing, they’re all going to protect him. Even Smith.’

‘What if it’s not a cop?’ Miles asked. ‘What if you’re wrong? And you just put your whole career on the line for nothing.’

‘Honestly? I hope it’s not a cop. That’s not the point of any of this. I’m not out to get anyone. But I have to know if the same person killed Whitney and my mother.’

‘And you’re willing to risk everything for it?’ His eyes were cool, assessing.

‘I already have,’ Harper said.

Miles leaned back on the sofa.

‘What’re you going to do now?’

‘I’m going to talk to Camille Whitney.’ Her voice was resolute. ‘Find out what she knows. She was there that day. No one was closer to Marie Whitney than her.’

Miles gave a slow, disapproving headshake.

‘You talk to that child, Blazer will get your press pass pulled so fast your head’ll spin. You won’t be suspended. You’ll be through.’

But Harper was ready for this.

‘I’ll use a fake name,’ she told him. ‘Dress differently. Do something with my hair. She’s a kid. She’ll never know who she talked to.’

Miles considered her gravely.

‘It’s a bad idea, Harper. You know that, right?’

Harper tried not to let him see how disappointed she felt. She knew she wasn’t at her best – she’d had no sleep, and too many hours alone to go over and over her situation in her mind. Still, she was confident this was the only option she had left.

‘I’m running out of leads,’ she said. ‘She’s the last piece on the table. If she gives me nothing, I’m done.’

He looked down at his hands, thinking it over.

‘You shouldn’t do this, and I think you know that.’ His voice was low. ‘You have to stop before you’ve got nothing left to lose. You’re this close, Harper.’ He held his thumb and index finger an inch apart. ‘This close to blowing up your whole career.’

She couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from that small empty space. She hated that some part of her believed Miles was right.

But the rest of her had to know if Camille Whitney knew who killed her mother.

Seeing that on her face, Miles shook his head in disgust.

‘If that girl gives you nothing, you swear that’s enough? You’ll end this? Get back to normal work?’

In her heart, Harper didn’t know if she could ever give up. Not as long as her mother was in the ground and the man who killed her was out there, somewhere. But if the Whitney child knew nothing, the simple truth was, she was out of ideas of where to go with her investigation.

‘I promise.’

On the table across the room, Harper’s scanner crackled a message.

‘All available units: Code Twelve with multiple Code Fours. Intersection of Broad and White Streets. Four vehicles involved. One vehicle is Code Eleven. EMTs and Fire en route to the scene.’

Harper’s brain translated each code into images of everything she was missing: A four-car accident with multiple injuries in the middle of rush hour. One car was on fire.

Miles stood up, his eyes taking on that hard focus they got when something big happened.

‘Got to go.’

Harper followed him out.

On the front steps, he stopped and looked back at her.

‘If you meet that little girl it will haunt you all your life, you know that, don’t you?’ he warned her. ‘She’s you, in a way. That’s why you want to see her. This isn’t about finding a killer cop. Or even solving your mother’s murder. You’re still trying to help your twelve-year-old self. But you can’t, Harper. Not like this.’

He headed to his car, his last words hanging in the air.

‘For God’s sake, let this be the end of it.’