Tevuos Shor, a widely used text containing laws pertaining to ritual slaughtering. Yoreh De’ah, the section of the Code of Law that deals with ritual slaughtering. The Be’er Hetev and Pri Megadim, commentaries to the Code of Law generally included in that text. (Author)
The opponents of Hasidim.
Between the world wars Warsaw had two Jewish cemeteries: the older one in Praga (on the other side of the Vistula River) for the poor and the other at the end of Genshe Street, where the richer people were buried. (Author)
A Kohen, a member of the priestly class, from the tribe of Levi, is not permitted to marry a divorcee or a widow.
The Book of the Covenant, a traditional book popular at the end of the eighteenth century that dealt with various aspects of science and philosophy.
Toomtoom, a Talmudic word signifying a nonvirile man.
Yom-tov Algazi (1727-1802), a famous rabbi, was the author of The Laws of Yom-tov, a commentary on Bekhoros. (Author)