Once again, many thanks to so many people who help keep Lady Frances rolling along. First, deep appreciation to my peerless agent, Cynthia Zigmund, who’s always in my corner and serves as Lady Frances’s godmother. As always, the fantastic crew at Crooked Lane Books—especially Matt Martz, Sarah Poppe, and Jenny Chen—are not only a pleasure to work with, but they help me improve with every book I write.

My sister, Abby Koreto, stage manager extraordinaire, helped me with the theatre scenes. Martial arts practitioner Bryan Kapustinski made valuable suggestions in choreographing Frances’s fight scenes. For background in the early days of motion pictures, I relied on, Northern State University’s online “Brief Outline of the History of Stage Lighting,” and Any errors or anachronisms are entirely my responsibility.

My family continues to give me the extraordinary support I need to keep writing. Without the continual help, encouragement, and advice from my wife, Liz, there would be no Lady Frances at all.